PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
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Video Transcript
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Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Release of draft National Curriculum

PM: After 110 years, next year, 2011, Australia will have its national curriculum for the first time, and through the good work of Julia Gillard and all the officials who have assisted her we are about to deliver on that commitment today.

What I remember over the years is going around Australia talking to so many kids at schools around the country, particularly schools with large Defence communities, who would say this: 'why is it that when we change states that our kids are put at two disadvantages? One is the inevitable change in school, but secondly, we find ourselves in a completely different curriculum environment.'

We listened carefully to that, and that's why, prior to the last election, we undertook to the Australian people that we would deliver Australia's first national curriculum. This is in English, it's in math, it's in science, it's in history, and what we're on about is making sure that the absolute basics of knowledge, the absolute basics of education, are taught right across the country.

DPM: And on and from today, parents, teachers, interested Australians will be able to get on this website - - and comment themselves.

Curriculum has often been a mystery, a mystery for parents, for employers, they didn't know what was being taught in Australian classrooms. We're taking a very different approach. It's there on the web for all to see and for all to comment upon. The website won't be the only way of commenting. People will also be able to go to face-to-face consultations right around the country.