PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Launch of Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd formally launched the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute at the inaugural meeting of Institute foundation members in Canberra today.

The Institute is being established by the Government to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology globally and the sharing of information.

It has already received strong and widespread international support with 85 bodies, including 16 national Governments and more than 40 major companies, signing on as foundation members and collaborating participants (see list below). More members are expected to join by 1 July 2009 when the Institute will become a separate legal entity.

The GCCSI is an important part of the Australian Government's response to the environmental and economic challenge of climate change.

The Government's climate change strategy is designed to reduce our carbon pollution, adapt to the impact of climate change we cannot avoid and help shape a global solution.

The Australian Government believes that carbon capture and storage has the potential to play an important role in the global transition to a low carbon economy.

The Institute is an initiative to help drive global cooperation on CCS projects and technologies.

It will help shape an international solution to climate change by building momentum for the deployment of CCS technology.

It will make an important contribution reducing the level of carbon pollution in Australia by advancing technology that will capture and store emissions.

It will also play a key role - along with the International Energy Agency and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum - in achieving the G8 group's goal of the broad deployment of CCS technology by 2020.

The Government announced the Institute in September 2008 with annual funding of up to $100 million to accelerate the deployment of commercial scale CCS projects globally.

The Government appointed Mr Nick Otter as interim CEO and recently appointed Mr James D. Wolfensohn to the position of Chair of the International Advisory Panel of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.

Participants of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute

Foundation Members

The Government of Australia

The Emirate of Abu Dhabi

The Government of Canada

European Commission

The Government of France

The Government of Germany

The Government of Indonesia

The Government of Italy

The Government of Japan

The Government of the Republic of Korea

The Government of Mexico

The Government of Netherlands

The Government of New Zealand

The Government of Norway

The Government of Papua New Guinea

The Government of South Africa

The Government of United Kingdom

The Government of United States of America

The State Government of New South Wales

The State Government of Queensland

The State Government of South Australia

The State Government of Victoria

The State Government of Western Australia

Asian Development Bank

Japan Bank for International Cooperation

Alstom Power Ltd


Anglo American Services (UK) Limited

ARUP Pty Ltd

BHP Billiton

BP Australia Pty Ltd

Chevron Australia Pty Ltd

Chiyoda Corporation

Doosan Babcock Energy Limited

The Dow Chemical Company


Exxon Mobil Australia Pty Ltd

General Electric International Inc

Greenhouse Gas Storage Solutions (GGSS)

Hitachi Corporation

Hydrogen Energy International Limited

INPEX Corporation

Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Corp

Nippon Steel Engineering Co. Ltd

Macquarie Capital Advisers Ltd

Mitsubishi Corporation

Mitsui & Co Ltd

Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Ltd

Peabody Pacific Pty Ltd


Rio Tinto Ltd

RWE Power AG

Santos Limited

Senergy Alternate Energy Ltd

Services Petroliers Schlumberger

Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd

Southern States Energy Board (US)

StatoilHydro ASA

Taisei Construction Corporation

Toshiba Corporation

Total E&P

TRUenergy Development Pty Ltd

Woodside Energy Ltd

Worley Parsons Services Pty Ltd

Xstrata Coal Pty Ltd

ZEEP Australia Pty Ltd

Australian Coal Association

Carbon Capture and Storage Association

Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC)

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

The Clinton Foundation

Glówny Instytut Górnictwa (Poland)

Japanese Coal Energy Center (JCOAL)

National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development Ltd (Australia)

Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE, Japan)

South African National Energy Research Institute (SANERI)

The Climate Group

Underground Coal Gasification Association

University College of London

World Coal Institute

Collaborating Participants

International Energy Agency

The World Bank

The Government of the Peoples Republic of China

China Huaneng Group