PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Transcript ID:
00007878.pdf 7 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

AUed A
SP. FC1I 1W ' 111F Prfl1Fg M1 TSTF. R
TIwo yea Tr-
-110el ~ ee l* AisIecL swpTe0 caughlt: it) ill the. ~ Iiei~ e
-at-te" le ( if . mu: B rceI e~ e i ye r e-'. ebt~ at'l 1: wncce
erp, nf Fieeoopeall qseftJ I PiiNee
I t rc: ' aI ee in e 11i IrOnt. Ieb re'r ee'z, ried ec, e:' OIe eI eU
Thbis year, Nom Zeal anders arn ceJ olia Liinci theite own)
in l. Ps Lonie . I I: t Hlr:' .151L. birivr-rsa?-ciof [ lea fomioeindnj
doicieuielee: eed r f10o... l7ew. a I neJ tlie l'eal : y of Wal t~ ii' Anid
Y~ oei are e~ f lebratI~ nig J1: inl fintol ' s: ylfC ee., eeeatifire" 1nL Iost: s of
1[ he Coieoi peali 1: 11ceii~
L~ et inq . It
inl New ZeF.
anld toi esa. I
tinpor tani t he oliiset say whtal: a pfeac'ur. U i's to he lie] e
. i ~ it( -il Aiic lieej' s briidteu~ Aotea-Ceo Lre
te you1, o11 I) eh'if i of AmSI rneiipni', filno i:
1111O. veai S Y.
01117! 1ijea) eWerI i tVV' 9er, aigo, thei. cliV I. 01e Aiest~ en I ini
iolele s v-qti 1lc11iy1y1n -' caa M F. 1e1m10 : CC thel 1I
Cc-Cth Iowa IIs Fedelrltt1en.
SO 1. t was 1 ' cenelaahle achevieeiit for Captain lobsort aiid
Lile leader Of 1: 1)( 1 WIor-t oenineini ty C wheni they nett at
Wol. tanlgI sil a-' Pro-cty tlea I: latIed e rcinOla tirens of.'
tea ticeic.
Nor Is It: ; Icalole i CcillI: I: IatI New 7c-cparaiders caephunLtpa irL ila
arrival es was Hlip. cc-Ip wit Ii ccit Bliceuiteleiary but a
iieyotllated agreeeeeit for uwrl liiued settlemenet. Thati I: s a
very tel .1 eq indicator of thce maiahrl. ty of tise S hO ionii. if
mnslir. 1 les -otlt iwaTapiinqq of, adyorespcI: for, yoeeie
historical 11nd cee1VJ. e era d. ivers Ct y, aled itI expleqses thIe,
ftindameenta: respect beltweeii, mied eqiel. 1. I Iy of, cei
New 7. eilaii e-rs.
So this is anl hepoe: Lalt eJccfsioie and il iIsitig yfli well. J
ai ot exp essiliq empty, formal. platitLudes but; passitiq onk
the geniil led heartIfelI. t sen tii. menit: s of yoelr fri P11( 1p5
-qos tile ' JI-small.
11 i2:?

Wi I b( d a Itsc with1 ~ offryPaJtit I-hep Italngi b Ie ways
. Iii which Allsf I r In t; 1Ih ' ii; efffct: t~ o those good
wij shr-!' 01ll . J1 ' 01f fr'ltvimrtl trl snytynq Ilore about i'tI after
l'hosc! La] ks
ly ally ' t Latdor0 114 mlir ' tta have een a big. yeat. if) thi s
pnrt of the wot d. I am toild that: .1.8340 was the year in which
the First Ithoro -qtbrecl hot: rvs was imtpor ted Jfn o New Zea land.
Thie consejiteiice of ttiJ. a Cor New Ze. 10td a balance of
paoymmuemts are f-A r I y eloclimeon t: d tnt for tumte]. y ' 3l:
Atist. ralf nas rxp mttsnt. It toail m111y 413 yr'nrra ft-er that For
Ithe I i tat: flow 7 " Ia0t t-b~ red horrse, m--tI 1: t1) 1 C-I(-r Iy1 wIi. 11 I: tIl
I. 1t-L~ iot'Irne Cup.
I III tillay UPfle( 11' ( 1itO IT I jA eVeT i tt
Aiir~ t-Itc'r hi ghi. i' 1: of I 1141) trin Ilitid ' 1 i. n Pe'toin-of thet
4i 1r-; h Nr-' w ZnnloU 0l t't irlrn tIb.
I ' J-qts tmt " Ill.
Allyl-tbo twl',
tij.: tC 0A.' Iwrnt a Ia-a llot New 7, n I aii, h i
I ~ Il t( I l l'cl nd nrlt'r tot; f r mon 0 lua
A ~ Smf~' ttttlt:~ L It-~ I hat rellty il0f' I nisl Illp ft 1-Sitlsti1p! I
Ith] itnk tic' : rwl a I Ltn, VMACA vias ti. 1I 1; t 1Irn litiy
jtt' it) riotii a tit trt) II t( 1( 10-I ' a CF.-r f-vet F'PI Olin.
tpail' ] i 1:~ i i IIIt , iii
.1t tite case of I
a 0 t itiost-super!
Fiations a'o so
imtora] n IS tr; t i a mflr New 7, oo, I 01,11 a, mdi isc~~ s. m ' ii
110~ 15o tt~ tsnthei . tj it Itwo-Tw o117 two)
sSoO nI~ e" ep, rzo ro-Ios-' and allove a1.] s1
Ilaity famious New ' ealtmiders Ire itOLISPI) : ialmes in) Aimstin 1 Ia,. j
Sir Fdmttiid Ifillp y, JVa theritie Mantsfield, Richard 1ldi e,
Samt Neili., ' Spli1 im' are names as intirct retiowned ini
Atjstralin as ti' are here. John Claxrko iway iot he a
hioumseholdJ itaiie I it-his P90rOFgr pt. tDaaq certia II liy is.
Itt was a source
walks1( of li. 1fe til
itottoray coinpariJ
hionouirs list amut
Australia Day. ) f real. p air to Aiv trnal is fromt a]. l1
it D~ ame 1( r. i. te IKamawa was appoited anl
In of the Otrder of Australia ini our latest
immced on. iy a few dlays ago, on 26 Jamtilary, I Il

