PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Launch of AFL Players Association 'Just Think' campaign Joint Press Release Prime Minister Minister for Sport

The Australian Government today announced $132,000 for the Australian Football League (AFL) to support their work in tackling alcohol fuelled street violence, particularly amongst young Australians.

The Prime Minister made the announcement at the launch of ‘Just Think', an initiative that will bring together 8 AFL Captains in a powerful advertising campaign aimed at discouraging senseless acts of violence.

The Campaign, to be run throughout the AFL 2009 Final Series, sends a strong message that alcohol abuse and reckless violence is not a part of footy and is not supported by some of Australia's most respected sporting heroes.

The Australian Government has committed the $132,000 to the AFL through the $2 million Club Champions program which utilises the power of sport to tackle irresponsible and damaging drinking in our community.

The AFL have confirmed to the Government and the AFL Players Association that the “Just Think” campaign is one of the programs they will fund from the $132,000 contribution.

Club Champions is built on the recognition that in partnership with the Government sport has the ability to produce role models that can reach out to community, especially our young people.

While often seen as the perpetrators of public violence, the reality is that young people are overwhelmingly the victims.

Nationally incidents of assault have almost doubled since 1995 with young males and females aged between 15 and 24 having the highest rate of being victims of assault.

Young Australians have clearly identified violence as one of the top issues that is impacting their daily lives, not only worried about their own personal safety, but also about the impact that violence is having on their friends, families and their communities.

The Government commends the AFL and the AFL Players Association for showing leadership and taking this tough stand against alcohol abuse and violence.

The Australian Government is determined to work with the community, sport and young Australians to combat the scourge of violence in our community.