PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Minister for Health Building better health care in Bathurst Bathurst 9 November

Bathurst Base Hospital has benefited from $156,000 from the Rudd Government to purchase new surgical equipment.

The funding is part of Stage Two of the Rudd Government's $600 million Elective Surgery Waiting List Plan.

Stage Two of the Plan is providing $50.6 million to NSW hospitals, and $150 million across Australia, to support the construction of new operating theatres, upgrade existing elective surgery facilities and purchase new surgical equipment to improve elective surgery performance.

In addition, Bathurst will share in $10 million for construction and ongoing costs for a Rural Clinical School, under the auspices of the University of Western Sydney.

Women diagnosed with breast cancer, their families and carers in the Bathurst district are also benefitting from a Rudd Government funded McGrath Breast Care nurse, located at Daffodil Cottage.

During the 2007 election, the Rudd Government committed $12 million to assist the McGrath Foundation to recruit, train and place 44 breast care nurses in communities across Australia. Rachel Gorrell is one of those 44, all of whom are now providing vital information, care and practical and emotional support to women throughout the country diagnosed with breast cancer.

The Prime Minister, the Minister for Health and Ageing and the Member for Macquarie, Bob Debus, were in Bathurst today for Community Cabinet and to hear first hand from health professionals on the future of the health system.

The Bathurst health consultation is the 70th across the country to road-test the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission's proposed reforms. This evening will also be the 18th Community Cabinet.

Copies of the NHHRC report are on the website, along with the two other reports presented to the Australian Government - the draft of the National Primary Health Care Strategy and the report of the National Preventative Health Taskforce, which also made recommendations in their areas of expertise.