Well, thank you very much, Richard. This is an historic home in the
Australian political panthenon. It, I guess, in time will take its
place beside that famous cottage in Bathurst which, of course, was
the home in which Ben Chifley grew up. And in time perhaps, as we
come to treasure our history a little more than we did in earlier
decades, other homes will also take their place alongside this. But
this is very much a part of John Curtin's background. It reflects
the world in which he grew up. It was a home that, I gather from what
his grandchildren have told me, he played a very large part in building
including the construction even of some of the furniture.
And it is important that we honour our history. He led Australia at
a time when our country was under its greatest security threat ever.
And whatever people's politics are it has to be said resolutely that
he led the country with very great courage and distinction. And it's
only right and proper that the Federal Government of today honour
John Curtin's contribution. I'm delighted that his grandchildren are
with us and I thank them for giving the Western Australian Government
and the Federal Government the opportunity for this. And to the Vice
Chancellor of the Curtin University, who's also with us, which of
course is very deeply involved in remembering Curtin's contribution
to Australia, it will be a further extension of all of that. Our history
is very important to us and as we approach the Centenary of Federation
we're getting a lot more sensitive towards and conscious of our history.
And today is just a small but important contribution to commemorating
a man who gave a great deal to Australia and is well loved and remembered
by millions of Australians.