PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00009643.pdf 7 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

TEL: ' 22.3un .5 ' 2: 40 N o. 026 P. CuI1' Ci7
Cabinet met last night to consider further Australia's response to President Chirac's
announcement on 13 June that France would resume nuclear testing in the
South Pacific.
Cabinet's deliberations were against the background of the French rejection of the
efforts of the South Pacific Forum delegation, led by Senator Evans, to persuade
Franco not to proceed with the tests.
Australia's response to the French decision has been strong, unequivocal and concrete,
The Government has attacked the decision in very strong terms first in a statement I
issued on 14 June immediately following on President Chirac's announcement
deploring the decision. I announced in that statement that the Government had frozen
cooperation with France in the defence field. The language of that statement was
repeated by the Foreign Minister, in Japan at the time, in a series of press conferences,
and in a direct telephone conversation with the French Foreign Minister,
Mr Ilerve de Charette. The Acting Foreign Minister called in the French Ambassador
and issued a formal protest and our Ambassador did likewise in Paris.
The Government has also taken the lead in promoting a strong South Pacific regional
action. On 15 June, I issued a statement as Chair of the Forum condemning the
French decision, after consultations with my fellow South Pacific Forum heads of
government. On 19 June Senator Evans led a delegation of Forum reprcsentatives
which conveyed direct to the French Government the region's condemnation of the
decision and the deep resentment it has aroused in the whole region.
The Government gave instructions to its embassies abroad to make our position
known on the French decision. Many countries have expressed their opposition to the
tests, including a number of our closest neighbours.
Australia has also made active use of multilateral forums to leave no doubt as to
where we stand on this issue. We have expressed our outrage at the French decision
in the United Nations in New York, as well as the International Atomic Energy
Agency in Vienna and the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva.

TEL: 5 20 40 Ho .026 F'. 02,'
On 19 June I made a speech in Parliament setting out the Governimcnt's views on the
decision and Australia's relationship with France.
Concerned about flow-on consequences of the French decision, I have instructed our
Ambassador in Washington to welcome the continued US commitment to its
moratorium and urge the United States to maintain its leadership in negotiating a
Comprehensive ' Test B~ an Treaty ( CTBT) in terms acceptable not only to the nuclear
weapon statcs but thc widcr international community Our Ambassadors in Beijing,
London and Moscow will also be making representations to the other nuclear weapon
states in favour of the moratorium on testing and early conclusion of the CTBT.
By any measure this amounts to an unequivocal response. I am in no doubt that the
French are clear about our views.
Last night, Cabinet after hearing a report and recommendations from Senator Evans
decided upon a series of further measures now to be taken and in the light of the
outcome of the Forum delegation's visit to France. Covering actions at the bilateral,
regional and global level, thcse measures are in line with the Government's consistent
policy on this issue which has been to respond in a measured, graduated way, leaving
open every avenue for France to respond to South Pacific concerns.
The flil details of the proposed measures are set out in the attachment. In broad
outline, they are as follows:
The Government has decided that Australia's Ambassador in Paris is to be recalled
for urgent consultations and briefing on how Australia can best continue to react
to the French decision.
e The Government has decided to extend the curtailment of defence contacts with
France in the areas of ship and aircraft visits, training, senior officer visits, material
acquisition, and defence-related agreements and arrangements. The senior ADF
representative in Paris will be recalled. ( In relation to the curtailment of aircraft
visits, Defence will take the operational steps required to continue to provide the
samne level of maritime surveillance to the Pacific Island countries.)
a The Gove'rnment will convene a special meeting of South Pacific Environment
Ministers to discuss the environmental impact of testing.
9 The Government will be consulting with Forum countries on possible regional
measures including the suspension of France's status as a South Pacific Forum
dialogue partner for the duration of testing; a possible boycott by individual
Forum countries of the South Pacific Games to be held in French Polynesia in
August; and the formation of a Forum Regional Action Commiittee to coordinate
responses to France's decision, mobilise and support community campaigns in
Forum countries, and report to the Madang Forum in September.
' t'he Government will1 be conisulting with Forum countries on thc desirability of a
public information campaign being mobilised in France to sensitise public opinion
to the strength of regional opposition to French testing and the reasons for it.

