PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much Mr President. To you and to my State and

Federal Parliamentary colleagues and fellow Liberals. It is always

a delight to address the State Council of the NSW Division. It always

a pleasure to come back to this building where I have attended many

meetings over the years and shared with you our common commitment

to the Liberal Party cause here in NSW and throughout Australia.

This week of course has been dominated by two significant events.

The first of those was the unveiling of the 1999 Federal Budget. Rarely

has a government had the opportunity to present a budget in more positive

economic circumstances. And rarely has a government earned the right

by dint of its own decision making to present a budget in such favourable

circumstances. It is not an idle boast to say that the economic condition

of this country is better than it has been since the last 1960s.

In the last year the Australian economy has out-performed any economy

in the industrialised world. Despite predictions to the contrary,

we stared-down the Asian economic downturn. When I became Prime Minister

of Australia this country was an anxious outsider knocking on the

Asian door, almost begging admission. Such was the mindset that had

been acquired under the leadership of the former government. A little

over three years on we are seen as a nation stronger, more secure,

more progressive and more willing to help with our regional friends

than ever in our history. We are seen quite properly as being fully

engaged with, and committed, to the Asian region. But we are not obsessed

about how we relate to the region any more. We no longer worry about

whether we are part of Asia, involved with Asia, enmeshed with Asia.

We are simply being ourselves in Asia.

And the ourselves we are being, if I can put it that way, is a nation

proud of the fact that we occupy a special intersection of culture,

geography and history. And those things a few years ago that were

seen almost as weaknesses for Australia in Asia, such as our stable

banking system, some people said that was a bit dull and unenterprising,

our strong rules of corporate governance, our commitment to a system

of open parliamentary democracy, all of those things are now seen

as massive strengths. And when I met the President of Indonesia, the

leader of 211 million people, our nearest neighbour, the fourth largest

nation on earth, I am greeted as the leader of a country which is

seen as strong, as positive, as a good but not uncritical friend and

ally. I said when I became Prime Minister on the 2nd of

March 1996 that I would propound and defend the values of Australia

abroad. And I've kept faith with that commitment. And when I

spoke to Dr Habibie I propounded and defended the values of Australia,

but I did so in a way that did not hector or seek to tell another

country that what worked here necessarily worked there. And this is

something we should remember in our relations with other societies.

And just as I abhor us wanting to change ourselves to please others

I don't expect others necessarily to change themselves to please

us. We have to understand that in a world of differences, philosophical,

history, cultural and ethnic, inevitably nations do not need to be

carbon copies of each other in order to cooperate in a constructive

fashion. And we have achieved in relation to East Timor, we have achieved

something that our predecessors did not do. And that was we have played

a major role in changing the policy of the Indonesian Government.

And we've changed it in a very constructive way.

So it was with an enormous pleasure that we were able to present a

budget which delivered a surplus, a budget that reported that Australia

had grown more strongly than any nation in the industrialised world

over the last 12 months. A budget that recorded that we have the lowest

interest rates in 30 years, the lowest inflation rate in 30 years,

a strong level of business investment. But it was also a budget that

was able to make important social provision. It always important to

have a balance between economic realism and social concern and social


As I said a couple of weeks ago when addressing the Australian Unlimited

Conference in Melbourne, our government is very much about liberalisation

in economic affairs, and what I described as modern conservatism in

social affairs. A concern to maintain the traditional values of Australian

society but to apply them in a modern and contemporary fashion, having

regard to the changes that have taken place in our community and our

society over the last few generations. And that social provision,

or modern conservatism, expressed itself in a number of ways. Our

renewed commitment to further reform in the area of private health

insurance. We are for a mixed system. We are for the public hospital

system, but unlike the Labor Party we believe in private health insurance.

That's why we brought in a 30 per cent rebate, something the

Labor Party should have done years ago but refused to do because of

their obsession with destroying private health insurance, despite

what their now leader says. If they had done something about private

health insurance in 1990 when their former health minister Grahame

Richardson said they should, then we would not have inherited a private

health insurance level in this country of about 32 per cent.

We've brought in life-time health cover. Life-time health cover

will provide further incentive for young and healthy people to take

out private health insurance. But there will be a 12 month grace period

until the 1st of July 2000 for people between age 30 and

age 65 to join and under the arrangement everybody over the age of

65 who joins for the first time being able to do so without penalty.

And at long last we will actually reward people who have given loyalty

to private health insurance funds over the long years. And they are

entitled to a reward.

