PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Joint Media Release with Minister for Health - $1.6 billion COAG investment in Closing the Gap

Australian Governments will invest $1.6 billion in Indigenous health to help close the appalling gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people within a generation.

This funding, including an $800 million Commonwealth commitment, will deliver more health professionals to Indigenous communities, expand health services, and help tackle key risk factors like smoking.

This investment will target chronic disease, the single largest contributor to the current life expectancy gap.

Chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer account for about two thirds of premature deaths among Indigenous Australians.

Around $470 million will be provided to improve chronic disease management, including:

* Incentives and support for general practice to manage the coordination of care of Indigenous patients

* Additional support for Indigenous patients with chronic diseases to access specialist and allied health care services

* The expansion of the Medical Specialists Outreach Assistance Program to increase access to specialist and allied health services in rural and remote areas

* Supporting patients with chronic disease to better self-manage their conditions

$171 million will be provided to increase the capacity of the frontline primary care workforce to care for Indigenous Australians with chronic diseases, including:

* 160 new Indigenous Outreach Worker positions (including on the job training and support) to help Indigenous people access the health care services they need

* 75 extra health professionals and practice managers in Indigenous health services

* 38 new GP registrar training places in Indigenous health services

* Expanded nurse scholarship and clinical placements

The package also includes $161 million to tackle the key risk factors for chronic diseases in the Indigenous community, like smoking.

Both mainstream and Indigenous community controlled primary health care services will be eligible for the additional funding and support.

States and Territories have agreed to contribute an additional $772 million to provide additional resources for tackling smoking, expanding allied health and other State Government-funded services provided to Indigenous people, and introducing strategies to improve care provided to Indigenous people in public hospitals.