PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Well, thank you very much Mary. To my colleague, Kim Beazley, my other

ministerial and parliamentary colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.

Can I say how delighted I am to share in a very bipartisan way this

very special occasion which really is the first major event of a long

series of events planned by the Council of the Centenary of Federation.

It is, as Kim said, a celebration of a great achievement.

No doubt all of you over past years, and certainly in recent years,

would have had conversations about that marvellous phenomenon we find

amongst the young of Australia of a rediscovered interest in the great

deeds of our war heroes. The stories emerged again at the last Anzac

Day of the growing crowds of young people at Gallipoli and the growing

crowds of young people at Anzac Day celebrations.

Now, in part that is a demonstration of a realisation on the part

of the young in Australia, of the debt they owe to those who fought

to defend this country. But I think it is also resonant of a wider

development in our community and that is a growing interest in, a

greater curiosity about, and a growing appreciation of what this country

has achieved and indeed how successful it has been over the last 100


It is a fact that you could count on the fingers of both hands the

number of nations that have been continuously democratic throughout

the entirety of the 20th Century and Australia of course

is one of those. It is true, as Kim Beazley pointed out, that this

nation pioneered many democratic forms and democratic practices and

democratic traditions years ahead of when they were tried in other

nations. It is also true that as we contemplate the next century,

as we contemplate 100 years as the Commonwealth of Australia that

we do as a community occupy what I frequently described as a special

intersection or a unique place.

Here we are in the Asian-Pacific region, a nation that has very deep

roots but certainly not exclusive roots in Western Europe and being

in many ways, but not exclusively again, a projection of western civilisation.

We share the great democratic traditions that we hold dear in common

with our friends in North America. But here we are in the Asian-Pacific

region and our society is very greatly enriched by the hundreds of

thousands of Australians of Asian descent who are adding such vitality

and zest to many parts of Australia. And it gives to us because of

that particular heritage, that mixed heritage, it does give to us

a special capacity over the next century to build a society and to

make a contribution that is unique. It is special and it is quite

unlike any other society on earth.

That, of course, throws on us an enormous responsibility because opportunity

carries responsibility. And as we contemplate the celebration of the

Centenary of Federation I think we can do so in a tremendous sense

of optimism. There is within all Australians a great competitive streak.

Our political system is competitive, it is adversarial and Australians

understand that and it is part of the process both in politics and

business to be competitive. But I think there's also another streak

within the Australian community and that is a deep desire on occasions

which are of national significance. A deep desire to see unity within

the Australian community, to see both sides of politics come together,

to put aside differences about other issues, to see all sections of

the Australian community recognise the special privilege it is to

be an Australian and to live in Australia.

Tonight is particularly an occasion for me, as Mr Beazley has done,

to honour the contribution of the businessmen and women of this country.

To honour those who laboured long and hard in the early years of Federation

when, of course, Australia at the turn of the century by many measures

had the highest living standard in the world. To remember those who

kept the entrepreneurial spirit going during the years of the great

depression and the difficult years through both world wars. To particularly

honour those business men and women who came with the great waves

of migration after World War II, many of whom are here tonight and

whose exploits and deeds and contribution in the business community

of Australia are very well and clearly understood and respected.

So I do thank the business community of Australia for coming here

tonight. I do ask, as Peter McGauran has done and as Kim Beazley has

done, I do ask you to get behind this great celebration, this reflection,

this opportunity to be nourished by the Australian achievement and

the Australian experience. To honour those that have made this country

so strong and free and, of course, to contemplate with a great sense

of optimism and hope the years that lay ahead of us.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for being here tonight. It is an

honour to host this occasion. It is important that I do so in the

presence of the leader of the Opposition because it is an occasion

that reminds us of one enduring reality of Australian life and that

is that things that unite us as Australians are infinitely greater

and more enduring than those that divide us. Thank you.