' I'll C' i d! ssicii I I i I I t' '' iiIii' 5 '' jjp r~ rn i I
so t siilrpi aSi i-i zayr
Vnssi nlay v'ot: f; ' t-I 1-11 oifft 1n101 t, Mi CIU o It mt avidt flci t't: 011J..
' tti t s tI1C) W, li0" al01 i) ret no0 1 c, J. 1% I i i ( Oil
Ye; Arn 1( 0 ( iit ill C'mOw n 1121. ft. 1t1i ' i nr] I aiy izI a
Ci .-jt3 Qi' ta'ti fti" 1-c-: 1, t-mnri p r t Iv1' 1 () 1) ii iit it in0s r
' if t1tii A sqt 7In fl tnaI I: i I roivt+ -i ii kI ti.. i Fe, v
1) a0 1It'r -tN. i I I t 1u I rs i tri i f r
IiPi fl I 1. rn slI -v y-ui , i II t'Ii -I ntr1ij0' ttni 1 tiy I lv'' r
fit l ttsss rif t1 illuiui i f Iiit riiIt . tI i, -s 1 t'
rcoiiserflinlil; nil, ni:. SiCtnIirp
' Ii'bansic I nru -s of'I ti's An., gt i-301 3tai ti1. tii. i
th-tia we are. t ts itsv r an -lily twoi i'tri Ci ' apif 1' s0. ' t'ti c iI
; iri'r; eiit4eil hy I ' lnnia i i I Ir'a"; i T qty, It r "( 1r0 niiin'l I , y
1: i1) liiioiOpiieiit. r fi'iir ( Jccica I. f5 j i iiaii' I 0
Invvestpil-) itt Calt ta I. e, iiii 1t: i..~)( ciFr i arld s-la
'! iii 1astlarm vii fory i-f J. 0in; I: I iles 1: 0 collic sn t ii i' t'
to-1Ia tonaJ. '( 11r fnai'd riot: Jic-? t a3 piilyt I isIi i ' i i~ ct~
Art sciium-tUargcs Asinif: annnir ed. tmii' pm ;)" t. runvti
tint I ' 2vp.-tAl ti I~ In , I I Iis Wi o 7a, i 1 tl Ic an sisins psI sI: a n it
Rut. 0 1. do p1r009 1 -1er Pt 0u1l0 firsistI V ti.' 1.. 1Q P ( Iso 3: au 1-tn-LerT
thtuq next cenlt' r7' tf' ' T'nnair wit. 11. ' nopitt 1110 '' sli ry1i t-, t
enporatCe a' aI mqitivg ( tiN 1 . ini. t of c' 01tiftca: tj t v .1 ' ttrt
eci.' iomic fort, in's of Aust. raJl pm-1 Ftms.' 7. nlrpin
Ap uo; xtr. cat,] y r itp11 tipr i'. iifi
Aipn: ral. Iax and tflow ' tEatJ . mit ;; nr 7Ooitt'a'' vy 5-i'l I i it'
pooirlatA on, ' I et-rP III tie IE( ns of (' tp1 1ill i-a
otiqlsatlon, .' prtir s-atyF t m11id0 ipinira ' pi -ItIS~.
Ervuope witllC'vlcii-i o exert oll lip. iivt'lppt Aiid ~ 5i~ i
pnt lease as Sil~ I: iit-nlewf ncolivdtic Coppo,: tirv1fi L JSI '-i fl
twatke of A. 992 iml a ( no, ti-thnpe, fatt( nitpc (-In-ps-i'i ii
viny1 ( m which tin. Fant flu; opealois tiv hLir-tpm of 1.1 i i u t o
of de~ spotism.
Rvvt we need 1 ' not ia fur-Hinter tpami tHeIan t-iAn tt 1-tint.
ouir economic vthtre I ins, togetiher Air theAni-( a tCc
reuion whose -oprtiperni peritnetet w. share thte teg t-hait
has emerged a the most clyiamic ec--ononric( rnq( J~ i o of thle
world. It is our res ' oisibiii ty, to ourselves and to tihe fu ture of
our two peopi. to ensuire that i-tie opportvini Ites pr7% eented
by that geogr iphliai. fact are ma)( lvvnsse.
4 82 1

