PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Investing in Our Schools Program

I am pleased to announce that Australian schools will benefit from a $181 million extension to the highly successful Investing in Our Schools Program.

The $1 billion already provided under my Government's 2004 election commitment, has been used effectively by schools to help build and repair vital infrastructure.

To ensure that every school community has an opportunity to benefit from this program, we are providing an additional $127 million to government schools and an additional $54 million to non government schools in 2007 for a final round of funding.

These funds will be targeted to schools that have received little or no funding under the program to date. To date more than 6,000 government and 1,500 non-government schools have received funding under the Investing in Our Schools Program. This has included funding for classroom upgrades, new toilet blocks, up to date computer labs and safe playgrounds.

The overwhelming interest in this program, from government schools in particular, indicates that many small capital and infrastructure projects have not been receiving the support they need.

This new commitment to the Investing in our Schools Program demonstrates the Australian Government's recognition of the important contribution school infrastructure makes to achieving high standards of education. It is in addition to more than $9.3 billion the Australian Government will provide in 2006-07 for government and non-government schools, an increase of 158 per cent since 1996.

More information can be obtained from the IOSP Hotline on 1300 363 007 or by visiting the website at Details of the 2007 funding round will also be sent directly to School Principals.