PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Canberra

The Australian Government is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Tony Negus APM, as Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

Mr Negus' appointment will formally commence on 7 September 2009.

Mr Negus has had a distinguished 27 year career with the AFP, working in community policing, federal investigations, human resources, training and protection.

Currently, Mr Negus serves as Deputy Commissioner Operations, a position he has held since October 2007, with responsibility for high tech crime operations, border activities, international liaison networks, economic and special operations, forensics and the International Deployment Group.

Mr Negus holds a Masters Degree in Public Policy and Administration and a Graduate Diploma in Executive Leadership. He has also completed the Executive Leadership Program at Harvard University and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

In June 2005, Mr Negus was named in the Queen's Birthday honours list and awarded the Australian Police Medal (APM).

The Government is confident that Mr Negus' leadership skills and experience equip him for the many challenges of his new role.

The Government would like to acknowledge the contribution of Commissioner Mick Keelty APM in leading the AFP since 2001.

Mr Keelty has demonstrated outstanding leadership during a period of significant growth in the size and complexity of the AFP's operations in Australia and abroad. He has also led the AFP through a challenging period, including events such as the 2001 September 11 terrorist attacks, the Bali bombings, the Jakarta Embassy bombing, the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster and the 2003 Canberra bushfires.

He has played a key role in driving greater cooperation and coordination in law enforcement operations with a number of Commonwealth and State authorities, and has forged important relationships with law enforcement partners throughout the region.

Mr Keelty leaves a lasting legacy at the AFP and in law enforcement generally, both in Australia and the region.