PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Building the Education Revolution New and Upgraded Buildings in every Australian School

To boost jobs and invest in Australia's long term future the Rudd Government will build or upgrade buildings in every one of Australia's 9,540 schools.

Building the Education Revolution is a $14.7 billion long term investment to improve the quality of facilities, like gymnasiums, libraries and science labs in Australian schools.

Building the Education Revolution will commence in 2008-09 and will:

* Build or upgrade large scale infrastructure, such as libraries and multipurpose halls in every primary school, special school, and K-12 school in Australia.

* Build around 500 new science laboratories and language learning centres in high schools with a demonstrated need for upgraded facilities.

* Provide up to $200,000 to every Australian school for maintenance and renewal of school buildings and minor building work

This historic nation building investment by the Rudd Government will not only support jobs - it is also a down payment on the long term strength of the Australian economy.

By improving the quality of education received by every Australian child, this program will help deliver the stimulus of today and underwrite higher productivity tomorrow.

Building the Education Revolution is a key element of the Government's $42 billion Nation Building and Jobs Plan to support up to 90,000 Australian jobs over the next two years.

Building the Education Revolution

Building the Education Revolution will commence in 2008-09 and will be rolled out over the next three years. Building the Education Revolution is divided into three key programs.

Primary Schools for the 21st Century is a $12.4 billion long term investment to build or upgrade large scale infrastructure in all primary schools, special schools, and K-12s. New school buildings funded by this program will include libraries and multipurpose halls.

Science and Language Centres for 21st Century Secondary Schools is a $1 billion long term investment to build around 500 new science laboratories and language learning centres in schools with a demonstrated need, readiness, and capacity to complete construction by 30 June 2010.

Renewing Australia's Schools is a $1.3 billion investment to refurbish and renew existing infrastructure and undertake minor building works. Under this program, every Australian school will receive up to $200,000, based on the size of the school, for maintenance and minor building works.

Building the Education Revolution will also help to support local communities, as a key requirement of the package is that major facilities in primary schools which are built or upgraded with this funding, such as halls or indoor sporting centres, are made available for community use at no or low cost.

This historic nation building investment builds on the Rudd Government's commitment to an education revolution in all schools through the National Secondary School Computer Fund and Fibre Connections to Schools elements of the Digital Education Revolution.

Building the Education Revolution also brings forward up to an additional $110 million to fund quality proposals in Round Two of the Trade Training Centres in Schools Program.

Building Trade Training Centres helps to provide high quality, relevant education and training opportunities, which is an important step in increasing the proportion of students achieving Year 12 or an equivalent qualification.

The program will be delivered through cooperation between Commonwealth, state and territory governments and the non-government school sector.