PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Keating, Paul

Period of Service: 20/12/1991 - 11/03/1996
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00008805.pdf 5 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Keating, Paul John

TEL: 1. Feb. 93 9: 31 No. 002 P. 01/ 05
Let me begin with a brief, real life story.
A little girl called Emily was born with a heart
condition. She had her first serious operation when she was only
five weeks old. She recently had a second.
She's had the best of care. A top cardiologist, surgeon,
and the best of nursing, medication twice a day.
Emily's parents were frightened not only about Emily's
welfare but about how much her treatment would cost.
They feared they would have to sell their home.
Had they lived in the United States. possibly they would
have. Emily's parents knew that in the United States families
are frequently crippled by medical expenses.
So, what did all of Emily's treatment cost? Apart from
the heartache nothing. Medicare paid for everything.
Emily's parents now know that Medicare has given Emily a
life she might not have had.
They say Medicare is a life saver.
Every Australian can take comfort and pride in this.
There is no better system of health care in the world.
it is fair as health care should be-. Like illness and
accident it does not discriminate between rich and poor.
it shares the risk among us all. And it delivers health
care of the highest quality.

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Australia has one of the best public hospital systems in
the world. And you won't find more dedicated GPs an~ d
community health workers anywhere.
Medicare is simple and fair. Every Australian has their
own health Insurance pre-paid under Medicare it's the
care you're entitled to.
Under Medicare, every Australian is entitled to access to
hospital and GP services, and necessary medicines.
Under Medicare, Australians make 88 million visits to the
GP every year. Seventy per cent are bulk billed.
There are nearly three million admissions to public
hospitals. And over 160 million prescriptions are delivered by our
community pharmacists.
Medicare delivers high quality health care public
and private.
Public hospitals like Monash Medical Centre in Melbourne,
Westrnead in Sydney, R~ oyal Perth, Royal Adelaide -so
many. Under Medicare, some of our greatest hospitals -St
Vincent's here in Sydney, the Mater and Wesley in
Brisbane, the Mercy and Epworth in Melbourne, are private
not-for-profit hospitals.
They are run by people concerned about the quality of
health care.
Labor will continue to support our greath'o * spit as
public and private. But we reject the American approach
of handing over our health care to profiteers.
That's because Medicare is an acknowledgement that basic
health care is something every Australian is entitled to.
Today we are here to celebrate Medicare's ninth birthday.
It is the achievement of one of Labor's most cherished
goals fair and quality health care for all.
Because of Medicare, Australia has stability and security
in health care.
These nine year old Australians helping us celebrate
today have never known the uncertainty that Dr Hewson is
Most of you have probably forgotten, and these nine year
olds have never known, that before Medicare, one of the
most common reasons for being jailed for non-payment of
debts was unpaid health bills.

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Under Liberal governments in 1971 and 1981, two million
Australians had no health insurance at all because they
could not afford i t
In the United States, 37 million Americans have no health
insurance and cannot gain access to health services.
Dr Hewson wants to take Australia back to the days of a
vwo classg-health system private care for those who can
pay and public care for the rest.
It is ironic that Dr Hewson is proposing a us-style
health system at a time when the US is looking to
Australia and Medicare as a way of ending the US health
nightmare. Dr Hewson's health policy contains the same elements that
are wreaking haVoc -in the US. He would replace public
facilities with private services, have health charges
dictated by doctors, and introduce tax rebates for health
insurance. It is no wonder the AMA is campaigning for Dr Hewson.
The AMA is looking forward to a billion dollar pay rise
for about 40,000 doctors courtesy of the Liberal's
health policy.
All of this would drive up the cost of health care for
each Australian and for the country as a whole.
The US spends twice as much per person on health care as
we do in Australia for less care.
Even cheap health insurance policies cost more than
$ 5,000.
Dr Hewson believes that health care should be subjected
to market forces, as if ill-health and accident obeyed
the same economic laws as the price of fish or tomatoes.
But there is clear evidence both here and overseas that
the market does not work for health care.
Health is not like other goods. we never know what
illness is going to cost or when an emergency or illness
will strike.
We need to band together to share the risk. That is what
Medicare enables us to do.
Dr H-ewson will make you take out private health insurance
-if the private insurer willacetou

LL 4
One little noticed area of concern in the Fightback
health policy is that private insurance does not always
cover people for pre-existing serious conditions Such
a9 Multiple Sclerosis or cancer.
under Dr Hewson such people would be penalised through
much higher medical charges, through tax penalties, and
through refusal of insurance coverage.
Fightback could seriously penalise the chronically sick.
it is a case of your money or your health.
Dr Hewson will cut $ 1.4 billion out of public hospitals.
This will force the States to close more than 10,000
public beds. 450,000 fewer people will be treated.
Dr Hewson will take that $ 1.4 billion from public
hospitals and hand it to doctors and private prof itmaking
He will place profit before the interests of patients.
Under Dr Hewson, Australian families will pay $ 20 a week
more for health care.
The main reason some people are confused about the costs
of hospital care is because private insurance funds, the
AMA and private profit hospitals have generated
uncertainty and fear.
They want people to be fearful they have a vested
interest. They attack the Government for rewarding States which
improve access to hospital services for public patients.
The Government has a duty to look after the well-being of
the entire community; to maintain quality services for
everyone. These vested interests are looking after their profits.
Australians have every reason to feel proud and confident
about Medicare.
Dr Hewson does not believe in Medicare.
He is going to make sure you can't afford to go to your
GP. He is going to price sick people out of the market.
That is his policy.
He will abolish bulk billing for all but cardholders. He
will make you p~ y-your bill upfront. i r t u V 1. . L IIU

Dr Hewson wants to rip the heart out of our quality
health care system.
Labor fought to introduce Medicare and we must protect
Through Medicare, we are committed to building on the
strengths of our health system.
Labor recognises that the health need$ of Australians are
changing. Our population is ageing.
Hospital admissions will increase and there will be
greater use of high technology procedures.
We want to ensure that our hospitals are equipped to cope
with these changes.
That's why Labor Is spending an additional $ 1.6 billion
to strengthen Medicare and its guarantee to every
Australian of fair access to hospital services.
Dr Hewson will sacrifice the certainty and security of
Medicare for the cost and uncertainty of a privately-run
sys tern.
He will dismantle Medicare. He will make every
Australian pay more for their health care.
As Emily's parents now know, Medicare provides quality
care and pays all your costs.
I want the people of Australian to know what they are
entitled to under Medicare. AS long as it exists no one
should be fearful.
Thank you.