PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00008825.pdf 6 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

Brisbane, 22 February, 1993
What a shame that we once again find ourselvcs fighting to preserve Medicare.
And let there be no mistake. Medicare is under attack.
If Dr Hcwson and his Coalition were to get their hands on our health system you know
what would happen.
They would dismantle it.
Don't isten to their " promises" to preserve Medicare. Just look at their track record and
the fine print of their policies.
Remember it happened once beforel
In the 1975 election campaign Malcolm Fraser said he would not dismantle Medibank.
And look what happened. Seven years later, when the Fraser Government was thrown out
of office, Medibank had gone and more than two million Australians had no health cover.
Do we want that to happen again?
I don't think so.
Do we want an Am. ican-stylc health system where public hospitals turn you away if you
don't have a Blue Cross card in your wallet?
I don't think so.

Do we want our health costs to skyrocket by giving doctors the power to set their own fees
while the rest of us will have to accept lower wages under Dr Hewson's individual
contracta? I don't think so.
Do you want to see bulk-billing abolished for more than 13 million Australians? Do you
want the Medicare relate for bul-billing to drop from 85 per cent to 75 per cent, thus
reducing the incentive for doctors to bulkbill even pensioners?
If doctors set their own fees, they are likely to increase by around 30 per cent.
This means having a baby would cost $ 1170 instead of $ 475 today.
A visit to the family doctor will increase from S24 to $ 32 with only $ 18 of it claimable.
This means every trip to the doctor would cost $ 14. If families wanted to bring this down
to only $ 5 they could take out gap insurance but that would cost $ 6 a week!
Does this sound fair?
I don't think so and rm sure you don't either.
Yet, make no mistake, this is what Dr Hewson has in store for you.
He may not be spelling out the details of what he has in mind.
He's a bit like Jeff Kcnnt in that respect. He hopes to get through the election ca= paign
without telqlingvW0iiaU the nastiea. He's refuaing to even release many of his policies.
He won't tell us the details of his industrial relationfolicy for instance.
Just like Jeff Kennctt. He didn't tell the people of Victoria either and look what
happened there.
Next Monday the award system in Victoria will come to an end and the working men and
women of that satc will be on their own.
Dr Hewson is just the same on a whole range of policies including Medicare.
He tries to make his plan sound a lot better than it really is. He docmsn't want us to read the
fin print and discover how much worse off most of us would be.
He says, for instance, that he'll give tax credits for private health insurance.
He implies theze will cover the cost of private health insurance. 658k

What he dga^ tell you is that 60 per cent of families with children will get no tax credits
at all.
The few families who wiLbenefit will only get around $ 200 to $ 300 a year a long way
from the $ 1600 that pnvate insurance costs a family.
And Dr Hewson has the nerve to claim that families will be better off under the Coalition's
health care scheme.
This is simply not the case.
And you don't just have to take my word for it.
Listen to what the experts have to say:
Dr John Deebic, a health economist from the Australian National University, and one of
the original architects of Medicare, has estimated that doctors' private incomes would
increase on average by 60 per cent under Fightback!
And Professor Jeffrey Richardson, the Professor of Health Economics at Monash
University says the Coalition's health policy will lead to " major inflation in hospital costs
and medical incomes".
The Deptenigt of Finance estimates that health costs for the average family will increase
by $ 22 a week if Dr Hewson puts his plan into effect.
Why on earth would he want to do this when we presently enjoy one of the best health
care systems in the world!
We have a simple, affordable system of universal health care.
It means no one is denied medical treatment because they can't afford to pay.
And the government is doing what it can to improve Medicare.
We have committed an additional $ 1.6 billion over the next five years to increase patients'
access to public hospitals. And we are providing $ 70 million to reduce waiting lists for
surgery. What would Dr Hewson do instead?
He wants to take $ 13 billion out of the public hospital system. This would mean that
over 10,000 public hospital beds would Have tobe closed an estimated 1.730 of them
here in Queensland.
It wil mean 450,000 fewer people would be treated in public hospitals.

This is totally unfair.
It would force thousands of people into costly priyate P nrac Families would have to
find an extra $ 400 to S600 a year just to purchase h cover that is, Just to get cover as
a private patient in a qg= hospital.
This would not give them access to private hospitalsl
Nor would Dr Hewon's health scheme cover people with cancer or other pre-existing
conditions. The private health funds simply won't give insurance to people with Multiple Sclerosis or
-I1V or other conditions that require continuous and often costly treatment.
What is supposed to happen to these people?
How will they fund their treatment?
Do we really want to become the sort of society that abandons its sick and its weak?
I don't think we do.
The kind of society we cherish, and which the Labor Goverment has worked hard for a
decad to consolidate, is one which cares for all its citizens on the basis of their needs
not on the buis of their incomes.
I doubt if anyone he= today wants to put those values in jeopardy.
I am sure that you, as hospital employees, as dedicated medical professionals, do not want
to be in the hideous position of having to turn away seriously ill or injured people because
the= arm no beds for them or because they can't afford to pay.
Dr Hewson also claims that health services will be zero rated under the GST.
But why should we believe him?
The Cole Committee, which was set up to advise Dr Hewson on which items should be
included under the GST, has rcommended that health be taxed.
Just like it is in New Zealand.
But the Cole Committee knew how unpopular this recommendation would be. So they
advocated the Jeff Kennett option keep quiet about it until after the lewiont
Tax heaith. they said to Dr Hcwson. but only " when in Government". 6591

In other words, don't come clean with the voters. Don't tell them what
new and nasty taxes you've got in mind.
Promiae them anything and then " when in Government' scatter the GST
around on every item you can.
Look at non-prescripton drugs for Instance.
Will the GST apply to aspirin and cold tablets and asthma puffers?
It will if the Cole Committee recommendations are taken up. They say
that only prescription drugs under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Schema
should be zero-rated. All other medical produaIiive a 15 per cent
GST. And that inciudes women's sanitary products like tampons items which
presently attract no tax at all.
Dr HawEon would make it more expensive to be a woman.
You can't get much more unfair than that.
When it comes to other areas of health services, he just won't let on
what he has in mind.
Will chiropractors be taxed? Speech therapsts? Midwives? Akmbulance
services? And what about medical products.
WhIch medicine will be zero-rated?
Dr Hewson has got to tell us.
He can't run around the country telling people they will be better off
under Fightback. when he secretly plans to tax every aspect of our
daily livas. He just won't get away with it.
I believe the Australian people value and appreciate Medicare.
I do not believe they want to return to the bad old days of a new
health scheme practically every year.
Remember during the seven years of the Fraser government there were
five different health schemes.
How many schemes would Dr Hewsn give us before the people said
Enough Is Enough! and demanded the return of Medicare?

I sbuddcr to think
All I know is that it's too big a risk.
Our health is too important to us to risk having it tinkered with in this fashion by an
Opposition which won't even come clean about what they want to do.
We have a system which works. Which is fair. Which we are committed to improving so
it meets the needs of all Australians. Let's make sure we stay healthy under Medxicare.
And the way to do that is to keep Medicare healthy! 6593