PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much Michael Osborne; to Jeff Kennett, the Premier

of Victoria; to Kate Carnell; to George Souris, the Leader of the

National Party in New South Wales; Tony Staley, the Federal President

of the Liberal Party, and my numerous State and Federal parliamentary

colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.

Today we really enter the crucial and decisive period of this State

election campaign. Today represents the countdown to the vote that

will be taken on the 27th of March. And in the nature of

modern politics it is what happens over the next two weeks that is

going to determine the outcome of this election.

And let me say as a long time friend and admirer, as the Leader of

the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party, I have every confidence and

every belief that Kerry Chikarovski can not only win this election

but go on to be a very fine Premier of New South Wales. She has the

style, she has the personality, she has the understanding of life

and the experience of life that are the ingredients of a very fine

leader of the State of New South Wales. But she's also pitted

against a man and a government which has demonstrated in two very

key areas the utter hypocrisy of the Labor Government that New South

Wales now has.

For two-and-a-half years we were told by Mr Carr and Mr Egan that

it was crucial to the future of this State that we should privatise

the power industry of this State, yet now it is the subject of ridicule

and derision. But can anybody imagine that if by chance Labor were

returned they wouldn't immediately repudiate what they had said

on this subject during the election campaign, just as Mr Keating and

Mr Beazley broke their commitments not to privatise the Commonwealth

Bank. But even more glaring in the hypocrisy stakes is Mr Carr's

embracing of the goal of lower unemployment and of economic growth.

I have now been Prime Minister of Australia for just over three years

and I can report to you that every attempt made by the Coalition Government

to repair the Australian economy and thereby repair the economy of

New South Wales has been opposed by Bob Carr and opposed by Kim Beazley.

Both of them opposed the budget cuts to get the budget back into surplus.

Both of them have opposed taxation reform. Both of them opposed industrial

relations reform. Both of them opposed privatisation. Both of them

opposed the microeconomic reform that has made the Australian economy

and through it the New South Wales economy more competitive. Yet now

on the eve of this election Bob Carr seeks to bask in the sunlight

of the economic strength delivered through policies that he's

opposed for the last three years. And that is a measure of the hypocrisy

and, therefore, one of the things that have got to be put into judgement

and have got to be put into balance.

Now, I've known most of you in this great auditorium of a great

club for a very long time. We've been through many election campaigns

together. We've won a lot. We've lost a few. We share a

common political faith and we share a common political cause. And

over the next two weeks I want all of you to understand that in modern

elections it is the last days, the last weeks, that really count.

This election can be won and won very convincingly if we focus on

the main issues. If all of us work hard over the next two weeks, if

all of us realise that in Kerry we have a marvellous, thoughtful,

sensitive person to lead this State into the next millennium. We have

a strong Coalition. We have a good team. We have a great set of policies.

We are against a government and a party that has elevated political

hypocrisy to an art form.

I pledge, on behalf of my Federal Parliamentary colleagues, our total

support, our total commitment to the election of Kerry as Premier

of New South Wales and George Souris as Deputy Premier of New South

Wales. Right here in the St George area of Sydney, which has always

been at the knife-edge of politics both State and Federal, an important

contest is taking place.

But, ladies and gentlemen, will you now join me in welcoming Kerry

Chikarovski, the Leader of the Liberal Party, the person we want as

the next Premier of New South Wales. Will you welcome, Kerry Chikarovski.