Our social concern was displayed in relation to our commitment to

education. Quite unapologetically this budget provided for the most

generous and the most supportive provision for non-government schools

that any Federal Government in this country's history has provided

for. But it was not done in any way to disadvantage the government

schools. We believe in a simple principle in education and that is

that every Australian parent has the right to educate his or her children

according to their choice. It is a fundamental Liberal principle first

dramatically embraced by Sir Robert Menzies 36 years ago when he broke

the gridlock – he broke the deadlock on State aid to independent

schools and ended almost a century of discrimination against almost

30 per cent of the Australian population. He did it in a dramatic

and generous way, he did it in a way that the Labor Party was incapable

of doing.

And what I did, and what the budget did last Tuesday night was to

carry on that tradition into new areas to provide low income parents

in both Catholic and non-Catholic schools greater support and as the

Secretary of the Christian Schools Association said in his press release

that the announcement we made delivered more justice to working class

families and enabled them to make greater choices in education than

the provision that any government in Australian history had ever made.

And this argument we get from the Labor Party that we're discriminating

against government schools totally ignores the fact that the great

providers for the government schools are their owners and that is

the State governments of Australia. On a per capita basis Federal

Governments always give more money to independent schools because

Federal Governments don't fund government schools, they're

funded by the State Governments. And this business I mean to grab

hold of a statistic and to say that because you're giving $X

a head straight out of the Federal budget to Government schools, and

X plus to independent schools that you're discriminating against

the Government schools completely ignores the fact that we give billions

of dollars in financial assistance grants each year to the State Government,

and the biggest claim made on State government budgets is in fact


And under the financial agreements this year, the State of NSW for

example will receive a five per cent real increase in their financial

assistance grants. Well the average will be five per cent across the

States and as you know the Commonwealth Grants Commission has awarded

the State of NSW an increase of about $165 million under the equalisation

arrangements that have operated under our Federal/State financial


So I reject totally and completely the hogwash peddled by the teacher

unions and the Labor Party that we are discriminating against government

schools. It is our responsibility to fund independent school choice.

We are doing it in a fair and balanced way and even in the most needy

and least provided for parish Catholic school in Australia, the parent

is only being subsidised to 70 per cent of the cost of educating a

child in a government school. And to suggest in those circumstances,

and given the responsibility of State Governments that in some way

we are discriminating in favour of so-called elite private schools

in this country is nonsense. The greatest expansion in the independent

sector is not in the so-called elite schools but is in fact in the

low fee schools that are growing up as a result of the relaxation

of the new schools policy that I undertook to do before the 1996 election.

So ladies and gentlemen it was a great budget. It was deservedly well

received because it combines economic achievement with social concern.

It displayed a government that was sensitive to social need but also

a government that has its eye very clearly on economic strength and

economic rectitude. A government that recognised that we couldn't

be complacent and couldn't take for granted our economic achievement.

But above everything else, as we look back on Tuesday night, we were

able to say that today's strength was a product of yesterday's

reform. Just as tomorrow's strength will be a product of today's

reform. And that of course brings me to the issue of taxation.

You've heard me say before that I regard reforming the Australian

taxation system as the largest piece of unfinished economic business

in this country. I said that two years ago, I said it repeatedly during

the election campaign, I said it last week, and it's as true

today as it was then. And nothing that happened yesterday alters the

fact that if we want to maintain the momentum we have developed we

need to reform our taxation system in a quite fundamental way. And

that is why I committed the Government to taxation reform before the

last election. And when I took the decision that we needed taxation

reform and when our Cabinet decided we needed taxation reform, we

knew that we wouldn't get control of the Senate at the last election.

The reality is that under our present system, particularly as the

result of the changes that were made in 1984 to increase the size

of the Federal parliament, changes that the Liberal Party voted against

but as a result of that it is impossible, virtually, for either side

of politics to control the Senate in its own right. And until there's

any change in that, and I don't speculate about that, that is

going to continue to be the situation. I knew, therefore, that we

wouldn't get control of the Senate. And I calculated that if

we spelt it all out in detail before the election, if we did what

people constantly say politicians don't do and that is tell the

truth about our intentions and then set about keeping our promises,

I knew that if we didn't do that we would have no prospect of

getting the legislation through the Parliament.

So we spelt it out in total detail. We made full disclosure. We held

nothing back. We exposed ourselves to the most ferocious fear campaign.

