PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Blog Transcript
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Australia's Hospital and Health Care System Blog 27-31 July 2009

This blog was open for comment from 27-31 July 2009. The topic was Australia's hospital and health care system.

Kevin.Rudd says...

G'day and welcome

Today I want to speak with you about Australia's hospital and health care system and the challenges it faces in the 21st century.

The sad reality is that the problems facing health care have sat at the bottom of the too hard basket for a very long time... for far too long.

Politicians have pointed fingers at everyone other than themselves.

State and federal Governments have beaten their chests with mock indignation.

All in the hope that bluff and bluster would pass for action.

You know it as I do that this approach has not served our country well.

Because amidst the game playing:

* Our population grew older.

* Health care costs escalated.

* The shortages of doctors and nurses became more and more severe.

* Many people were forced into crowded emergency wards because ‘out of hospital care' wasn't available.

* And modern epidemics like obesity, diabetes and mental illness placed even more pressure on the system.

The truth is these pressures are growing by the day yielding these conclusions:

Without fundamental change Australia's health system will buckle under the pressure of demographic change, rising costs and modern diseases.

Under its current structure our health system cannot meet the challenges of the 21st century.

These are the reasons why we commenced and have now concluded the most detailed investigations into the health system since Federation.

Essentially they are a complete health check for Australia's health system.

You can access these reports on this website and also on

I urge you to do this because the time has come for us all to develop the solutions.

To this end I will personally hold public community meetings across Australia in the months ahead.

We must consult the people with the greatest stake in the future of our health system... our local doctors, our local nurses, health care workers, you and your families!

Your views will directly influence the changes we will make to improve the system.

We will afford ourselves six months to develop these plans.

Plans for changes in models of care, a greater emphasis on prevention, improved ‘out of hospital care' and end to the chronic shortages of doctors and nurses.

Friends, the 21st Century has put our health system on notice. We have now reached the point of no return. That means action is no longer a matter of choice but a matter of necessity.

Let us all be a part of the solution.

So get involved, send me your suggestions, participate in the blog and together let's improve the Australian Health System.

I thank you!

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