PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Video Transcript
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Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Working towards Copenhagen - video transcript

Prime Minister: Well, as we head to Copenhagen, the key thing is this- because we are among the hottest and driest continents on earth, we will be hit by climate change fast, and hardest- which means that we have a massive national interest at Copenhagen in getting a strong global agreement.

It's one o'clock in the morning, but we've just been doing a video conference with leaders from around the world on the Copenhagen conference on climate change. Still hard to tell how it's going to turn out. But this is the seventh meeting by videoconference this time of night- with the UN Secretary General, the Danes, other countries from the developing world. Still a long way to go- don't know what the outcome's going to be yet, but we've got to, basically, throw everything at it.

Penny Wong: I'm sure it's not going to be easy, but we need a good outcome, Australia needs a good outcome, the world needs a good outcome. Well I think it's one of those opportunities. So, one that, if we let it slips through our fingers, I think we'll regret it. I think sometimes in politics it's good to think about how will this look in one, two, five or ten years, it gives you a bit of sense of perspective. And I reckon if we don't make real progress and get the sort of political agreement the world needs, we'll look back on this and we'll regret it.

Prime Minister: But it's not just what Government does. Renewable energy target increased, direct investment into renewable and clean energy technologies, and a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme to put a cap on the big polluters of carbon into our atmosphere- at a personal level, at an individual level, at a household level, at a schools level, there's an opportunity to voluntarily get into the scheme as well.

You see, the alternative is to do nothing, bury your head in the sand, and just hope it all goes away- guess what, it won't. So all of us, Government, corporations, individuals, we've all got a role to play. And if we fail to rise to that challenge, we're just passing it off to our kids and grandkids, by which stage it may well be too late.