PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Media Release
Transcript ID:
00008304.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

I shall be recommending to the Governor-General the
following new Ministerial appointments:
The Hon John Kerin MP as Treasurer;
The Hon Simon Crean MP as Minister for Primary
Industries and Energy;
The Hon Ross Free MP as Minister for Science and
Technology,, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for
Science and Minister Assisting the Treasurer;
I will also be proposing that responsibility for
housing industry matters be added to the portfolio of
the Hon Brian Howe MP, who would then become Minister
for Health, Housing and Community Services.
In addition, Mr Howe, as Deputy Prime Minister, will now
serve as Ministe~ r Assisting the Prime Minister for
Commonwealth-State Relations as well as Minister Assisting
the Prime Minister for Social Justice.
Mr Roger Price MP will be appointed Parliamentary Secretary
to the Prime Minister.
Senator Bob McMuilan will become Manager of Government
Business in the Senate, taking over from Senator Ray.
The formal appoi ' ntment of the new Ministers by the Governor-
General will take place at 9.00 am tomorrow, 4 June 1991.
Mr Kerin, as one of the Government's most senior Ministers,
will bring to the position of Treasurer immense Ministerial
and Parliamentary experience. His record as Minister for
Primary Industries and Energy has been outstanding. As
Treasurer he will play a central role in both the
Government's policies for sustained economic recovery and
our commitment to continued micro economic reform.
Mr Crean also comes to his new position with very strong
credentials, his leadership in the trade union movement
having now been supplemented by experience as a Minister.
He has performed with dedication and creativity in his
present Ministerial position.

Mr Free moves to his first Ministerial post from the
position of Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister.
Knowing Mr Free's work over this period I am confident he
will provide excellent service to the Government as Minister
for Science and Technology, a field of high importance to
the Government's aspirations for Australia in the 1990s.
The placement in Mr Howe's portfolio of housing industry
matters will assist the development of a more coherent
approach by the Government to the planning and development
of Australian cities.
Federal-State relations is also a key area of reform for the
Government, and one in which Mr Howe has already been
closely involved. I look forward to working with Mr Howe in
carrying this vital and complex initiative forward.
I welcome Mr Price as the new Parliamentary Secretary and
Senator McMullan to his new job.
These appointments will permit the Government to maintain a
large measure of continuity and, at the same time, bring new
energy to bear on matters of high priority.
The full details of the new Hawke Ministry are shown in the

Q muiwem Gvenmet 4 Jose 1991
Title Mtiniser P -tt~ ei
Prm Mlter HoemRJLHa w~ CM mxBt
rlamaySea wwy to one prioe HArd W ou Ropw PriceiM C PSnoto
h~ roroinmty~ ku ndHal? The Hen Briall Howel MIP Senator Taft,
MbsdW fi n 6me wwMdhioe 0@ ydhf= kM)
lhr C amve" skiStte Relations
MMininsttererr fflo r tTh ~ ad lili Ilee~ HHAoofnna mPBeewTaee H uSnaipplehsr, e yMs, P MP SSeennaattoorr TTaatta:.
Minister for ladenbry, Technlog and Commerce Senator the HON joke Bottom Mr Free
Minister for Science and Techao] ba, V R n. ZF rr m ePmaao Bto
Minater Auust due Prinie Mh serfor Science and o iteSe) Btw
Mililier fr MiD~ s~ ines n Csom heo DavdBddall MP Senator Button
Minister for Foreign A~ Ar and Trade Senator the Hos Gareth Evans, QC Dr Diewett
Minister for Trade and Overseas Dev~ ent I Senato Eva
Minister Asssmg gue M Wi t? frI yThnog
and Commerce afid Minister Aissisting die kanite
for Priary Industries and Energy
Minister for inance The Hon Ralph Willi, MOP Senator Button
Attorney-General The Hon Michael Duffy MIP Senator Tate
Minter for Justice and Consunm~ Affairs Senator the Hon Michael Wae Mr Duffy
MMiinnjisstteerr fofor rH Eigmheonrp Elodu catioEn dancda tEiomnn palonydm Tenrta tSineirnvgic es TThhbee HHoon. 1PetSer D Baawldkwinisn,, MMPS enao SntrBBoliukus
Minister far AbrgnlAffairs ad Minister Assisting The Hon Robert ricier, MP Senator Collins
the Primne Miitrfor Abe ginal Rconciliation
Minister for Transport and Comzmunications The Hoe Kim C Bealey, MIP Senator Collins
Minister for Shipn and Aviation Suppor and Seaorthet H=" o Collins Mr aly
Miniser Asiswing li Prime M nmufe for Northern
Minister far Land Transport Thie Hon Bob Brown, MP Senator Collins
Parliamentary & esw to die Minister for Transport Thie Hon Warrn Snowdon, MP
and gomuictin
Treasurer Trhe Horn Jolhn Kerin, MIP Senator Button
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Senator the Hon Bob McMullan
( MmwaotcfG BimDahm in the Smie)
Minister for Social Security Senator the Hos Graham Richardson Mr Howe
Parliamentary Secretary to the Miister for Tihe Hon Can Scicc MP~ oac
Social Security
Minister for Defenc Senator the Hon Robert Ray Mr Bilney
Minister for Defence Science and Personnel The Hon Gordon Bilney, UP Senator Ray
Minister for Imminzradon, Local Governmnent The Hon Geirry Hand, hIP Senator Dolkus
ad Ethnic Afflalis and Minister Assisting the
ime Ministe for MulticulturaAl firks
Minister for Lacal Govesnatent ad minister The Hon Wendy Fatin, MP Senator Boikus
Assisting the Prime Miiser for the Status of Women
Minister for the Arts. Sport, the Environment, The Hon Roe Kelly, MOP Senator Richardson
Tourism and Territories
Minister for the Arts, Touarum and Territories The Hon David Simmons, MP Senator Richardson
Minister for Industrial Relations and Senator the Hon Peter Cook Mr Willis
Minister Assursing die Prime Minster for Public Service
Minister for Administrative Services Senator the Ron Nick Bolkus Mr Beddall
Minister for Primry Industries and Energy The Hon Simon Crean, MP Senator Cook
Minister for Resouces Ile Hon Alan Griffiths, MP Senator Cook
Pmrftbo Mbdum. all of wha we In the fCabs am in bald tye Dr UBLwm iao. a bis wis.
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