PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Can I say to you, Mayor, to Barry Haase to Ron Manners to other distinguished

guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great delight to be in Kalgoorlie

for the first time as Prime Minister. Kalgoorlie has a special place

in, not only in Western Australian history, but a special place in

Australian history. It's a very distinctive part of our country.

It boasts a number of things. Kalgoorlie of course is the largest

electorate in the world I think and I often entertain my European

visitors in particular when we start comparing political notes and

I point out that we have an electorate in Australia that is larger

than about two-thirds of the European Union put together.

This of course is the second time that I visited the electorate of

Kalgoorlie in the space of a month because I went to Exmouth only

a short while ago with Barry to see for myself first hand and with

the Premier of Western Australia, Richard Court, to announce some

special assistance to the people of Exmouth who suffered so severely

as a result of the cyclone.

It is not the first time that I've been to this city but it is

certainly the first time as Prime Minister and I want to thank Barry

very warmly for the invitation. It's an opportunity for me to

do what I like to do when Parliament is not sitting and that is as

frequently as possible get away from the larger urban concentrations

of Australia which are, of course, an important part of our national

community, to get around the country to understand first hand through

discussion and listening to people how different life is, how important

life is to the national good in the regional areas of Australia. And

to say to you that I do understand as Prime Minister that there are

special challenges and special difficulties. That I do appreciate

the contribution that the mining industry in particular makes to the

wealth of Australia and to the living standard of Australia.

Only a month or so ago, I opened the Olympic Dam Site in South Australia

which is part of the great Roxby Downs Project. And that project is

making a huge contribution potentially to Australia's export

income. The gold mining industry is the second biggest export earner

amongst the mining industries of Australia and Kalgoorlie is the greatest

gold mining producing area in Australia. And it is a city which is

rich in the history of this country, it is rich in the history of

Western Australia and played, as you all know, a major and decisive

role and part in the decision of Western Australia to join the Federation

in the name of Paddy Hannon is synonymous with the development of

the mining industry and of gold mining in Australia. It incidentally

as I remarked to one of my staff coming here this morning, I think

it's the only federal electorate in Australia whose Member was

once expelled from Federal Parliament for entirely, I think in historical

perspective, inappropriate reasons, for something that would certainly

not happen today.

But most importantly this community is an example of how people work

together and cooperate together in the regional areas of Australia.

And as I moved around here this morning I met people from the local

home nursing organisations, I met the Anglican Priest, I met the Pastors

of other Churches, I've met people involved in Centrelink, I've

met people involved in the Lyons clubs, people involved in all the

different organisations that make a community work. Australians are

very good at working together. And as we approach, in two years time,

the Centenary of the Federation of Australia, we are becoming a lot

more conscious as a nation of what we all have in common and how much

we have achieved over the last one hundred years. And I am particularly

pleased to acknowledge the presence of people from the Indigenous

community of Kalgoorlie and the recognition that all of us as Australians

working together have a common interest and a common investment in

a harmonious and cooperative and caring future together as Australians

as we go into the next century.

Australia has achieved an enormous amount. And it is a huge country,

it varies enormously and I never tire of the opportunity of moving

around our country and meeting people in different circumstances.

And the richest thing about being an Australian is the immense diversity

of this country yet the common humanity of the people of this country.

Although we live in different circumstances, and this community is

a long way away from the settled suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne and

very different from the tropical areas of Far North Queensland and

very different again from some of the mountain areas of the Snowy

Mountains of New South Wales and yet the sense of community and the

sense of cooperation and the national spirit is as deep and strong

in all of those areas as it is in the next. And, although we live

in different areas and we face different challenges, we have so many

things in common particularly the common values we all have as Australians.

I'm very conscious, as Prime Minister of our country, of the

role not only of Australia in a domestic sense but also the role of

Australia in the world community. And like any other nation we have

opportunities and responsibilities. I'm very proud of the fact

that Australia's economic strengths at the present time has enabled

it to stare down the worst of the Asian economic downturn. But in

saying that I'm conscious that not everybody in Australia is

enjoying the benefits and the bounty that come out that come out of

that economic success. And it's the responsibility of the community

to remember at a time of relative national prosperity, that there

remain people within our community who continue to need our help.