TEL: Jun 21): 40 rlo 0 F 0>
a At a wider international level, Australian delegations and representatives will take
advantage of all available opportunities to register Australian and regional
opposition to French testing in the UN and all other appropriate multilateral
bodies, including where appropriate through the initiation of resolutions.
A high-level officials mission will be sent to nuclear weapons states to argue the
case for an acceptably drafted and quickly negotiated CTI3T.
While it is not proposed to embark upon any trade or other direct economic
restrictions, it should be noted that the existing policy of entering into no new
contracts for the sale of uranium to France until France enters into a Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty will remain in force,
The Government will keep the implementation and impact of the above measures
under close review in the months ahead. We are determined to do everything we
possibly and reasonably can to ensure that France understands the nature and extent
of Australian and South Pacific opposition to its test resumiption decision, and acts
accordingly. CANBERRA 23 June 1995

IL: 2. urni 0 4S N1: o4 . W02i u' 6
A. BILATERAL Diplomatic Recall Ambas ' sador Brown from Paris for urgent consultations and briefing on
the Government's response to date to France's decision.
Dercnce Recall the senior ADF Representative in Paris.
Restrict Australian bilateral defence contracts with France in the following manner
Ships and Aircraft Visits
Suspend ship and aircraft visits to France and French Pacific territories except
where such visits are related to humanitarian and disaster relief activities. The
suspension will remain in force until France ceases nuclear testing in the Pacific.
This will include the cancellation of:
a planned visit to Noumea by H-MAS NEWCASTLE in September to
participate in New Caledonia VP celebrations;,
two maritime surveillance Fremantle Class Patrol Boat visits planned for
latcr this year; and
Maritime Patrol Aircraft visits to Noumea.
French military ships and aircraft will not be permitted to visit Australia while
the Frcnch nuclear testing program continucs except where such visits are
related to humanitarian or disaster relief activities.
( ii) Training Suspend the following training activities until France ceases nuclear testing.
attendance by French students at the Joint Services Staff College in
Canberra;, attendance by an Australian officer at a French Military Staff course in
Paris;, ADF French language students visiting New Caledonia for language
training; and

pii) ( iv)
( v)
B. REGIO-N the visit by the Army Technical Staff officers course to French companies
later this year.
Senior Officer Visits
Suspend visits by senior Defencc Organisation officers ( one star and above) to
France and by French senior officers to Australia.
Materiel Acquisition
Apply for the duration of French nuclear testing the following restrictions to the
Defence Major Capital Equipment Procurement program:
no new procurem~ ent arrangements will be entered into with the French
proposals by French companieg to bid as prime contractors will be
considered for approval case by case by the Minister for Defence.
Defence Related Agreements and Arrangements
Not progress proposed agreements in the following areas while the French
nuclear testing program continues:
French-Australian collaboration on Naval Equipment;
a Cooperative Defence Logistics Support Agreement;
an MOU on the implementation of the existing agreement on Collaboration
on Defence Research and Technology;
an arrangement for the exchange of classified mnaritime information.
Constilt with South Pacific Forum countries on suspension of France as a South
Pacific Dialogue Partner for the duration of French testing.
Consult with the South Pacific Forum countries on the establishment of a
Regional Action Committee tocoordinate
Forum follow-up to the Forum Mission's talks with France;
( ih) develop a Forum campaign on nuclear testing in the South Pacific to
maintain a flow of information to regional governments and groups;
Jun .95 20: 40 No .026

ILLJ U12u . i5 0 4 C' N
assist in channelling commnunity views to appropriate UN and other
international bodies; and
assist in channelling community views to targct French community groups
such as NGOs, political parties and schools;
( iii) report on the Committee's activities to the leaders at the Madang Forum
meeting in September.
Convene a spccial meeting of South Pacific Environment Ministcrs to discuss the
environental impact of testing8 and the possible establishment of a monitoring
program. Consult with South Pacific Forum countries on the development of a public
information campaign including, for example, exhibitions, newspaper articles,
television and cinetna advertisements to be undertaken in France to sensitise
French public opinion to the strength of regional opposition to French testing and
the reasons for it.
Consult with South Ptwiliw Forum countries on the possible boycott of the
South Pacific games to be held in French Polynesia in August this year.
C. GLOBAL Send as soon as possible a hieh level officials mission to the Nuclear Weapon
States to argue the case for a strong and effective Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
and accelerate the negotiating process for it.
( l0) Take advantage of all available opportunities, including where appropriate through
the initiation of resolutions, to register Australian opposition to French testing in LN
and other appropriate multilateral forums, particularly
the Conference on Disarmament;
the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Auckland in
November, the International Atomic Energy Agency;,
the World Ilealth Organisation, of which Australia is currently an Executive
Board member;
the UN General Assembly-,
the UN Special Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation;
the UN 50th Anniversary Summit in October;

I E L .2 . J3u n .5 2 0 4u N o FFCu. 7t '
the High-Level Segment of ECOSOC, 4-6 July,
the International Oceanographic Commission which is currently meeting in
Paris from 13-27 June,
the UNESCO Executive Board and General Conference to be held in Paris
in October.