PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Rudd, Kevin
Joint Media Release with the Minister for Agriculture, Tony Burke 2.9 Million Regional and Rural Australians to Benefit from $4 Billion of Support

The Rudd Government is providing 2.9 million Australians in regional and rural areas with around $4 billion in extra support to help with cost of living pressures and sustain economic growth.

The initiative is part of the Rudd Government's $10.4 billion Economic Security Strategy that will strengthen regional economies and households, given the risk of a deep and prolonged global economic slowdown.

Pensioners, carers and families living in rural and regional Australia will benefit from additional financial assistance from 8 December.

Almost one million families in regional and rural Australia who receive Family Tax Benefit A will receive a lump sum payment of $1,000 in respect of each eligible child in their care.

The payment will also be made for each dependent child who attracts Youth Allowance, Abstudy, or a Veteran's Children's Education Scheme payment.

Around 1.9 million pensioners living in regional and rural Australia will get a down payment on longer term reforms because we recognise their need for early support.

Pensioners living in regional and rural communities will receive a one-off payment of $1,400 if they are single or $2,100 if they are a couple.

Recipients of the following payment will be eligible:

* Age Pension;

* Carer Payment;

* Disability Support Pension;

* Bereavement Allowance, Wife Pension, Widow B Pension, Partner Allowance, Widow Allowance;

* Special Benefit;

* Veterans' Affairs Service Pension; and

* Veterans Income Support Supplement.

As well, those receiving Carer Allowance will receive $1,000 for each eligible person in their care.

The Government's economic package also includes help for self funded retirees in regional and rural areas seriously affected by the decline in the value of their investments.

In all 130,500 Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders living in regional and rural Australia will receive a payment of $1,400 if they are single or $2,100 if they are a couple.

For the first time, lump sum payments are being extended to include 391,000 Disability Support Pensioners under the age of 65 living in non-metropolitan areas.

All payments will be tax exempt and not included for income-testing purposes.

Thousands of Australians in regional Australia will also benefit from the Rudd Government First Home Owners Boost.

* First home buyers who purchase established homes will have their grant doubled from $7,000 to $14,000;

* First home buyers who purchase a newly constructed home will receive an extra $14,000 to take their grant to $21,000.

The Rudd Government initiative is designed to stimulate housing activity and give first home buyers a better chance in the housing market.