PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008844.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

The swearing in of the second Keating Ministry will take place at 10.30 am today,
Wednesday 24 March. I am pleasedito announce the composition of the ministry which I
will be recommending to the Governor-General.
The complete list of the ministry, with details of representation of ministers in the other
chamber, is attached.
There will continue to be thiny ministers, with a Cabinet of nineteen and ten
parliamentary secretaries.
As well as bringing new figures into the Cabinet and the Ministry, I have taken the
opportunity to make several changes indepartmental arrangements to reflect emerging
priorities. But the basic structures themselves a Labor reform have served well and
will remain.
As before the election, the Cabinet includes a number of ministers with long experience in
government. I am pleased to announce that Senator Graham Richardson will once again
bring his considerable abilities to the Cabinet. The talented Cabinet team has also been
augmented by the elevation to Cabinet of Peter Baldwin, a minister of outstanding ability
who will be able, as a Cabinet member, to build on his earlier experience as a minister.
I also welcome to the Cabinet three new members who have not previously held
ministerial posts. They are Bob McMullan, Laurie Brereton and Michael Lee who I am
confident will be able to make major contributions to the work of the government in the
portfolios of Arts and Administrative Services, Industrial Relations, Tourism and
Resources. It is also the intention to appoint Michael Lavarch as Attorney-General after
the poll for the seat of Dickson.
In. addition, there.. will be six new ministems.. not in the Cabinet. They are Frank Walker,
who as Special Minister of State in my portfolio will have particular responsibility for
facilitation of major development projects: George Gear; Chris Schacht; John Faulkner,
Rosemary Crowley and Duncan Kerr. The infusion of new talent they represent will help
ensure that the government continues to be relevant and responsive to the changing
conditions and circumstances of the 1990s. Mr Kerr will act as Attorney-General pending
Mr Lavarch's appointment.

Of the Parliamentary Secretaries, six are new to the position. The institution of
Parliamentary Secretary provides a very inexpensive means not only of giving talented
individuals executive experience but providing Ministers with needed support.
I wish to draw attention to the important modifications in ministerial arrangements.
As Prime Minister I am already significantly involved, through my department and
Ministers assisting me, in the major areas of social and cultural change in Australia
represented by the Office of the Status of Women. the Office of Multicultural Affairs and
the Aboriginal Reconciliation Unit. The 1990s will see us carry further the shift towards a
more diverse, outward looking and just society and I intend to enhance the role of the
Prime Ministership in this.
Accordingly there will be an Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs in the
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and the Minister and ATSIC will be
located in my portfolio. The Office will not be large, but have a policy advising capability
and will house the Aboriginal Reconciliation Unit. The Office will also be able to provide
advice and services to the minister when it would be inappropriate for the only source of
advice to be ATSIC. For example where Aboriginal groups engage in litigation against
the Commonwealth there may be a nced-for instructions to the Commonwealth's legal
advisers of a kind which ATSIC would regard as inconsistent with its role.
I emphasise, however, that there is no intention in establishing the Office to undermine the
primary role of ATSIC as adviser to the government on Aboriginal matters. Excellent
working relationships have been established between the portfolio and ATSIC on major
issues and this will continue. The Office will complement ATSIC and its creation
highlights the importance the Government attaches to addressing issues affecting
Aboriginal and Tones Strait Islander people and, in particular, to pressing ahead
effectively with the reconciliation process.
Some particular programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will remain
with the specialised Departments, for example DEET in the area of education. But Mr
Tickner, as Minister with overall responsibility in the field, will take a strong and
continuing interest in all the Government's activities in Aboriginal affairs.
Senator Evans, who will be the Minister for Foreign Affairs, will be joined in the Foreign
Affairs and Trade portfolio by a second Cabinet minister, Senator Cook, who takes on the
vital responsibility of pursuing our overseas trade interests. His ability to concentrate
effort upon this will be enhanced by the presence in the portfolio of a third Minister,
Gordon Bilney, who will take over development assistance activities, formerly with the
Trade Minister.
Mr Howe, the Deputy Prime Minister, will be Minister for Housing, Local Government
and Community Services. We are concerned to improve the quality of life in our cities
and particularly people's access to services through improvements in service delivery and
planning. Mr Howe will have particular responsibility for initiatives in this area, along
with continuing responsibility for housing matters, including the better cities program,
augmented by local government which has been in the immigration portfolio, and
locational disadvantage studies which have been in the Department of the Prime Minister

