The government has agreed on a $124 million four year programme to
strengthen Australia's capacity to detect and deter illegal arrivals.
Illegal immigration is a growing global problem with an estimated
4 million illegal entries worldwide each year, and worth some $10
billion dollars to increasingly well organised and sophisticated people
smuggling syndicates.
The measures to be taken by the government represent the most comprehensive
changes to coastal surveillance since the establishment of Coastwatch
in 1988.
They include:
* Two additional Dash 8 aircraft to extend the footprint and intensity
of Coastwatch's aerial surveillance, particularly along the
east coast (see map)
* An additional night capable helicopter to be deployed in the
Torres Strait
* The establishment of a national surveillance centre at Coastwatch's
Canberra headquarters with electronic links to state government
agencies and Defence establishments
* A new position of Director-General of Coastwatch reporting directly
to the CEO of the Australian Customs Service. The position will
be filled on secondment by a senior officer of the Australian
Defence Force. Liaison arrangements between Coastwatch, Defence
and other agencies will also be strengthened.
* Expanding Australia's capacity to detect and deter illegal
immigration from source and transit countries through posting
twelve immigration officers to major source and transit countries,
including as airport liaison officers at key airports.
* Conclusion of bilateral agreements with source and transit countries
for cooperation on people smuggling issues and to provide for
the return of illegal arrivals
* Strong support for the conclusion as soon as possible of a protocol
on people smuggling to the proposed UN Convention on Transnational
Organised Crime
* Establishment of a high level Information Oversight Committee,
chaired by the Office of National Assessments (ONA), to coordinate
information and intelligence on people smuggling
* Introduction of comprehensive legislative amendments which the
Government will put before parliament shortly to strengthen maritime
investigatory and enforcement powers to complement legislation
on stronger penalties against people smuggling.
These and other measures to which the government has agreed are contained
in the report of my task force on coastal surveillance chaired by
the Secretary of my department, Mr Max Moore-Wilton. A list of
the task force's recommendations, all of which have been accepted,
is attached. Additional resources will be provided to implement the
recommendations, with agencies to absorb personnel costs where there
is capacity to do so.
When fully implemented these measures will greatly enhance Australia's
capacity to deal with the increasing threat of illegal immigration.
Each illegal arrival in Australia costs some $50,000 in processing
costs, and illegal boat arrivals pose potentially devastating quarantine
consequences for Australia's $13.5 billion agricultural industry.
With 37,000 kilometres of coastline and 9 million square kilometres
of ocean to cover, no Australian coastal surveillance system can be
foolproof. But the measures I am announcing today will greatly strengthen
the current system. They are a sound investment in the integrity of
Australia's borders, and represent a more cost effective solution
than the creation of an Australian coastguard or transfer of the coastal
surveillance function to the Defence force.
I have written to all the Premiers and Chief Ministers advising them
of the decisions. I have also asked Mr Moore-Wilton to brief his state
and territory counterparts on the implementation of the measures.
I would like to thank all the members of the task force for their
report. I would also like to thank all those, including state and
territory governments, who made submissions to the task force.
27 June 1999
Recommendation 1
That an Information Oversight Committee be established immediately
of relevant agencies to coordinate the gathering and analysis of information
and intelligence on people smuggling; and to oversee arrangements
to facilitate intelligence exchanges with other countries confronted
by people smuggling.
Recommendation 2
That an additional 7 DIMA compliance officers be placed overseas in
key Asian (Shanghai, Guangzhou, New Delhi, Colombo), African (Nairobi
and Pretoria) and Middle East (Ankara) cities to detect and deter
illegal immigration by boat and to strengthen information gathering.
The cost over four years, including some local support, will be in
the order of $9 million.
Recommendation 3
That since illegal immigration by air far exceeds illegal boat arrivals,
and some illegal boat arrivals begin their journey with a plane flight,
additional resources be provided for 5 additional DIMA airport liaison
officers (ALO) in Bangkok, Denpasar, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore.
The cost over four years will be in the order of $5 million.
Recommendation 4
That people smuggling issues receive a high priority in the work of
Australia's overseas missions, with representations made at ministerial
level where appropriate and that missions in source and transit countries
develop and implement strategies to regularly and widely disseminate
targeted information on Australia's policies on people smuggling
and related matters.
Recommendation 5
That priority be given to concluding arrangements with source and
transit countries and strengthening international cooperation in combating
people smuggling, and in particular:
* further develop Australia's cooperation and arrangements
with China (particularly Fujian officials) to stop the departure
of boats and the speedy return of boat people;
(b) extend the arrangements with Indonesia and PNG on third country
nationals attempting to enter Australia illegally and develop
similar arrangements with New Zealand and the Solomon Islands
with the objective of assisting with the removal of third country
nationals from those transit nations before they enter Australia;
(c) similar arrangements to be developed with other source and
transit countries, as appropriate, including Malaysia, Thailand,
South Korea and some Middle East countries;
* establish arrangements with the Solomon Islands and other neighbouring
island states on providing information on possible unauthorised
boats travelling to Australia; and
* AusAID and DIMA to actively review the scope for providing assistance
to enhance the capacity of law enforcement and border control
agencies in major transit countries to deal with illegal immigration.
