PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
South Road Superway

PRIME MINISTER: Great to be back in Adelaide and talking about this city and this State's need for infrastructure and our partnership between the Australian Government and the South Australian Government on building South Australian infrastructure.

Two reasons: one is this is a platform for long-term economic growth. Secondly, it creates jobs in the here and now. That's what we're on about as an Australian Government, that's what the South Australian Government's on about as well.

Where the rubber literally hits the road today is, of course, in this great project here, this South Road Superway which we're unveiling today. This is a big investment - a big investment - half a billion dollars from the Australian Government, some $400 million from the State Government and the economic benefit in terms of long-term transport infrastructure within Adelaide and the South Australian economy is large. This investment will assist, of course, also in improving safety for up to 45,000 vehicles that use this section of the road each day. It's also about the efficiency of the port, it's also about the separation of freight traffic from other forms of road traffic, it's also about how you therefore boost productivity growth for the long term.

Two big drivers of productivity growth of the Australian economy in the long term: one is infrastructure, road infrastructure, rail, port infrastructure, as well as our investments in high-speed broadband, and secondly the investment in skills. This government, this Australian Government, is active in both nation-wide - the education revolution and the infrastructure revolution, and on both these fronts we are proud to be partners with the South Australian Government in a close, cooperative partnership of building this State's future.

We're proud to be supporting this project. We're proud to be investing half a billion dollars worth of Australian Government finance into this project and also to support this 2,750 jobs that will come off the construction and furthermore, to support also this critical piece of South Australia's long-term infrastructure needs.