Mr Beazley says his tax policy is all aimed at alleviating the tax burden
on Australian families.
That's why he won't rule out lifting income tax on Australian
families. And this morning we have this new report that the Labor Party
is looking at axing the health insurance rebate. Well I call on Mr Beazley
to guarantee that any government he leads would keep that rebate. Axing
the rebate would be a savage tax increase for 32% of the Australian population.
Many people who have private health insurance are elderly Australians,
self-funded retirees, people who regard private health insurance as a
very valuable safety net.
And what does this whole tax debate say about Mr Beazley's leadership?
Well I think he's been very weak. He was bullied by the States into
giving an undertaking about the roll-back. He now faces the dilemma that
he can't get out of, that you can't be all things to all men.
You can't say you're going to roll-back the GST, tell the States
they won't be worse off, keep a budget surplus, and not lift income
tax. Now it's just impossible. And if Mr Beazley had been stronger
he would have resisted the bullying attempts of the State Labor leaders.
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