PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Jobs fund to support over 190 jobs in Western Australia

The Rudd Government today announced the first funding to be provided in Western Australia under the Government's $650 million Jobs Fund, to support jobs in communities hardest hit by the global economic recession.

In Western Australia, $4.5 million will be provided for 6 projects that will support over 190 jobs and 60 work experience positions, as well as three traineeships.

Nearly $4 million of that will be invested in projects in South West Perth, which will support more than 160 jobs and 50 work experience positions.

The projects will be across a range of industries, including retail, construction and environmental management.

The Jobs Fund is a nationwide, $650 million investment in supporting jobs, delivering traineeships and creating work experience opportunities for job seekers.

It will deliver these jobs through innovative projects that build community infrastructure and increase social capital in local communities.

The Jobs Fund is part of the Government's Jobs and Training Compact to support families and communities hardest hit by the global economic recession.

The Prime Minister, the Hon Kevin Rudd MP, the Minister for Employment Participation, Senator Mark Arbib, and Senator Rachel Siewert made the announcement while visiting a successful project at the Western Australia Council of Social Services in South West Perth today.

The Government is doing everything possible to keep Australia working.

These projects will support jobs and training opportunities for local workers, and build infrastructure that will deliver benefits long into the future.

While a significant number of projects are in regions identified as priority areas, projects which address specific local issues in other areas are also being supported. These include projects that focus on job creation for disadvantaged groups including migrants, people with a disability and Indigenous job seekers.

Greens senators and Senator Fielding actively supported the development and passage of the Jobs Fund through the Senate, and have assisted in the subsequent roll out of the program. They have made an important and constructive contribution to helping Australian families through this initiative.

Further information on the Jobs Fund is available at: