PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010209.pdf 2 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston

C R ( Bert) Kelly
The death of Bert Kelly last Friday has removed from the Australian
political scene a person who made a remarkable contribution to debate on
economic issues in Australia.
Bert Kelly was almost certainly the first and definitely the foremost
parliamentary advocate in the post World War 11 period of lower tariffs
and freer trade.
At a time when it was unfashionable to do so he, almost single handedly,
argued in Parliament for less government regulation and other economic
policies now commonly described as economic rationalism.
He withstood ridicule and attack from both sides of politics.
In time hie was to see the ideas lie championed almost alone for so long
enjoy mnuch wider political support.
Bert Kelly argued his cause with high intelligence and superb humour. A
Kelly speech from the backbench always attracted a good attendance in
thle House.
His " Modest Members" colun in The Australian Financial Review
became synonymous with the push for greater economic liberalism.
His admirers formed the Society of Modest Members which became a
power forum for further debate.
He faithifully represented the rural electorate of Wakefield in South
Australia for 19 years. He served as Minister for Works in the Holt
Governm-ent and as Minister for the Navy in the Gorton Government.

I particularly remember the kindness that he and his fellow South Australia
Liberal, Jim Forbes extended to me as a new member when I entered
parliament in 1974.
Those now on the Australian political scene who take it as given that the
contemporary economic debate is largely about the pace of further change,
not whether we should return to the days of high protection, should
remember the irnense debt of gratitude which is owed to Bert Kelly.
On behalf of the Liberal Party of Australia I record my appreciation for his
years of service and loyalty to our party. To his wife Lona and his family
I extend my deep sympathy on their great loss.
19 January 1997
( Canberra)