and Cabinet. Mr Howe's portfolio will also take responsibility for the National Capital
Planning Authority.
I expect health issues to have an even higher focus during the next parliamentary term.
We need to examine service delivery issues to improve the efficiency with which the
medical system meets customer needs. We need also to look at the relationship between
the public and private health systems to ensure we are using both optimally, and to make
the most of the linkage between the two. Reflecting this and especially the Medicare
arrangements, there will be another Cabinet minister in the Health. Housing, Local
Government and Community Services portfolio. This is Senator Richardson, who
becomes Minister for Health.
Reflecting this government's commitment to families, there will also be a Minister for
Family Services in the Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services
portfolio, which will be further enhanced by the addition of the Child Protection Council
and the International Year of the Family secretariat, from the Prime Minister and Cabinet
portfolio. Rosemary Crowley, the Minister for Family Services, will also be Minister
assisting me for the Status of Women.
As promised before the election, there will be a ministry with special responsibility for
regional development. The Department of Industry, Technology and Regional
Development, under Mr Griffiths, will co-ordinate national programs to bring vigorous
new industries to declining regions and to equip people with the skills needed for these
new industries. The Office of Northern Development will move from my department to
the Department of Industry, Technology and Regional Development and Mr Ted Lindsay,
the Parliamentary Secretary in that portfolio, will have special responsibility for Northem
Development issues.
There has been significant structural change in many industries in recent years and,
increasingly, this is being linked to broader competition policy issues. The current Hilmer
Review into competition policy should reinforce these linkages. In this climate. I have
decided to move responsibilities for competition policy into the Treasury, so that it may
complement further the government's continuing microeconomic reform agenda.
Consumer interests will, however, continue to be handled by the Minister for Consumer
Affairs, Ms McHugh, in the Attorney-General's portfolio.
I have also decided to streamline the Cabinet commitee_. systeniand have committees
rather than full Cabinet handle the initial consideration of Cabinet matters.
This approach will leave the Cabinet free to concentrate on broader strategic issues rather
than some of the more detailed deliberations which can take considerable Cabinet time.
Committee decisions will continue to be submitted to Cabinet for endorsement and
Cabinet will be expected to consider the major policy issues, but without getting bogged
down in detail which can be settled in the Committee discussions.
The new Cabinet structure will consist of:-
Expenditure Review Committee
Structural Adjustment Committee

Social Policy Committee
Security Committee
General Policy Committee
Parliamentary Business committee
A General Policy Committee has been added to the structure to pick up the issues not
falling within the terms of reference of the other policy committees and the Sustainable
Development Committee has been abolished as its principal task of developing the
Ecologically Sustainable Development and Greenhouse strategies has been completed.
New administrative arrangements were put in place in December 1992 to handle the
authorisation of draft legislation and there is, therefore, no longer a need for a Legislation
Committee. Details of the membership of committees will be released separately.
Also attached is a list of departmental secretaries.
The government is well served by the public service and regards stability at the top as
desirable. We do, however, have a policy of rotating secretaries after several years in their
positions and have taken : he opportunity of the appointment of a new ministry to effect a
small number of changes
Mr Tony Cole, the Secre: ary to the Treasury, will become Secretary to the Department of
Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services. Mr Ted Evans, a former
Deputy Secretary in the Treasury, moves from his current post at the International
Monetary Fund to become Secretary to the Treasury. Mr Derek Volker, Secretary to the
Department of Social Security, moves to Employment, Education and Training to be
replaced by Mr Tony Blunn from the Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment and
Territories. Mr Stuart Hamilton, from Health, Housing and Community Services will
become Secretary to the Department of Environment, Sport and Territories.
Dr Geoff Miller. currently Secretary to the Department of Primary Industries and Energy,
is a candidate for the position of Director-General of the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organisation. In recognition of his need to spend a good deal of his time in
pursuit of this objective, and to enhance his prospects. Dr Miller has asked to be relieved
of the full time burden of his present duties The government is strongly supportive of
Dr Miller's candidacy. and accordingly we have decided to appoint him Associate
Secretary for Agriculture in the Department of Primary Industries and Energy. He will be
succeeded as Secretary by Mr Greg Taylor, from Employment, Education and Training.
He will, however, remain Secretary to the Department of Tourism.
I wish to. take this. opportunity to. thank. those. Secretaries whoare moving for their
contributions to the government and the nation over the last few years. I am confident
they will continue to maintain the quality of public administration.
CANBERRA 24 March 1993

