PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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Video Transcript
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Queensland Premier Anna Bligh discuss COAG

Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia: Well Anna, The Queensland Premier, and I have been at the Council of Australian Governments meeting here in Darwin and we've been getting together with all the other Premiers and Chief Ministers, talking about indigenous disadvantage, talking about what we do for workers who been retrenched because of the global recession, but also how we boost the economy long-term as well and I think we've reached some reasonable agreements today. What do you think Anna?

Anna Bligh, Premier of Queensland:I think the COAG meeting here in Darwin's been a really important meeting for the nation. Getting all of the Premiers, the First Ministers, the Prime Minister together really concentrates our mind on the big issues: dealing with unemployment, building skills and the biggest challenge for us today was talking about new ways of dealing with the disadvantages faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. We've got a big job ahead of us to close the gap, but we're absolutely committed to doing it and there's a lot of good ideas today that I think will take that forward so I think a success, hard work, but we got there.

Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia:The other thing we've been working on is what we can provide by way of support for workers who have been retrenched because of the global recession and so what we agreed today is a new compact with Australians who have been retrenched and what that means is that if people are retrenched because of the global recession then together with the states and territories providing each of those Australians with a new training opportunity to pick up a new set of skills for once the global recovery comes for them to be better able to be employed again - that's a good step forward as well, matches what we're doing for young people as well, earn or learn, and also our compact with local communities to make a difference in areas of high-unemployment at the local level.

Anna Bligh, Premier of Queensland: We also looked at some much longer-term issues: energy efficiency, every state and the Commonwealth agreeing that we will have national standards to use electricity more carefully and that's really about the other big global challenge of our time of climate change.

Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia: And we also talked a little bit about our State of Origin win over New South Wales, two-nil so far, but we're not actually gloating about that.

Anna Bligh, Premier of Queensland: Nathan Rees wasn't as happy about that conversation as Kevin and I were [Laughter].