PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston

Subjects: Ministerial arrangements, overseas visit



Ladies and gentlemen, under the new Ministerial arrangements Mr Mark

Vaile will become the Minister for Trade to replace Mr Fischer. Warren

Truss will be promoted into the Cabinet to take over Mr Vaile's

current portfolio of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests. And Larry

Anthony will be joining the Ministry as Minister for Community Services.

In addition, Senator Ron Boswell, the Leader of the National Party

in the Senate will be appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister

for Transport and Regional Services, Mr Anderson. These are the only

changes that are being made to the Ministry. They are sensible changes.

Mr Vaile will be an energetic Trade Minister. The appointment of Larry

Anthony means that in the one century three generations of the Anthony

family have served as Ministers of the Crown in the Federal Government

of Australia. I congratulate Mr Anthony and Mr Truss and Senator Boswell,

in particular, on their promotions and also, of course, Mr Vaile who's

not only the new Minister for Trade but he's also the new Deputy

Leader of the National Party of Australia.

These changes will be formalised on the 20th of July. The

new Ministers will be sworn in in Canberra on the 20th

of July following a Cabinet meeting that day. Mr Fischer will act

as Prime Minister during my absence overseas which occurs in a few

minutes time and will continue as Acting Prime Minister until his

formal resignation from the Ministry and as Deputy Prime Minister

of Australia when I return on the 18th of July. I think

these appointments will be widely welcomed particularly in the rural

community. They strike the right balance. And Mr Vaile will become

a very effective part of the Foreign Affairs and Trade team joining

Mr Downer who is Minister for Foreign Affairs. Anybody have any questions?


Do you think Mark Vaile will be known as the reluctant Trade Minister?


No, I don't think so. I think there's been a little bit

of over interpretation of what he said at the press conference last

Thursday. I think what Mark was wanting to indicate was that he wasn't

in a hurry to get out of agriculture. He'd got rather used to

it. He enjoyed the job. He was doing it well. He was never as reluctant

to be Trade Minister as people suggested. Mr Anderson and I talked

about the matter yesterday and John said, having reflected on it,

he felt that the right thing to do was for Mark to be appointed as

Trade Minister and I accepted Mr Anderson's recommendation. It

was always going to be a National Party Ministry. That's in the

nature of the Coalition arrangement. Mark was never disinterested

it's just that he rather liked being Agriculture Minister. And

I know what it's like when you get a new Ministry and you're

in it for a few months, you grow accustomed to its face and you rather

like hanging on to it.


And it didn't concern you that it took a number of days to finalise



No, what, three or four days. And you've got to bear in mind,

Raphael, that the arrangements, the new arrangements, don't come

into force until the 20th of July. It's not as if

we've been without a Trade Minister since Mr Fischer announced

his resignation. He's still the Trade Minister. And I should

tell you that at two minutes past seven this morning he was on the

phone to me at Kirribilli House reporting on his latest discussion

with Mrs Barshefsky about our lamb exports to the United States and

also giving me an update in relation to the future occupancy of the

director-generalship of the World Trade Organisation. So, we still

have a very active Trade Minister in Tim Fischer until the 20th

of July and I'm sure that he'll be extremely active as Acting

Prime Minister while I'm out of the country.


Mr Howard, what will be your main objective in Japan?


My main objectives will be to, I guess, reinforce with the Japanese

Government the importance of the bilateral relationship, to encourage

a recommitment by Japan to the free trade goals of APEC. We agreed

two years ago with the Japanese that there would be a Prime Minister

to Prime Minister meeting each year. We had one briefly last year

in Kuala Lumpur. I'm going to Japan this year and I hope that

in the nature of things it will be possible for the Japanese Prime

Minister to come to Australia the following year. Japan is still our

best customer and it's a relationship that must be kept in good

repair. It is in good repair. And I want to drive home to the Japanese,

while I'm there, how important we regard their continued association

with us both at a trading, a political and a people-to-people level.


Does it concern you at all that John Anderson wasn't elected

unanimously by his party and Mark Vaile was? Did that speak to you

of any disquiet within the Coalition?


When Malcolm Fraser was elected Leader of the Coalition in the Liberal

Party in 1975 he wasn't elected unanimously, in fact, there's

only been to my knowledge three cases in the last 40 years that people

have been elected leaders of their party when there's been a

change like that unanimously and - when I became Leader of the Liberal

Party in '95, I think Bob Hawke was elected unanimously Leader

of the Labor Party in 1983, Harold Holt as Leader of the Liberal Party

in 1966. Off-hand I can't think of any other. Doug Anthony and

Ian Sinclair had a contest for the leadership of the Party when Jack

McEwen went. I don't think anybody could say that Anthony's

leadership of the National Party from 1971 to 1983 was in any way

destabilised by the fact that he had to win a contest. It's a

democracy and you have contests in democracies. I don't think

that's an issue at all. I mean, I don't even know whether

that story's true. I mean, I'm never told these things.

They're matters for the National Party Room but if it is true,

so what. It's a contest. He won it convincingly and he'll

go on to be a very good leader and I'm sure that he'll have

the very strong support of his Party.


Mr Howard, on a separate matter, have you seen reports of the latest

Naltrexone study that says it's not effective in treating addiction?


Well, I've seen a brief report. I haven't had any independent

advice about it, therefore, I don't think I'm in a position

at the moment to comment. Thanks.
