PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Transcript of remarks outside Church

JOURNALIST: So did you say any prayers for Malcolm Turnbull in there this morning Prime Minister?

PM: No no, we just rock along to church like we normally do. Look, climate change is big for Australia because we are the hottest and the driest continent. Because Australia is the hottest and the driest continent, we need a result for Australia and that is why we are prepared to negotiate in good faith with the Opposition. And for that to occur, for us to get a result for Australia this hottest and driest continent, we need to negotiate on the basis of amendments from the Opposition, in good faith and to get a credible climate change outcome for Australia.

This is serious stuff, this is really serious stuff. Governments around the world are wrestling with this. It is big, it is important, it is real. It is affecting our generation, the one after us and the one after that, big time. So it is actually time to get beyond the politics and get on to the solution.

JOURNALIST: Do you think the Opposition is having two bites of the cherry saying, 'we don't think there should be any deal or negotiation before Copenhagen but we are going to put our amendments forward anyway, because we are being pressured into it by the Government'?

PM: If you are going to be fair dinkum about climate change let's just be realistic about this. Our legislation has been out there since March this year, OK, since March this year. It doesn't take you that long to work out what your position should be. So we want the Liberals to be fair dinkum about this so that we can negotiate in good faith on climate change credible amendments, on financially responsible amendments, to make sure we get a deal for the future.

That is what we are on about, that is what I committed to the Australian people prior to the last election, and we have got to get on with it for this country's future as the hottest and driest continent on earth.

JOURNALIST: We haven't seen you out and about in front of the cameras this week, the Opposition has accused you of deliberately lying low so that they can, I guess, the media concentrates on them eating themselves into a frenzy. What is your response to that?

PM: Well the first thing I would say is, how the Liberals conduct themselves is a matter for the Liberals. Secondly, I have had a truckload of work to do this week, working my way through a whole series of policy matters for the Government and that is what I have been doing. And it has been for me, I have got to say, a fairly standard working week.

Thank you very much.