PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Howard, John

Period of Service: 11/03/1996 - 03/12/2007
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00010004.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Howard, John Winston
APEC Business Advisory Council


The Government is committed to strengthening APEC and Australia's economic and other links with the Asia-Pacific region.

I am very pleased, therefore, to announce that my personal representatives on the APEC Business Advisory Council ( ABAC) will be:

- Mr Ian Webber, Chairman of Mayne Nickless Limited
- Mrs lInelda Roche, Co-Chairnan of Nutri-Metics International.
- Mr Michael Crouch, Chairman and Managing Director of Zip Industries

Each brings to the Council extensive business experience in the region, good standing among the Australian business community and a sense of vision about what Australian business can achieve.

APEC leaders agreed in Osaka last November to establish the Council in order to provide advice on business perspectives and priorities for APEC activities. Each leader agreed to appoint three ABAC epresentatives covering the broad spectrum of business interests, including small and medium sized enterprises.

The Council will help ensure that the business community is more actively and directly involved in APEC. APEC has done well in setting the right policy directions and achieving the political commitment to free trade and investment in the region. It must now focus on delivering practical results by removing the impediments standing in the way of business.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Philip Brass for the valuable contribution he made over the past two years as one of Australia's representatives on the Pacific Business Forum ( PBF), the predecessor to the APEC Business Advisory Council.
24 May 1996

Mr Webber was born in Melbourne on 20 May 1935. He was educated in
Adelaide at Pulteney Grammar School and St. Peter's College, later graduating in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide.

He joined Chrysler Australia in 195 6 and held a wide variety of engineering assignments after gaining his Masters Degree in Automotive Engineering at Chrysler Corporation's Central Engineering Division in Detroit USA. After assignments with Chrysler Corporation in the UK and South Africa, he was appointed Managing Director of Chrysler Australia in 1974 and subsequently Deputy Chairman of the company. In 1980 he was named as the first Managing Director of Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited following the company's name change.

Mr Webber joined Mayne Nickless Limited in July 1981 and was appointed
Managing Director in December of that year. He assumed the role of Chairman in November 1991.

Mr Webber is currently a Director of Santos Limited, and Pacific Dunlop Limited, Chairman of the Advisory Board of ASEA Brown Boveri Pty. Ltd. and of the South Australian Development Council and a member of the General Motors Australian Advisory Council. He was also Chairnan of the National Transport Planning Taskforce and United Australian Automotive Industries Limited.

Mr Webber was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in June 1992 for services to the transport industry.

Married with three daughters, Mr Webber's hobbies include oil painting and restoring vintage cars.

Michael Crouch, AM is Chairman and CEO of Zip Industries ( Aust) Pty. Ltd., an all Australian manufacturing company that is world leader in its field, with operating subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and South Africa.

Mr Crouch has travelled extensively through Asia and, as a global exporter of manufactured goods, and with rural interests, Mr Crouch is very much aware of the need to foster economic cooperation globally.

Awarded membership of the Order of Australia in 1988, for Services to the Commnity and Conservation, Mr Crouch has served as Director for a number of companies and charitable organisations including Advance Australia Foundation Ltd. and The National Committee for Development of Youth Employment. He has been President of the National Parks Wildlife Foundation of NSW since 1982 and serves on the Sydney Advisory Board of the Salvation Army.

Aged 62, and educated at Cranbrook School, Bellevue Hill, Michael Crouch is the son of H W Crouch, MC, married with three children and lives at Point Piper and Scone, NSW.


Imelda Roche is Co-Chairman of Nutri-Metics International Holdings Pty. Ltd., a group spanning over 20 countries around the globe from Asia-Pacific to Europe and North America.

Together with husband Bill, Imelda launched Nutri-Metics International
( Australia) Pty. Limited in 1968 subsequently establishing operations in 7 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Some twenty-three years later in August 1991, they acquired the world-wide interests of Nutri-Metics International, bringing the international head office to Sydney.

Her outstanding leadership and performance in the direct selling industry is recognised both locally and internationally. In 1986 Imelda was awarded the Australian Pursuit of Excellence Award and in September 1993, she was appointed Chairman of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations. The WFDSA encompasses 43 nations, represents over 1200 member companies and has in excess of fifteen million representatives. Imelda's three year term of office is a first for an Australian and the first for a woman.

Imelda's commitment to community service is reflected in her involvement with the following Boards and Committees: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC) Pacific Business Forum; Trade Policy Advisory Council ( TPAC); TPAC APEC Sub Committee; AirServices Australia; Australian International Education Foundation Council; Business/ Higher Education Round Table Executive
Committee; Bond University Council; Bond University School of Business Ltd; UTS Board of International Studies; Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust; The John Brown Foundation; Trustee, CEDA.

In recognition of her contribution to business and commerce, women's affairs and the community, Imelda Roche was appointed an Officer in the General Division of the Order of Australia ( AO) in the 1995 Australia Day Honours List.

Bill and Imelda have four children two daughters and two sons.