PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much, Andrew; to Richard Court, the Premier of Western

Australia; to Alan Coogan, the Chairman of Anaconda Nickel; to you

Sadie, thank you most warmly for your very gracious welcome extended

on behalf of your people; to my Federal colleague, Barry Haase, the

member for Kalgoorlie; to Graham Kieres and Collin Barnett, Ministers

in the Western Australian Government, other parliamentary colleagues,

ladies and gentlemen.

Can I say how very pleased I am to be associated with a project that

so evidently has brought together in a spirit of cooperation and a

sense of purpose different elements of the Australian community. When

I listened to what Sadie had to say in her welcome and when I listened

to what the Managing Director had to say about the cooperation between

the company and the Aboriginal people I thought what they were saying

represented something of a role model to the rest of Australia as

to the attitudes that should be taken and the path of action that

should be pursued. It is an attitude that says we must work together.

It's also an attitude to say that everybody in this community has

responsibilities as well as rights. And it's an attitude that says

that the wealth of this country should be shared and that the foundation

of individual achievement and self fulfillment is that people should

have a sense of dignity and self worth and a sense of economic empowerment

and a sense of economic independence. And I think they are a very

sound set of principles and I'm delighted that they have been practiced

in this marvelous project.

I've met a lot of managing directors and I've been to a lot of openings

in the 25 years that I've been in Parliament. I've been to a lot of

mines. I've been to a lot of factories. I've been to a lot of farms.

But I don't think I've met a more self-evidently enthusiastic and

dedicated managing director than I've met in Andrew Forrest. I have

the vague impression that he quite likes this venture and I have the

vague impression that he has a genuine affection for all of those

people who are associated with it. Because what you have gathered

here today are everybody who's played a role. And not least of course

you have the workforce. No enterprise, be it a mining enterprise or

a manufacturing enterprise or any other kind of enterprise is going

to be successful unless there's a spirit of cooperation with the workforce.

And that is clearly the case with this project as evidenced by the

speed with which things that normally take a long period of time have

been achieved, the cooperation and attitude of people and the spirit

of joint endeavor and joint commitment. And that speaks volumes not

only for the leadership of the company but it also speaks volumes

for those who are part of that great enterprise and most particularly

the workforce. And I want to acknowledge the contribution of the employees

of this joint venture for bringing it to where it is today and making

today possible and making the future that lies before all of us possible.

We're all entitled to a short commercial on an occasion like this.

And, of course, this opening is occurring at a time of very great

economic strength for the whole of Australia. Australia at the moment

is enjoying record levels of economic growth. It's enjoying the lowest

unemployment rate for more than 10 years. It's got the lowest inflation

rate, the lowest interest rates and probably the highest level of

international economic respect that this country has had in more than

30 years.

A few weeks ago I visited the United States. I wasn't terribly successful

on lamb but I was a little more successful when I went to New York

where, I've got to say, the knowledge of and understanding of Australia

is a lot deeper and a lot more sensitive than it sometimes is amongst

the politicians of Washington. And I found within the financial community

of New York a very great respect for the strength of the Australian

economy. Indeed in all the visits I've paid to that city over the

last 25 years I found on this occasion a stronger connection with,

knowledge of, and faith in the economic future of Australia than on

any occasion. Now, that's very important because there's.a bit of

money comes out of that city from time to time, not only into Australia

but into other parts of the world. So I think we are witnessing, in

general terms, a very good atmosphere for the Australian economy.

I recognise, of course, that commodity prices are not as good as they

might be. I was in Kalgoorlie recently and people had a few things

to say about the price of gold and I can understand some of the concerns

and I sympathise with them and I am very cognisant of them but I set

against them the general economic health of the country. And I want

to congratulate the Western Australian Government under Richard Court's

leadership for the pro-investment climate it's created so far as the

mining industry is concerned because unless you have governments that

are promoting investment in your industry then you're not going to

have a good atmospheric.

Now, this is a remarkable venture. When it's up and running it will

be the largest producer of cobalt in the world and it will be the

third largest producer of nickel. There's a billion dollars of investment

that have gone in to getting it started. It has an almost unrivalled

safety record. It's going to export something in the order of $500

million of export income when it's up and running. Now, that's not

bad for one individual company for one joint venture. And it's a remarkable

tribute to both of the companies that form the joint venture and it's

a remarkable tribute to all of those people that have made this possible.

And it really fills me with a great sense of satisfaction and pride

as Prime Minister of Australia to be associated with something that

is all positive about the future. We're associated with a project

that is going to generate wealth for our people. It is going to generate

jobs for Australians. It's going to generate export income for the

country. It's going to provide a valuable resource not only for Australia

but for the world community. And it's going to bring together in this

part of Western Australia a remarkable number of talents and a remarkable

number of skills. And in the hour or so that I looked over the plant

it does represent an aggregation of skill and commitment that is the

source of enormous pride to me and ought to be a source of enormous

satisfaction to all of those associated with it.

So to you, Andrew; to you Mr Coogan, Alan, the Chairman of the company,

to everybody else who's associated with it, I want to congratulate

you. I want to thank you for inviting me to come here today. I'm delighted

to be associated with such a tremendously successful, Australian venture.

I used an expression at my party's Federal Council meeting about a

month ago when I said that I wanted Australia to become a 'can do'

country. I wanted it to become a country that could do things better

and differently and more successfully than other countries could do

it. I wanted Australia to have enough belief and self confidence in

itself to know that it could do things sometimes differently and sometimes

against the tide and against the trends and against the predictions

in a way that other people didn't think were possible. I know a lot

of people thought that this project wasn't possible and a lot of people

were skeptical and critical and cynical and now it's been brought

to fruition. It's a marvelous demonstration of what I had in mind

when I used that expression. This is a great illustration of a 'can

do' community supported by a group of 'can do' Australians. I congratulate

you. And when I sit down and I'll then be asked to stand up again

and formally pull away the curtain but I do have great pleasure in

declaring this mine operation open. I congratulate all those associated

and I wish the company every success in the years to come. Thank you.