PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Well thank you very much Gary Ringwood, to my ministerial colleagues

John Anderson and Mark Vaile, to all of the representatives of Telstra

who are here today, the other members of the Supermarket Council,

ladies and gentlemen.

This is certainly a very important and a day of great pride and

achievement for the Supermarket to Asia Council and I would like

to record my personal gratitude to Gary Ringwood for all the energy

that he has brought to bringing this project to fruition. There

is a lot of good news around about the Australian economy at present

and there's justifiable pride in the fact that the Australian

economy has been able to weather the worst of the Asian economic

downturn with less damage than many people believed as little as

six or twelve months ago. And one of the good pieces of news that

I heard this morning at the meeting of the Supermarket to Asia Council

was that despite the downturn that occurred in the Asian-Pacific

region, exports of Australian food over the last 12 months to all

destinations have risen by something in the order of 10 per cent.

And that is a remarkable achievement, given the difficulties in

our part of the world.

The food industry in 1997/98 was valued at $72.6 billion and it

employs more than 500,000 Australians across all regions. And in

1997/98 total food exports were over $18 billion and nearly 60%

of that was earned in Asia. And to continue to expand our markets,

to make certain that the relative success that Australia has thus

far had in escaping the impact of the Asian economic difficulties,

to consolidate that success into greater achievements in the future

we must continue to innovate and aggressively promote ourselves.

And FoodConnect is a clear and practical manifestation of this.

It is a demonstration of how the information economy is becoming

increasingly relevant and crucial to our export industries such

as agriculture. It will allow Australian producers to interact electronically

with customers and businesses in their supply chain. Electronic

commerce offers the potential to new and expanded markets and many

new jobs in our agricultural industries as our efficient competitive

producers take their products to the world. And it will make it

much easier for small and medium sized businesses to get into export

markets giving them larger markets and the capacity to invest and

employ more people.

It is a very exciting development in our drive to become the supermarket

to Asia. It would not have been possible without the assistance

of Telstra and I do want to record the Government's gratitude

to the company for the tremendous assistance and

co-operation and great enthusiasm of which Gary has spoken that

the Telstra organisation brought to this project. It is an exciting

development. I thank all of those associated with it. It represents

one of the great practical outcomes thus far of the Supermarket

to Asia Council's work which I remain very enthusiastic about

and have had the opportunity at the Council meeting this morning,

the first since the recent federal election, to reaffirm my personal

commitment to, and involvement in, and also the very strong commitment

of the Government.

I'm therefore delighted to be here. I'm delighted to

be part of the launch and to formally launch it. Thank you.
