PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010066.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
Prime MInister's Science and Engineering Council

I am pleased to announce the new members of my Science and Engineering Council (PMSEC) in the lead up to its first meeting under the new Coalition Government on 13 September.

The Liberal and National Parties have a proud record of support for science in government. The establishment of the Australian Research Grants Committee by the Menzies Government and financial support for the CSIRO and radio astronomy by the Fraser Government are cases in point.

Science and Technology is a pervasive in its influence on our community. It has far reaching impacts, including the development of Australian industry, the protection and sustainable use of our environment and Australians' communication with one another.

Six Ministers with substantial portfolio responsibilities in science, technology and engineering will become members, and join myself as chairman and the Minister for Science and Technology as deputy chairman on the Council. Other Ministers will attend as required.

I am particularly pleased that the President of the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies ( FASTS), Dr Joe Baker OBE FTSE will become an ex officio member. A Council membership list is attached.

FASTS will represent around 40 000 working scientists and technologists on the Council.

The President of FASTS, Dr Baker, joins the President of the Australian Academy of Science, Sir Gustav Nossal, the President of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Sir Arvi Parbo, the Chair of the Australian Science, Technology and Engineering Council, Dr Don Williams, the representative of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Dr Ian Mair, and the President of the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, Professor Fay Gale, as members of PMSEC.

Dr Baker's membership, and that of the other representative bodies, will ensure that the Council is a forum in which leaders of the science community and representatives of the major users of science can bring issues and priorities to the Government's attention.

The first meeting plans to address important issues such as the contribution which science and technology can make to informed policy making in areas such as the environment. The sustainable use of water resources in the Murray-Darling Basin and the Great Artesian Basin will be specifically examined during the Council's first meeting.

8 August 1996

PMSEC Membership
Ministers Prime Minister (Chairman)
Minister for Science and Technology (Deputy Chairman)
Minister for Primary Industry and Energy
Minister for the Environment
Minister for Communications and the Arts
Minister for Industry, Science and Tourism
Minister for Health and Family Services
Minister for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affirs
(The Treasurer may also attend meetings)

Ex Officio members
Chief Scientist (Executive Officer)
Chairman, Australian Science, Technology and Engineering Council
President, Australian Academy of Science
President, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
President, Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies
President, Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee

Members appointed in a personal capacity
Dr Claire Baxter, Director, Business Liaison Office, University of Sydney
Mr Ian Berekelman, AM Chief Executive, Vocational and Training Corporation of Australia Pty Ltd
Dr Greg Clark, President, News Technology Group, News Corporation
Professor Adrienne Clarke, AO, Chairman, GSIRO Board
Dr Edwina Cornish, Managing Director, Florigene Pty Ltd
Dr Norman Fussell, Chairman, Queensland Industry Development Corporation
Professor John de Laeter, AO, University of Technology, Western Australia
Dr Ian Mair, Immediate Past President, The Institution of Engineers, Australia
Professor Fiona Stanley, AC, Director, TVW Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
Dr Edward Tweddell, Group Managing Director and CEO, F H Faulding and Co Limited
Mr John Vines, Executive Director, The Association of Professional Engieers, Scientists and Managers Australia