And what we have sought to do since the election has been to keep

that promise. And I was very proud of the fact that Peter Costello

was able to hold up a document last Tuesday night, when he delivered

the budget, and it was entitled ‘Keeping Our Promises for a Stronger

Australia.' And every single promise I made on behalf of the

Government in October of last year has been honoured in full, without

variation, in the Federal Budget. We didn't suddenly discover,

as Mr Carr did after the 1995 State election that he couldn't

rid of the toll way. We didn't suddenly discover, as Mr Keating

did after the 1993 election that having won an election campaign fighting

an indirect tax that, ‘oh, sorry fella's, I didn't

tell you about the need to increase all the wholesale sales taxes.'

We didn't do that. We did the exact opposite. We laid it out

in total detail. We exposed ourselves to all the risks that were inherent

in laying it out in detail. And we did that because we thought that

was the right thing to do and the honest thing to do. And we also

felt that that would give us some moral authority to say to the Senate,

‘well, we told the people about it before the election, they

returned us to government, you have an obligation to pass it.'

And it's the operation of those forces which is at stake in the

debate that is taking place at the moment. What incentive is there

for future governments to be honest and open with the Australian people

if they can't implement what they were elected on? It would have

been a different matter if I had gone to the last election and said,

‘well, I believe in taxation reform, trust me,' or like

Bob Hawke in 1984, I'd said I'm going to have a meeting

or a summit. Or if I had just generally fudged and said I'm going

to cut your income tax and then after the election said, oh, look,

I sort of left the page out. And that page contains a whole lot of

indirect tax increases. We didn't do any of that. We produced

a document that contained the greatest amount of detail ever presented

to the Australian people in an election campaign about a major policy

initiative. We could not have been more open and obvious and transparent.

We could not have made fuller disclosure. Yet we face a prospect that

what we were elected on being voted down by the Australian Senate

when the legislation is presented.

Now, the Australian people, in their own way, in their own time, will

make judgements about that and they will make judgements about those

who've made a contribution to that State of affairs. And people

keep asking me what is my reaction to this or that person. Other members

of the Australian Parliament are not accountable to me, they are accountable

to the Australian people, as I am accountable to the Australian people,

as my Federal colleagues are accountable to the Australian people.

And all we are saying to the Australian people is, we want to do for

you what we said we would do for you. That is what I am saying to

the Australian people. And I would have thought in its most elementary

way parliamentary democracy in our kind of society was about keeping

faith with people. And there's a marvellous quote, I think it's

from Robert Frost, that talks about having promises to keep and miles

to walk before I sleep. We have promises to keep. As a party we want

to keep them. There are others who are stopping us from keeping those


Ladies and gentlemen, we remain committed, resolutely committed, to

reforming the Australian taxation system. We don't want to reform

the Australian taxation system because of some ideological bent. We're

not doing it because of our health. We're not doing it because

it's the next thing do and we've got bored. We're doing

it because we really believe it will strengthen the Australian economy

in years to come. I want the Treasurer of this country in 2010 to

be able to stand up and present a budget as glowing as the one that

Peter presented last Tuesday night and to turn around and say, this

is the product of the reforms that the Howard Government undertook

at the turn of the century. We do need a new tax system for a new

millenium. We owe it to ourselves not to be complacent. In a competitive,

globalised world economy your competitor is the other bloke in the

race, not your predecessor as Prime Minister 25 years earlier. It's

no good me telling the Australian people that our economy is performing

better than it did 30 years ago unless I'm able to say it continues

to outperform our competitors. And that is our challenge. We have

achieved a lot because of past reforms. We won't achieve more

in the future unless we undertake further reforms. And that is why

we need to change the Australian taxation system. And that is why

we will presevere in the campaign to change that taxation system.

My friends, that is all I want to say about the Federal political

scene. But can I say, as a longstanding member of this Division and

as a person who's attended as a delegate hundreds of State Council

meetings since I first started coming to State Council in the early

1960s, that I share the sense of disappointment that the party organisation

feels about the outcome of the State election. And I think I would

be failing in my duty as a longstanding member of the New South Wales

Division if I didn't make a couple of observations. And I will

presume to draw upon that long membership in the candor of the observations

that I will make.

Can I first of all say, little is achieved by intense recrimination

or retrospection. Little is achieved by that. Nothing is achieved

by scape-goating. Something is achieved if lessons of past mistakes

are learnt and those lessons are applied. And something is achieved

if it is recognised that if there are some fundamental structural

weaknesses to a party's approach then those structural weaknesses

should be addressed at the beginning of a term in Opposition and not

somewhere else during that term.