But we shouldn't lose sight of what Australia has achieved. We

are performing better than most, we are seen in our region in particular

as being economically very strong and one of the advantages of that

is that we are listened to more carefully and more respectfully. We

speak from a greater position of strength because of our economic

achievements than would otherwise be the case.

I will, next week, meet the Indonesian President, Dr Habibie, to talk

about the concerns I have about what is happening in East Timor. I

will do so as the Leader of a country which has developed a friendly

relationship with Indonesia, not an uncritical friendship. No true

friendship is always uncritical. A true friendship in a personal level

as well as at a national level, is a friendship that is based upon

long and shared common experiences but is also a friendship that enables

you to speak with candour and openness when the circumstances require.

All Australians are concerned about what is happening in East Timor,

all want a just and peaceful solution. We must all remember, of course,

that it is part of Indonesia. And ultimately a proper resolution,

a positive resolution of what is occurring there can only happen through

the involvement, the consent and the support and the active participation

of the Indonesian Government and the armed forces of that country.

But our relationship with Indonesia is important to us. It's

a nation of more than 200 million people, it's our nearest neighbour

and it's within close flying distance, particularly of Western

Australia. But I will go to those talks as the Leader of a country

which has been a good friend but not an uncritical friend and a country

whilst understanding the political and cultural differences of our

neighbour is also a country that is concerned about human rights,

is concerned about justice and is concerned to ensure the fair treatment

and decent future for the people of East Timor.

But, ladies and gentlemen, it's always a special privilege for

a Prime Minister to come to regional Australia, to talk to people,

to listen to them, I hope in a small way to encourage them and, most

importantly, as Barry has done on behalf of the broader community

to express my thanks and my respect for all of those people who work

in such a tireless, unselfish and open hearted way to help those who

need assistance and to make our community work more effectively.

There are many things that make up the matrix of Australian values

and one of those things is our great spirit of volunteerism. And you

find volunteerism and a willingness to help each other, some even

call it mateship, in rural and regional Australia to an even more

pronounced and marked degree than you'd find in other parts of

Australia. And the willingness of everybody to dig in and help and

work together, particularly in adversity, is an instinctive Australian

characteristic. And we really do do it better than any other country

in the world, and it's one of those precious Australian assets

that we must always hang onto and we must always work very hard to


Now, as you are aware, the Federal Government out of the Federation

Fund, which is a one billion dollar fund designed to support projects

that will in part honour one hundred years of the Australian nation

and also contribute valuably to the infrastructure of this country,

out of that we have contributed the sum of some five million dollars

for the marvellous enterprise for which Mr Manners is principally

responsible. And the Hall of Fame that will quite rightly and properly

honour the contribution of the mining industry of Australia to this

nation. The mining industry is an integral part of the Australian

economy. The contribution of the mining industry to the wealth of

this country is incalculable. And it will always be part of the policies

of my government and the policies of Coalition Governments generally

at a State and Federal level, to support and to help and to promote

and to defend the mining industry of this country. And that applies

in relation to a whole range of things, many of which have been under

debate recently and continue to be under debate, matters relating

to Native Title and a resolution of that issue is important to the

people of this district because while ever there is uncertainty surrounding

investment there will be less investment. As surely as night follows

day if you have uncertainty about an industry you will get less investment.

And the sooner that that is resolved the better it will be for the

people of Western Australia, for the people of this district and for

the people of the Australian community generally. And it's been

the desire of my Government, and I believe that last year we worked

out an honourable compromise which was fair to the mining industry,

fair to the farmers, fair to the Indigenous people and fair to the

generality of the Australian community. And the translation of that

outcome here in Western Australia is being held up at the moment.

And because it's being held up the mining industry is suffering

and the community is suffering. It ought to be fixed and it ought

to be fixed quickly. Because while it remains held up all of those

groups, the Indigenous groups, the mining industry and the farming

interests of this country which is so very important and the general

community are suffering.

But, ladies and gentlemen, can I say to Barry, who's been in

a short period of six months an extremely energetic representative

of this vast community and this vast and vast electorate of Kalgoorlie

and he is working very hard in Canberra for you. He's certainly

persistent and that's what you want and that's what a community

like this is entitled to have, you're entitled to have somebody

who will speak up for the particular problems and challenges of a

community such as this. I thank Barry very warmly for having me here

today, it's a delight to be amongst you, I wish you well and

to all of you thank you most warmly for the contribution that you

are making to this magnificent community.

Thank you.