Commonwealth Government 24 March 1993
TITLE MislTER eraaiztt
olber Chamber
Prime Minister The Hon P J Keating, MIP Senator Evans
Special Minister of State T'he Hon Frank Walker. OC. MY Senator Evans
( Vice-Presideni of the Executive Council)
Minister for Aboriginal and Tonfes Strait Islander Affairs The Hon Robert Tickner. MP Senator C: i.; ns
Mlinister for Housing, Local Government and Community The Hon Brian How. e, NIP Senator R: chardson
Services ( Deputy Prime Ministeri
Minoister for Health Senator the Hon Graham Richardson MIr Howe
Minister for Family Services Senator the Hon Rosemary Crowley Mrt Howe
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Sratus of Women
Minister for Veterans' Affairs Senator the Hon John Faulkner Mir Howe
( Manager of Government Business in the Senate
Parliamentary Secretary The Hon Andrew Theophanous, MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator the Hon Gareth Evans. QC % Ir Bilney
( Leader of the Government tn the Senatie)
Minister for Trade Senator the Hon Peter Cook Mr Bilney
Minister for Development Co-operation and Pacific Island Affairs The Hon Gordon Bilney, MP Senator Evans
Minister for Defence Senator the Hon Robert Ray kir Bilney
( Deputy Leader of the Governmient to the Senate)
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Senator the Hon John Faulkner Senator Ray
Pariamen tary Secretary The Hon Gar% Pu~ nch. M4P
Treasurer The Hon J 5 Daiukins. SIP senator MZM ll;-
Assistant Treasurer The lion Gecrgc Gear. SIP' Senator SN: I!: i
Parliamentarv SecretarY The Hont G.: rv Johns. MP
Mlinister for Finance The Hon Ralph Willis. NIP Senator MMia
Mlinister for Employment. Education and Training The Hon Kimi C Beazlcy, NIP Senator Rsy
( Leader of the House)
Minister for Schools, Vocational Education and Training rhe lion Ross Free. NIP Senator 113%
Parliamentary Secretary The lion Warren Snow don, MfP
Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territories The Hon Ros Kelly, NIP Senator Ray
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus Mr Brcre::-.
Minister Assisting the Prim e Minister for M n Itrcuiltura!.;: r
Nlinister for Primary Industrics and Encr-, y Thc Hon Simon Crean, NIP Senator C--ck
Minister for Resources Trhe lion Mlichael Lee. NIP' Senator CzoL
Parliamen tary Secretary Senator the Hon Nick S/ terra'
Minister for Industry, Technology and Regional Dc%-clopment The Hon Alan Griffiths. NIP Senator Sz: tcht
Minister for Science and Small Business Senator the Hon Chris Schachi Mr Griff..*' s
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Science
Parliamenstary Secretary The Hon Ted LindsaY MP
Minister for Transport and Communications Senator the Hon Bob Collins Mr Beddali
Minister for Communications The H-on David Beddall, NIP Senator Collins
Parliamentary Secretary The Hon Neil OKeefe. AfP
Minister for Social Security The Hon Peter Baldwtin, NIP Senator Richardson
Parliamentary Secretary Th e H-on Con Scia cca. MP
Minister for the Arts an4. A AiniLratiVC. Seriices.. saahs. eJ1Qs.. UobMNIIan Mir Willis
Parliamentary Secretary The Hon Janice Crosio. WIE. MP
Minister for Industrial Relations The Hon Laurie Brercton, NIP Senator NIcMulIlan
Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service Afaters
Attorney -General The Hon Duncan Kerr, NIP ( Acting)* Senator Bolkus
Minister for Consumer Affairs The Hon Jeannette MlcHugh, NIP Senator B" lkus
Minister for Justice The Hon Duncan Kerr. MP Senator Bolkus
Parliamentary Secretary Thte Hon Peter Duincan. MP
Minister for Tourism The Hon Michael Lee. NIP Senator Schacht
Each box represents ap ortfolio. Cabinet MIinitrs are shous in bold type. .' asa g eneral rule, there is one Department in each portfolio. Except fcr the
Department of Health. Housing. Local Government and Communty Serv'ices and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the title of each Deparnaent reflects
that of the Portfolio Minister. Tbere is also a Department of Veterans' Affairs ia the Health. H ousing. Local Ga errmit and Community Scrvices Pcrfolio.
' Mr Lai arch will be appointed Attorney -General. dcerndtne on the re-sult of election for the seat of Dickson. 23.3.93 * 5.45 pm

Department Arts and Administrative
Services Attomey-Generais
Defence Employment, Education
and Training
Environment, Sport and
Termtones Finance Foreign Affairs and
Trade Health, Housing, Local
Government and
Community Services
Immigraton and Ethnic
Affairs Industrial Relations
Industry, Technology
and Regional
Development Primary Industries and
Energy Prime Minister and
Cabinet Social Security
Tourism Transport and
Communications Treasury Veterans' Affairs Secretary Mr N J Tanzer
Mr A D Rose
Mr A J Ayers, AC
Mr D Volker, AO
Mr S A Hamilton
Mr S T Sedgwick
Dr P S WilensKi, AO
Mr A S Cole
Mr C Conybeare
Mr M J Costello
Mr N R Stevens
Mr G F Taylor
Dr M S Keating, AO
Mr A S Blunn, AO
Dr G L Miller
Mr G C Evans
Mr E A Evans
Mr L B Woodward SE'n ac
I= W2= 3