I think some political commentators ought to take a reality check.
There's only one choice. You either have Rob Borbidge as Premier
of Queensland or Peter Beattie. And it is very easy when you have
no hope of winning to sort of make all sorts of promises, and offer
all sorts of inducements and I would say to the people of Queensland,
the choice is between Rob Borbidge and Peter Beattie and between no
other two people and that is what should, in my view, determine how
people vote.
Are you surprised they're polling so well?
Election campaigns are about communicating messages between the public
and political leaders and the message that I address to people who
might be thinking of voting for a minority party is that it is very
easy when you have no hope of winning to promise the earth and offer
simplistic solutions, and that the real choice is between a Borbidge
led Coalition Government or a Government led by Mr Beattie of the
Labor Party. And that's the message that I communicate and the
message that I respectfully put to the people of Queensland.
JOURNALIST: (inaudible)
Well, look I didn't hear either of those questions. I dare say
that one of you will cede to the other.
You said a while ago Pauline Hanson was simply a transitory phenomena,
and by the next election people will have seen through her and she'll
disappear. That hasn't happened has it?
There'll be a poll on the thirteen of June and, as always in
these things, the public will decide and not the noise of commentators
or the noise of anybody else.
What's your expectation Mr Howard?
My expectation is that Mr Borbidge will be the Premier of Queensland
and he will have my total support and he deserves to be the Premier
of Queensland. I've found in my own dealings with him that he's
a great fighter for Queensland, and on the Native Title legislation
for example, Mr Borbidge has stood up for the interests of Queensland,
Mr Beattie has sold out the interests of Queensland by opposing a
resolution of the Native Title issue.
And what will it mean for Queensland if One Nation does hold the balance
of power?
Well, I don't believe that the result will be other than a National
Party win, but like all election campaigns you've got to work
hard, you've got to talk to people, you don't scream abuse
at electors, you talk to people, you explain the advantages of returning
a Coalition Government and you point out the simplistic solutions
of minority parties. It is very easy for minority parties, if I may
finish, it is very easy for minority parties to offer simplistic solutions,
when they have no realistic prospect of implementing their solutions.
If that situation eventuated though, it would be bad for Queensland,
wouldn't it?
Well, it would be very bad for Queensland if Mr Borbidge is not the
Premier after the thirteenth of June, very bad indeed. Thank you.
Prime Minister, is Ian Macfarlane Ministerial material?
Mr Macfarlane is a very fine candidate and I'm very proud to
have him as the Liberal candidate for Groom.