PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
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Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston


Thank you very much, Mr Dauth; to Mr Morgan; to Her Excellency, the

Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines; to my Ministerial colleagues

who I welcome here today and most particularly, in the context of

this occasion, the re-appointed Cabinet Minister, the Minister for

Immigration and Multicultural Affairs and also the Cabinet Minister

I've appointed as responsible for reconciliation, Mr Philip Ruddock;

to my many other Parliamentary colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.

I want to thank the organisers of this exhibition for the opportunity

of participating in this opening and the opportunity that it gives

me to say a few words on behalf of the Government about what the exhibition


This exhibition will showcase to the world, and most particularly

to our region, one of the great realities and one of the enduring

realities and one of the enduring strengths of the Australian nation

and that is its very rich cultural and ethnic diversity.

Many words have been spoken about the diversity of Australia and many

things have been said about what represents the triumphs of the Australian

nation. And also in the process of saying those words and writing

those things we acknowledge, of course, like any other nation, our

past and our history has had its blemishes. But the sum total, the

balance, is a very positive and a very favourable one of which all

of us as Australians, irrespective of our background and irrespective

of whether we were born in this country or whether our parents were

born in this country or we have adopted Australia as our country,

it is something that we all share in common, that we do have a very

rich record of achievement and a great record of tolerance and openness

of which we should all be undeniably proud.

We have, of course, in our history a special place for the indigenous

people of Australia. And that special place is represented in the

exhibition and it is properly and fully acknowledged in the exhibition

as rightly it should be.

This is an occasion to remind us that in the last 50 years we've

had five-and-a-half million people who have immigrated to this country

from 150 different nations around the world. There isn't an example

anywhere in the world of the successful absorption and integration

into the broader Australian community of such a diverse group of people.

We have been able to do it better than any other country. We have

been able to unite people of that diversity into a harmonious, positive,

forward-looking Australian society. But we have been able to do it

in a way that continues to respect the individual racial and ethnic

and cultural background of the different groups that make up the Australian


As I said on the night of the last election, Australia was a nation

of many parts and many origins. The things that unite us as Australians

will always be more powerful and more enduring than the things that

divide us. And we have been able to achieve something quite unique

in the world. We've been able to achieve a sense of national

unity and preserve our sense of nationhood and our characteristic

identity as Australians without denying to the many parts that make

up the sum of the Australian nation a right to preserve and to nurture,

to love and to enjoy and to cherish their individual ethnic identity

and origin and the culture that goes with that individual ethnic origin

and identity.

So this is an occasion, and the opening of this exhibition is an opportunity

to talk about, in a very confident and assertive way of the Australian

achievement, particularly over the last 50 years. But it's also

an opportunity and an occasion to remind ourselves that that achievement

is not something that can be taken for granted. That we must always

reaffirm the essential principles of tolerance and decent treatment

of all Australians irrespective of their background. That we should

always, as a people, reject and shun intolerance and discrimination.

We should always proclaim the self-evident importance that every man

and woman in this country is entitled to equal treatment irrespective

of their racial, national, religious, ethnic or other origin. And

that any kind of racial discrimination is abhorrent to the Australian

value and to the Australian way of life. And that any practices or

attitudes that encourage intolerance and encourage insensitivity towards

people on account of their racial or religious background or intolerance

is something that should be rejected and shunned by all Australians

and that is one of the verities of modern Australian life and it's

a verity that we practice, it's a verity that we proclaim here

in Australia and it is something that we communicate and we proclaim

to the rest of the world.

One could not encompass in a short speech of this nature the contribution

of people of so many different backgrounds have made to the Australian

nation. We think of the massive contribution of so many people of

diverse backgrounds to our cultural life, to our business life, to

our political life, to our diplomatic life, to our sporting life.

We see the entry into sports hither to be seen as somehow or other

connected to one particular aspect of our national identity or our

national history of people of different and diverse backgrounds. And,

of course, the contribution that people of so many different backgrounds

have made to the view the rest of the world has of Australia has been

absolutely incalculable.

It is a well accepted fact that one of the many things that swung

the International Olympic Committee in favour of Sydney those several

years ago and one of the reasons why we will have the opportunity

in this beautiful city of hosting the Olympic Games in the year 2000

was the knowledge of the racial diversity and the cultural harmony

and diversity of the Australian nation. And it was something that

weighed very heavily in our favour and something that worked very

much to our credit. And there is much to celebrate in the modern Australian


We are, as I have remarked on many occasions, a nation that occupies

a unique intersection. We are in so many ways a projection of Western

civilisation in this part of the world. We have deep and enduring

links with Britain and the other nations of Europe and we share much

of the great cultural and politically liberal inheritance, and I say

liberal not in any party political sense but in a generic sense, of

European background. We also have very profound links with the nations

of North America and we have shared with the United States of America

the most powerful and the largest democracy in the world many experiences

both in war and in peace.

But here we are in the Asian-Pacific region of the world and we have

within the Australian nation itself a very, very vibrant community

of people of Asian descent who are playing a magnificent role in contributing

to the strength and the vitality of the modern Australia. In combining

those three things we have a special opportunity and we have characteristics

and assets that no other country in the world has. And we have an

opportunity if we use those characteristics and those assets in an

effective way we have an opportunity to achieve things that no other

country can achieve.

We are seen in Asia as having the advantages without the disadvantages

of our European and our American associations. We are seen in Europe

and in North America as having insights into the politics and the

culture and the life of the nations of the Asia-Pacific region. Not

only because of our geographic proximity but also because of the people-to-people

links, that exist between so many Australians of Asian descent and

the countries of that region.

And when I think of that unique intersection we occupy, that unique

conjunction of cultural and historical and geographical assets I can

only but be very excited and enthusiastic about the opportunities

that lie in front of this country as we move into the 21st


It's incredibly exciting and positive time to be alive in Australia,

to be involved in the affairs of our nation and to have the opportunity

of sharing in all those events that are going to unfold in the next

few years – the Olympic Games, the celebration of 100 years of

the Australian Federation, the achievement, I hope, of a lasting reconciliation

between the indigenous people of our country and the rest of the Australian

community. And what this exhibition will do will be to say confidently

to the rest of the world what modern Australia represents. It represents

a group of people who are proud of what we have achieved, acknowledge

the mistakes that we have made, celebrate our tolerance and our diversity

and thank the peoples of the world for the contribution over the years

they have made to the building of the Australian nation.

So, therefore, as Prime Minister I am particularly delighted to congratulate

the organisers of the exhibition, to wish them well, to thank them

for the many months of toil that they have put into establishing this

exhibition. I know it will be a huge success because it will tell

the truth about Australia and it will represent the modern Australia

to the rest of the world in a most effective and illuminating fashion.

I declare it open. Thank you.
