[Tape starts]
Oh fairly moving. A very emotional function. A wonderful tribute to
a wonderful person. Betty Cuthbert is in every way the golden girl
and Australians feel for her and the support evidence today is just
a demonstration of just how she's touched the emotions of sports
lovers all around Australia. She really is the ultimate example of
what the Olympic ideal should be. That is superb sportsmanship, great
talent, and courage and tenacity in the face of human adversity, that's
what the Olympic ideal is really all about and she is a magnificent
reminder of it.
Premier Kennett has said today that the Victorian Government will
put up half the money for the Geelong road. They'll fix half
of it and if you don't put up the rent we'll put up a sign
saying: the rest of the road's down to you.
Colourful Jeff, you can't beat him. Anyway we'll consider
it. We'll consider it. I had a pleasant chat with him on the
subject the other day, but we have a lot of requests and we'll
consider it along all the other requests. We make these decisions
in the interests of all Australians wherever they may live.
Mr Howard, John Brumby is holding a press conference and is expected
to resign as Victoria's Labor leader.
Well I wouldn't worry about the Labor Party down here. The State's
in the very best of hands.
Mr Howard, on the Olympics there's been photographic evidence
that Mr Coles now may have been in receipt of jewellery. Does that
harden your personal position against Mr Coles and whether he should
remain on SOCOG?
Well it's not for me to start saying who should or shouldn't
stay in positions that are not within my gift. The Prime Minister
of the country can't run around making ex cathedra announcements
on this or that occupancy. People will make their own minds up about
this whole thing. There's no doubt in the world it has done the
perceptions of the administration of Olympic sport both here and overseas
a lot of damage. But it doesn't alter the fact that the games
will be a huge success because Australians are interested in athletes,
they're interested in Australian sporting victories, they're
interested in the Olympic ideal, but I don't care to say anymore
than that.