PM: I'm honoured to be here today to launch this very special foundation, one which salutes a truly great Australian. Bernie was a man who took on one of the goliaths of corporate Australia. And like a courageous modern day David, he won that fight. He epitomised the Australian belief in a fair go. He had the nation's respect for his integrity. He has the nation's respect for his integrity. Our amazement remains for his tenacity. Our reverence remains for his heroism. And we continue to be inspired by the fact that, as this disease dealt with him so unfairly as it deals with so many others, his first instinct was always to have an eye out for others.
Others who were suffering, others who he could help with research. And that's why the Bernie Banton Foundation is so important. Because it was one of his last projects he discussed with Karen in his final months on earth. Bernie wasn't content to have fought for justice for himself, and it wasn't enough for him that he'd fought in the years that followed for justice for other victims of asbestos. But he was determined to do more, establishing a foundation that would do greater work still in the years after he'd gone from us. Today, I want to urge Australians to support the Bernie Banton Foundation.
To go back to where Bruce left us before- they have about us a confidence, a hope, and a mission that we could beat this thing. And with a team of researchers, and a team of people out there, Bernie's Angels, doing work on the way through. That should be our goal. Of course, that's what Australia's all about. I thank the team of caring, committed volunteers and individuals who have been touched by the suffering and loss caused by asbestos disease, and who are ready to make this foundation a success it deserves to be. I know Bernie would be proud of you all. I know Bernie would be proud of you, Karen. It gives me great pleasure to launch the Bernie Banton Foundation.