Could I make the observation that, and I made it publicly before and

perhaps some people may not have liked the language I used but I stand

by it, but to be credible any Opposition has to develop an alternative

policy agenda. And it has to be developed over the period it is in

Opposition. It cannot be cobbled together at the last minute. One

of our most revered New South Wales Division's sons, Sir John

Carrick, had that marvelously evocative observation that you can't

fatten a pig on market day. Some people might think it's old-fashioned,

I think it remains very relevant. And you can't fatten, you can't,

you have to, over a period of time, build. We learnt that through

our bitter cost, Federally. We went through 13 years in Opposition

Federally. And when I look back on those years I can recognise mistakes

that are still being made by others. You can't put it together

at the last minute. You've got to develop a policy brand. People

have got to know you by your political values otherwise they will

not support you and that applies to you whether you're in government

or whether you're in Opposition. Now, that is a piece of across

the board advice. It is meant very genuinely. It is not directed any

anybody or any group of people in particular. It is generally directed

towards what I saw to be a difficulty here in New South Wales.

The other observation I would make is that one of the implied understandings

or covenants, as I often call it, on which the Liberal Party was established

is that you had a parliamentary wing and you had an organisational

wing. The parliamentary wing, unlike the Labor Party, was given complete

authority to determine policy. We won elections in the 1960s on a

campaign about the faceless men who controlled the Parliamentary Labor

Party. We prided ourselves on the fact that the people in Parliament

elected by the Australian people were the people who ultimately decided

policy. And we maintain that principle zealously. I consult the organisation.

I talk to them. I listen to them. I have a very close association

with my Federal President and with the State organisations and the

Federal Director. But in the end, our Cabinet and our Parliamentary

Party decides policy.

When we decided to embrace tax reform, before I made the announcement

I had a telephone hook-up with all of the State Presidents to explain

the Parliamentary Party's decision so they knew in advance. But

we took the decision but that's the Parliamentary Party's

prerogative. The corollary to that is that the organisation has complete

control in relation to candidate selection, has complete control in

relation to all of the matters relating to the running of campaigns

and to the operation of the organisation.

Can I say, with all the best will in the world, I think those two

responsibilities have become too blended and too merged here in New

South Wales, especially at a State level. I think one of the things

we have got to do is to reassert the separate responsibilities of

the organisation and of the Parliamentary party. I think it's

one of the important tasks that the organisation has over the weeks

and months ahead.

The other two observations I would make is, and this is as somebody

who first sat on the State Executive in 1963, is that I think our

State Executive is far too big. You can't run, in my view, a

political party with an executive that big. I think you desirably

need an executive of about 20 people whose sole parliamentary representatives

are those people who are elected directly to represent the federal

and State parliamentary parties. Now, some people in this room won't

like that and I don't imagine that much notice will be taken

of it. But, quite frankly, as somebody who cares about being in government

and as somebody who has had a bit of experience of being both in and

out of government, and as somebody who loves the Liberal Party and

who's spent all of his adult life as a member of the New South

Wales Division, I do think that I've earned perhaps the right,

just on this one occasion, to say a couple of things.

And there's one other thing I want to say and that is that if

all of that advice, per chance, were taken that would be good but

there's one other thing I just feel duty bound to say and that

is that I think this Division has spent far too much time and energy

in what I can only describe as self-destructive, personality-based

factionalism. I mean, I can understand in a way, providing it doesn't

become self-destructive, a party that has factionalism based on ideology.

But for heaven's sake, when it's based on mutual self-promotion

and it shows an unwillingness to see the common enemy it becomes self-destructive.

And I say that in relation to the behaviour of both sides of the argument.

One of the great successes of the Federal Parliamentary party after

I resumed the leadership in January 1995 was the fact that it operated

as a broad church. That there was proper representation in the shadow

Cabinet and in the Cabinet, of different points of view. A recognition

that in the end if there was a majority view on a particular issue

that majority view would prevail, but not in a triumphal, winner-takes-all

sense. And I think any political party is a coalition. We are a coalition.

The Liberal Party of Australia is the trustee of both the liberal,

the classical liberal tradition of this country, as well as the conservative

tradition. We are not exclusively either a small "l" liberal

party or a conservative party. We are a mixture of both. And unless

we remember that and we keep practising that we are doomed to repeat

the mistakes, certainly that we've experienced over the last

few years here at a State level.

Well Mr President I think I've said a fair bit this morning,

and perhaps I've overdone it,