PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010509.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Appointment of Chief of Staff - Arthur Sinodinos

I wish to announce that I have decided to appoint Arthur Sinodinos, currently Policy Director in my office, to the position of Chief of Staff.

The appointment is effective immediately. Arthur was born and grew up in Newcastle. He first worked for me in the late 1980s as an economic adviser. He returned to my staff in March 1995 as senior economic adviser.

Arthur is a career public servant with considerable experience in economic and financial issues. He joined the public service in 1979 and most recently was an assistant secretary in the Federal Treasury.

He has been actively involved in Greek community affairs for many years, including the management of education and aged care facilities.

A more detailed C.V. is attached.

1 October 1997




Arthur Sinodinos was born in 1957 in Newcastle. He is a graduate of the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, (Bachelor of Commerce, Honours Class 1).

He joined the Department of Finance in 1979 as a graduate recruit. He was promoted to the Treasury in 1980 and served in various capacities until 1987. In October 1987 he joined Mr Howard's staff as Senior Economic Adviser. In May 1989 he returned to Treasury when Mr Howard lost the position of Opposition Leader.

He returned to Mr Howard's staff in March 1995.

Mr Sinodinos served in the Structural Policy, Financial Institutions, Economic and International Economy divisions of Treasury. He has experience in micro-economic reform, budgetary issues, foreign investment policy, labour markets, economic forecasting and international economic issues. He was Assistant Secretary, Labour Markets Branch (1992-1994), Acting First Assistant Secretary, Economic Division (1993-1994 Budget to January 1994), and Assistant Secretary, International Finance and Development Branch (1994-1995).