Recommendation 6
That DIMA, in consultation with relevant agencies, provide material
and technical assistance to law enforcement and other appropriate
authorities in Indonesia and PNG to assist those countries with activities
focussed on the detection, detention and removal of immigrants attempting
to enter Australia illegally. The cost over four years will be in
the order of $2 million.
Recommendation 7
That a high priority be accorded to conclusion of the People Smuggling
Protocol to the draft UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime
and its ratification be encouraged within our region and beyond.
Recommendation 8
That the footprint and intensity of Coastwatch's aerial surveillance
be extended through the lease of a further two Dash 8 aircraft (with
provision for double crewing and 4000hrs of operation per annum for
the two aircraft) and one twin-engine (Instrument Flight Rules rated)
helicopter (with provision for 500hrs per annum) for use in the Torres
[note: the aircraft and helicopter leases would be to 2004 to coincide
with the expiry of the existing Coastwatch contracts for the provision
of aerial surveillance aircraft and a helicopter. The first year includes
$2m for 1000hrs additional flying time for the existing fleet, to
cover the lead-time for the introduction of the two leased aircraft.
Provision is also included for the lease of a radar maintenance unit
and spares to provide enhanced support for the aircraft and four additional
Coastwatch Competency Assessment and Training Officers (CATOs).
The cost over four years will be in the order of $85 million.]
Recommendation 9
That a National Surveillance Centre be established within Coastwatch
in Canberra with enhanced electronic communications links, including
with state agencies, and an internal capacity to analyse information
received from agencies to better manage the national effort.
The cost over four years will be in the order of $20 million.
Recommendation 10
That secure satellite-based voice/data communications be established
to cover the full extent of Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone
(AEEZ) and beyond, including the capacity for real time communication
with coastal surveillance aircraft and ocean-going vessels.
The cost over four years will be in the order of $3 million.
Recommendation 11
That Coastwatch extend its surveillance to include more systematic
coverage of the AEEZ in the Coral Sea area, through transit operations
as required from neighbouring states such as PNG, the Solomon Islands,
New Caledonia and Indonesia.
Recommendation 12
That Coastwatch's profile be raised by separating it from Border
Division within Customs and established as a group in its own right
under a redesignated position of Director-General of Coastwatch, reporting
directly to the CEO of the Australian Customs Service.
Recommendation 13
That the position of Director-General Coastwatch be filled through
secondment of a serving uniformed Australian Defence Force (ADF) officer;
and that the Defence officer selected for the role identify other
secondment opportunities in Coastwatch and other relevant areas for
filling by members of the Australian Defence Force.
Recommendation 14
That the links between Coastwatch and its clients be strengthened
by the secondment to Coastwatch of the ADF Liaison Officer (ADFLO)
position (currently in Sydney) and a DIMA liaison officer; that Coastwatch
post a liaison officer to REEFCENTRE headquarters to liaise with Queensland
authorities and to Defence's Northern Command in Darwin to enhance
links with Defence.
Recommendation 15
That Customs and DIMA, in consultation with relevant agencies, develop
a National Protocol among Commonwealth agencies and with state and
territory agencies to cover illegal landings on Australian territory,
as an adjunct to offshore surveillance arrangements.
Recommendation 16
That in the lead-up to the expiry of the two major Coastwatch surveillance
contracts in 2004, Coastwatch further investigate the capacity of
emerging technologies to partly replace manned aerial surveillance.
Recommendation 17
That comprehensive legislative amendments be introduced to further
strengthen maritime investigatory and enforcement powers against both
Australian and foreign flag vessels. The legislation to be amended
includes the Migration Act 1958, Customs Act 1901,
Quarantine Act 1908, Fisheries Management Act 1991 and
associated legislation.
Recommendation 18
That the Commonwealth introduce legislation to create a forfeiture
regime in relation to all boats or vehicles used in connection with
the smuggling of migrants to Australia. Within constitutional constraints,
this would operate regardless of whether prosecution action were taken
or a conviction obtained and penalties imposed. Such a scheme would
result in the forfeiture of the vessel, vehicle or aircraft immediately
upon its arrival in Australia with prohibited non-citizens on board.
It would complement legislation to be considered by parliament on
stronger penalties against people smuggling. Apart from the deterrence
factor, such powers are necessary to enable derelict vessels to be
disposed of quickly before they become a hazard to navigation. In
the meantime full use should be made of s260 and s261 of the Migration
Act 1958 to have illegal vessel/aircraft detained and the Proceeds
of Crime Act 1987, which enables an offender's property to
be forfeited if it can be shown that an offender has been enriched
by migrant smuggling activities.