PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Rebuilding Together Plan sets out $193 million to rebuild Joint media release with the Premier of Victoria Melbourne

Schools, sporting clubs, health and early childhood centres, community hubs, major tourist attractions and iconic natural sites destroyed or damaged in the tragic 2009 Victorian bushfires will be rebuilt and restored under a $193 million plan to drive recovery in communities across the state.

In Flowerdale, the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and the Premier John Brumby today announced a two-year package to rebuild and reconstruct towns and communities impacted by the worst natural disaster in Australia's history.

The Rebuilding Together Plan sets out the rebuilding priorities which have been driven by local communities, to rebuild their essential town buildings and services, to generate business growth and investment and to rehabilitate key local attractions central to their future prosperity.

It outlines the next steps the Australian and Victorian governments, the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund, Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority and corporate and philanthropic donors will take to deliver projects identified by the communities affected as vital to their recovery.

Highlights of Rebuilding Together include:

* $93.4 million to support people and communities rebuild through ongoing accommodation support, counselling services and rebuilding key community assets including upgrading more than 20 community halls, building new community centres and restoring sports and recreation facilities, parks, gardens, walking and cycling trails;

* $60.5 million to drive reconstruction including new co-located, multipurpose facilities that will improve education and recreation services in Kinglake, Flowerdale, Calignee and Marysville as well as a new primary school in Strathewen and Marysville Police Station;

* $21.6 million to help stimulate economic recovery with support to assist small business to return to pre-fire operating levels, new tourism marketing campaigns, new National and State Park facilities to attract visitors and the restoration of the iconic Lake Mountain Alpine Resort as a major summer and winter tourism destination; and

* $17.5 million to rehabilitate the environment and address environmental problems caused by the fires including urgent action to protect threatened species and habitats, to regenerate State forests, helping farmers and landholders restore their land and repairing critical waterways and catchments.

In the immediate aftermath of Black Saturday, the Australian and Victorian governments partnered to establish the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund to co-ordinate the distribution of money donated to the appeal and established the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority to oversee the recovery and reconstruction effort.

The Rebuilding Together Plan commits a further $193 million to deliver hundreds of projects with $117 million from the Australian and Victorian governments, $56 million from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund and $20 million in philanthropic and corporate donations.

Mr Rudd said the Australian Government had worked with the Victorian Government to support individuals, families, small businesses and primary producers get back on their feet.

"The terrible impact of the bushfires has been far reaching and the recovery and reconstruction effort is the largest Australia has ever faced," Mr Rudd said.

"We will continue to stand by these communities. Through this Plan we will rebuild schools, community facilities and other vital infrastructure lost in the fires. We will regenerate the natural environment, stimulate local economic recovery and continue to support individuals and families as they rebuild their homes and businesses.

"It sets out the next phase of recovery and rebuilding of bushfire-affected communities, delivering initiatives and projects to support people as they rebuild their homes, businesses, community infrastructure and local economies."

Mr Brumby said the Plan was a vital next step in the recovery and reconstruction effort and would focus on supporting and helping communities to achieve their goals.

"While the rebuilding of homes, businesses and towns devastated by the Black Saturday bushfires is an enormous task, supporting the survivors and helping them rebuild their lives is an even bigger one," Mr Brumby said.

"So far 3048 properties have been cleaned up, nearly 1000 building permits have been issued by bushfire-affected councils, 30 Community Recovery Committees have been established and temporary villages are up and running at Marysville, Kinglake, Flowerdale with temporary accommodation also opened at Whittlesea.

"But there is still much more to do. This Plan is the culmination of hours of careful thought and discussions across fire-devastated communities about what they need - not only to recover - but to secure stable, sustainable and bright futures."

VBRRA chair Christine Nixon, said communities had identified more than 900 priorities and projects in the 30 Community Recovery Plans submitted.

"The scale and number of projects identified has meant that priority had to be given to critical projects, and we will continue to work with communities to explore other funding options over the longer term, "Ms Nixon said.

Ms Nixon thanked the generosity of the corporate and philanthropic donors who together have contributed $20 million to affected communities, through the Plan.

"Hundreds of generous corporations and not-for-profit groups have made a significant difference to what we have been able to achieve through the plan and are keen to continue providing support to these communities," she said.

Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund chair Pat McNamara said those who contributed to the Appeal should be proud of the difference it has made to individuals and communities.

"This overwhelming generosity has enabled us to not only provide significant support to individuals, but to set aside 25 per cent of the total funds raised towards important community generated projects, including those detailed in this plan," Mr McNamara said.