PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Transcript ID:
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Your Excellency, Lady Deane, other very distinguished

guests including my Ministerial colleagues John Anderson and Robert

Hill, ladies and gentlemen.

This is the first occasion that I have had an opportunity

as Prime Minister to come to these Landcare Awards. And they do

represent a quite remarkable bringing together of different communities

in Australia who are dedicated to the care and the restoration and

the protection of our very fragile and special environment.

It is true, as the Governor-General said, that

the environment has now become one of those things that straddles

the differences between politicians on both sides of the political

divide. It is no longer an issue that only the young are interested

in. It is no longer an issue that only people living in areas of

the bush and the regions of Australia are interested in. It is certainly

no longer the preserve of those people who live in what are loosely

called the leafy suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne. It is now an issue

that effects everybody.

And at its grass roots, and at its best, and its

most basic and its most enduring the landcare movement represents,

in my opinion, the best expression you can find anywhere in Australia

of the enduring concern of Australians for the future of this precious

and beautiful continent of ours.


And I am very happy on behalf of the Government

to say how strongly we support the landcare movement and how excited

my colleagues and I are about this gathering of so many competitors.

Now we also have a very significant number of sponsors,

and one of those sponsors of course is Telstra. I don't give

Telstra any special plug except to say that Telstra had a little

bit to do a couple of years ago with a little bit of money that

ultimately ended up being invested by my Government in the future

of the environment. And I am very proud of that Natural Heritage

Trust, very proud indeed.


And I am also very proud of the fact that my two

Ministers have gone out of their way to make certain, through their

own actions, that that money gets to the right destinations and

I can promise you they will go on doing that. Because it is the

responsibility of governments to see that money goes where it is

meant by governments to go.

And landcare is going to receive in the coming

year about, or overall rather, about $280 million out of the $1.25

billion that has been set aside out of the sale of Telstra and set

aside for the Natural Heritage Trust.

Landcare of course is a great community movement.

It brings together on a voluntary and co-operative basis people

from all sections of Australian society who have a common commitment

towards, and a common love of the land which is held in us... trust

for future generations of Australians. And that is something else

about landcare which is so tremendously important.

And I think the other thing that I want to say

tonight is that it is an opportunity to remark on the importance

of non-metropolitan Australia to the future of our nation. I am

very conscious as I speak to you tonight that many areas of Australia,

despite the fact that drought has been put behind us in other parts

of our country, that there are still many areas of Australia which

are severely affected by drought. And I am very conscious as somebody

who grew up in the city of Sydney and has always lived in the cities

of Australia, I am very conscious of the different challenges that

face my fellow country men and women in the rural areas of Australia.

And the rural areas of Australia occupy a very

special place in my own heart, and they occupy a very special place

I know in the hearts of all Australians. And even though we have

a relatively small part of our population who live in the rural

areas of Australia they bulk very large in the export earnings of

our nation and they bulk even larger in the affections of the rest

of our nation. We understand the tribulations that you suffer, we

understand how important the nurturing of land is to your future,

we understand the massive contribution that the bush makes to this

nation of ours. And I have often said that I can't imagine

the Australia that I grew up to love, I can't imagine that

Australia, without a vibrant rural community. I can't imagine

that nation without its beloved bush and of course to have its beloved

bush we need to care for the future of the bush and that of course

brings us very much back to landcare.

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Government

I express again my very strong support for the landcare movement.

It is making a magnificent practical contribution to the caring

and the preservation of our environment. I congratulate all of those

who have participated in competition for the awards that are going

to be made tonight. I thank the sponsors, all of them for the great

contributions they are making. And I wish all people who live and

work and have their future in the bush the very best of happiness

and success and I thank you for the wonderful contribution you make

to our nation.

Thank you.
