PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Rudd, Kevin

Period of Service: 03/12/2007 - 24/06/2010
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  • Rudd, Kevin
Address at Reception for the Swearing In of the new Governor-General of Australia Parliament House, Canberra

Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. On this historic day, I acknowledge the first Australians on whose land we meet, and whose cultures we celebrate as among the oldest continuing cultures in human history.

We are here today to celebrate two great continuities.

A continuity that is embodied in the ancient culture of Aboriginal Australia and the continuity that exists also in our modern constitutional arrangements.

Thank you very much for that welcome to country. This is the first time we have had a welcome to country on behalf of the Ngunnawal people as part of the official swearing in ceremonies associated with the installation of a new Governor-General. And this is a good thing.

Of course there is one other historic thing about today's proceedings, the first time in the 107-year history of our Federation we are also swearing in a truly wonderful woman as Australia's Governor-General. It took us 107 years but we got there in the end.

There could be no person more qualified to assume that honour than Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce. Her Excellency is Australia's 25th Governor-General.

She will bring a very special touch to the office of Governor-General just as she has to the office of the Governor of Queensland.

Her Excellency was appointed in July 2003 as the 24th Governor of Queensland. She has been an inspiring Governor and has served the people of Queensland with great distinction.

But of course her service to the community goes back long before her appointment to the office of Governor.

She has an outstanding record of service to the entire Australian community. Ms Bryce has enjoyed a rich and dynamic career as a lawyer, as an academic, as a senior public office holder.

Her roles in the past have included Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner, inaugural Director of the Queensland Women's information service and founding Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the National Child Care Accreditation Council.

Your Excellency, your service in your new role will take you to all corners of our great nation.

From our largest cities to our very smallest towns.

From the coast to the deep red centre of this great and ancient continent.

To meet all the people, all the people that make up this great continent and country of ours Australia.

Your Excellency you will share moments of great triumph with the people of Australia and you will be there also in our most difficult times, as assuredly they will also come. In those tough times, the community will call on you for support and for understanding.

It is not always an easy role but it is one of the greatest honours that the nation can bestow on any one of its citizens.

The Office of Governor-General plays an important role in our system of Government.

Both through the formal Constitutional role and through the highly valued role that the Governor-General plays in providing leadership, support and inspiration to our community, our community organisations, our great army of volunteers for the betterment of our nation.

Today we have witnessed the swearing in of a new Governor-General who I am sure will fill both of these roles with dignity, distinction and commitment and with a distinctive Queensland touch.

Your Excellency, you are a truly distinguished Australian.

You will now occupy the most distinguished office in our Australian Constitutional arrangements and we wish you the very best in the new role of leadership you have in this our great land, Australia.