PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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  • Howard, John Winston


Well, thank you very much. To Kim Beazley the Leader of the Opposition,

to Steve Waugh and the victorious Australian Cricket Team, to many

others - first time I've had all of you cheering for me - but ladies

and gentlemen it is a tremendous pleasure tonight to have everybody

along and I want to particularly welcome the members of the Australian

Women's Cricket Team who are amongst us as our special guests as well.

Tonight is one of those rare occasions where the guns of political

battle are stilled, that everybody, irrespective of their differences

of opinion on other issues, come together to pay tribute to a remarkable

sporting achievement. To pay tribute to a group of men who have demonstrated

their tremendous capacity on the sporting field, have brought immense

pleasure and immense delight and immense national pride to all Australians.

And the performance, Steve, of you and your colleagues to win seven

in a row, the third and second last of those two being amongst the

most exciting one-day cricket matches that I think any of us have

ever witnessed, I think it is fair to say that these sleep deprivation

syndrome of members of Parliament and of their staff and indeed millions

of Australians all around the country was very intense indeed.

Australia is a great sports loving nation, Australia is a great cricket

loving nation. And cricket in a way unites all of us like no other

sport because it is in every sense of the word our true national sport.

And to you, Steve, in particular tremendous credit is due. You followed

two very fine Australian Captains, you experienced, along with your

colleagues during the early stages of the World Cup tournament, you

experienced a tremendous degree of criticism from some sections of

the press. There were many people who at various stages were willing

to say that Australia was not going to make the semi-finals let alone

the finals let alone take out the trophy. But you persevered and you

yourself with that marvellous 123 - one of the best if not the greatest

one-day innings that I have ever seen. You kept your cool in remarkably

difficult circumstances. You showed tremendous grit, tremendous leadership

and when we think of the true Aussie spirit and the true Aussie grit

many Australians will instinctively think of your personal performance

in that particular match. And, of course, one doesn't have the time

to talk about all of the individual performances but collectively

the team has done us proud.

And to all of you can I say that nothing has quite brought such sporting

joy to a sporting nation as much as did your victory. And the reception

that you have received in Melbourne, in Sydney today, the reception

that I saw a number of you receive at Stadium Australia on Saturday

night before the rugby test between England and Australia, the gathering

here tonight which brings together Members and Senators, Ministers,

Shadow Ministers, Prime Minister, Opposition Leader, staff and most

importantly of all the cricket loving youngsters of the parliamentary

family. And because every time we do well on the sporting field, every

time we do well on the cricket field we build something that is most

important to all of us who are cricket lovers and that is a renewed

enthusiasm for the greatest sport of all amongst the young people

of Australia. And that is what your victory has done more than anything

else, it has brought fresh enthusiasm and pride and love of this wonderful

game to the young people of Australia. And can I say of all the gifts

and of all the pleasure that you have given to the people of Australia

I think the most important thing you have done is once again to enthuse

and re-enthuse and re-ignite the passion of young Australians to the

great and noble game of cricket.

Can I say on behalf of the Government, on behalf of the people of

Australia and I know my sentiments will be echoed by my colleague

Kim Beazley in a few moments, thank you very much for what you have

done, you deserve tremendous credit. I hope you and your families

now have the opportunity of a bit of a break before you join the fray

again but you really have done us proud. You are a tremendous group

of sportsmen and you have brought a great deal of joy and a great

deal of pleasure to all Australians. Thank you very much.
