ls very igreat ' 06asure to bpi~ r ami utala n a ae rinds.:
tosapl atrlyunique culinary hfas f. sioetr, 4 mstfitha bo
ac6o mlihe by-MrNeil Pehr.*" amu4tmisiian,-chef frorru! dney Who~ i
d~ mnstaligtoyouthe cuisule, ne usieoAustralia.% Y : 04* ft6w that:.
S Autraia s. a very mu tc~ uzVcUntr. a ht~ h otWryasi a
cIianed damaically so that)*' oeA bf oulff~ a trets no I hat inutcultrls
an46 reflected lhiih sfoo teitrsi~ ie HSSt we: le9d,
-ghd Vthe interesting changei 1i. r AuWralia'. cusie W a-gvng you . a
sample oo~ o f this tonight' ' Idrt coun atik.-41j
ustr-iais enionment~ Ily.: vey ~ er onrac h od
Cdommensurably clean. S We~ hn n our.: stre nthsi u'caaiy
gr6o loa , i roduce food,-and. to.: prcsAd. Is oAefalaslr t
. Wrariftunng6' ndustry, and' eafreg~ exert, t t aid to.. tbl tS
OepPr s-by the. ar 2000.
Theq other feature which we 1h1ink~ is -asl t~ ghfrAsraH6a is. tat. rf
. ows! Jin * the : apanese off-season,* i~. s:: e'minently. suitWbe: for. use in.
It. aditibhnal Japanese cuisine.-*
omr ight. know' that Australi~ ns4 h~ v ciojj . itr -health*
oier. the last .20: years, and ci01d more moicious-of thwr .1et,. andaJpa
Iapodcsis increaiiungIf at that end-ofithe spectm. think. we
do' ant t clo our arteries, -ind weido Ntint -to: drog yours
Wth nk that our food can -be-used ~ as'pat of Japanesezcwsmne4 a4nhd -we. are.
ine'Igy moing towardsthe' , culie and. cu ture of o6' u ~ region iinfod
suh as.. Thai,: Chinese all thet mariettes:-hbhieecokn alyin 23)
and of course, Japanese. And leqt.. me as sure the audience, I have taken
many a decision over a sashimi and sUshi~ in my day.
I think Australians have a mucb -closerSwareness of the culinary interests of
the region, and. especially Japan do honestly believe that the kinds
of foods, and -varieties of food' Austaliaprduces, can suit not. only. traditional
cuisine,, in Japan, but also those -innoiovatidn wkwch you as a -community are
moving: towards, and which we thihk we ca~ encurage you in.
One of-the things we feel most prouda~ t n of the. beverages -we feel
mo st proud. about, is of. course;: j ie n utainw-inueta iisn.,.
retatively . Inexpnsv byw-d. tn Ard nd of a very. hig q: cuality, so we
wI 6seemore fit drunk here.; we a~ o' seeingi other: fresh,* cle aner
' live : prpdutts:;-: like abalon~ e, -ajio1 n, bters, asparags marigp'fth -and
. Wong ithepcSse f yeda: wre-' oxp Australians-:: nacd odIs
tike soba -,. nand kamabokb,
( i~ aubl). . uppte o foAuff~ o Japantban our exports . are growing -at..
abot." idia year. We are! -Jap' 1argsupplier0 odaypodcsw
suplyabout one-fifth of Japans irprsq ef'n eaei 1993 -just a.-
cor ot years ago 70% ofJ arn'soversas*& e~ mnti odp troce
wen t' itrt. 8& So, food gjs the 4astot growing area o o raewt
Japr, ind wthink we can 16b's~ liAl n~ g it.
01-course, -the-: best thing AbkA, M~ xotrfo Is not -simply. about.-trade
d611ar j. 4ri4 41( y:-as we alko abo turwal dxhng. VnheneOeO
weeat-with: peOple from othe' ' cou6 tries is .8lwaysacu ua exchne and
Itikthis: carrpaign we are' Ial 6N~ cing. to ' itt perfect -I faion of , thecultural
dimenion~ s offood.-
obrtMorley-j, 13. ri tish rawonte" onc -said: no-man is.: lone~ y eafing ; a bowl
of spaghetti. ' Well, I would tike; t o ay that*~ rm at aetesm es
of communwion wiha plate Of. s1ahir.
Sfoodis. a tUltural matter: isb: sen4s smero I woldl" f
oitt particularly thank Mr." Toydos ihe. -Chairma oJETRO, fr his.
particiatfon in thslunch, ahdf hepeni6g of teAustralian. Busines.
Cenre. Letme. again thn., c.~~ yfo oni to Jaa npeparingi this..
food toniht' -wer are all very nuch-' its; O1bLt Col lowlo the: 6
Japnesefood: wreiters who arei tedn ff ' on gourmoet. totkw of . Australia,
ad say.-thatbt agetpesr o st& s any of yo6u have come along,
to einoled n hislanch-ofthb'NewAustralian Cuisine. oi snwm
plesur tolaunch the New Austrdfibn CUisuie campaign.
ends. 4~