PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Innovation Fund delivers $20.4 million for 33 projects

In the first round of the Rudd Government's Innovation Fund, $20.4 million will be provided in funding for 33 new employment and training projects.

The successful projects were announced by the Prime Minister during a visit to Mission Australia's Urban Renewal Landscape and Construction program in Heidelberg West in Melbourne.

Under the Innovation Fund projects, assistance will be provided to up to 9000 disadvantaged job seekers.

The delivery of projects will support over 6,600 jobs, work experience placement, training and mentoring opportunities.

Successful projects to receive funding include social enterprises, projects that boost literacy, numeracy and language skills, work experience placements and training opportunities.

The $41 million Innovation Fund is part of the Rudd Government's new $4.9 billion employment services program, Job Services Australia, which begins on 1 July 2009.

The Fund is a competitive grants program designed to encourage innovative employment and training solutions for disadvantaged job seekers including those with mental health conditions, homeless or at risk of homelessness, Indigenous job seekers, and families experiencing generational unemployment.

During the recent review of employment services, providers, employers and community groups said current ‘one-size-fits-all' system didn't encourage innovative, locally driven solutions to help the most disadvantaged job seekers.

The Rudd Government is investing in training and employment services to support the disadvantaged to secure a fair and productive Australia for the future.

The project will ensure that during these tough economic times of global recession, disadvantaged job seekers won't be left behind and get the skills they need to find new work and be ready for the jobs of tomorrow.

The new $4.9 billion Job Services Australia folds seven programs into a one-stop-shop that provides out of work Australians with more personalised services.

It includes more resources for disadvantaged job seekers to help them address employment and personal barriers to employment.

The full list of successful projects is attached and can be found at

Applications for round two are now open. Information on these funding rounds will also be available from: