PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Prof. Robert Hill announced as Australian Carbon Trust Chair

PM: We're here to do two things, and they both concern the Australian Carbon Trust.

The first I'd like to confirm that the Australian Carbon Trust, which is an important climate change initiative of the Australian Government will be headquartered in Brisbane.

The second is this - that the Chair of the Australian Carbon Trust will be Robert Hill. The Carbon Trust is an important measure for the Government and for the country. The Australian Government will be investing some $75.8 million in the Carbon Trust over the next five years, and it has two main functions.

The first is to provide practical support to Australian households and small businesses to reduce their and the nation's overall carbon footprint, and there are practical means by which that's to be done.

The second is this: by a revolving fund, a $50 million revolving fund, assisting the Australian business community with ensuring that the commercial buildings we build for the future are as energy efficient as possible.

WONG: A very important aspect of this will be the work of the Carbon Trust. It will be to promote energy efficiency in Australian businesses through the mechanisms the Prime Minister announced. It will also be to build on the willingness of Australian households to do the right thing, to become more energy efficient, to play their part in tackling climate change, because tackling climate change requires action from all of us across the Australian community.

HILL: So support of the Government, with the private sector, in ensuring that all future refurbishments are done in the carbon-effective way. It seems to me to be sensible public policy, and opportunities also to give the public the opportunity to directly contribute to carbon saving is obviously important also.