In this sense, ho? real bilateral significance of 1988 lies
less iii the ti-a' R-Tnaii fiendshtip expressed during our
ISicentenary thA' in thni0 decision takren then by) our two
Covet rmnents to -r.. rate the CF. R Acireemenit.
And thle real hi. : iIterai significance of 1.990 lies less in tile
reipro-al eXpre qsjln of goodwill on the occasion of your
1.50th anniversaj v of thp. Treaty of Waitanigi than in thle fact
that on I July I ' tin yenr, as a result of that 1988 decision,
we will initiat, ful free trade of goods across tile Tasman.
FPr0i l ts tilep t -nt the CMF ' Fr ade Agro'nen t r oprpseited~ vr a
filtinaental1 chat ' Ie of approach it) our long-term bilateral
economic relatir itship. Trans-Tasmanj trade has growni at an
average annual -ite of J. 4 per cent since theit t~ o over
1A 4 billion in M989. Iiivestmentt has risen from about
$ A billion t) ov..-r SA 10 billion.
rn 39FIR-19 Atisti 0-lin wnp New zeal ani's 1--irocat: soturce of
imports, and thr se-cond -j argest marketl: for New Zealand
exports. Austrt-i. ia re~ mains far and away New Zealand's
largest market I ) r maufactured exports.
In the 1988 revi ~ w of CF. R, we decided to widen it to incluide
most services ft ) m January last year, as well as to bring
forward the achl wvement of fttl~ l free trade ini qoods from
1995, to I July T: his Year.
We are also remo ' ing thle red tape that hinders our economic
development. We are htarmonising business law, customs
policies and pro : edures, and quarantine administration, and
we concluded a n' ' morandum of understanding on technicnl.
barriers to trod,.
We have conitie' oux selves to discussing the scope for at
investment agree tent. Australia will do what it can to
facilitate furth ' r trans-Tasman investment, consistent with
our international treaty obligations.
New Zealand now ' as membership of the Australian National
Preference Agree-tent. This gives New Zealand bidders equal
access with Aust alian bidders to nearly $ A 15 billion of
Federal and Stat' Government purchasing.
All those initia ives indicate the determination at
Government level on both sides of the Tasman for CF. R to
succeed. That e-thusiasm is shared, I believe, by business
leaders anid the 1roader business community who have realised
thle dramatic way in which opportunities have been opened up
and who are in f ct pushing for us to do more and to do it
more quickly.
Operating in a mf re sharply competitive environment is not
necessarily a ma' a comfortable way to do business but I~ t . s
without doubt a iore produictive and, uIttimately, a more
satisfactory one * 1'

AVt-hn ml( Il of J990( 0o iofpq nm ton uI-view t: Jli'
t(" i ara. ' tlifq r-oliIv tiputin to Ill, ( i11oJ(( II
i~ tlt: t~ aA~, aJ rde f r i hIt, t~ yplc: a. t if. the imtialIa
N~': ama mr. rl oimir ' r71-I h ' ii pytc1 I'F hi
: ili vI citi I iojit II I hr1) fi oo I rarlo-Ii) mvn'dr
'' liii' f, IlatI ,-niva I of h t rs-t aII 1i1i) i(. 1iIrit ' r
rIhW zoalalilr wII of fu S" t' II I luI: rltouriiuI uIlj~
I t 5lsoi. l ( i lit-) I bsp Seea~ 1)-11 " i fr itse-1f.
IA: n-, ril' Irt a sadc yel ' prttJoni 01 us all1 if wr! rsaw thte.
rlrvnIn psni of .3 rlim Ias msTsIna imacrket: of 20 il. I iil
to she fi ital rIjo-11il of thp f-ril p~ ocss WI. call
i'iu1clibtt" thanl thl
i: n. cj1 I al ; mid war. Id -R I Z' tha t: We' C, 111 IStr ( o) 1u1 r f I) Itill
I( JI i o'Vriiomti st ti I i tj lp ti itJol ii n a r of.
I r al m id woT 10 IIIm tIn I F;
We l'' iii Tarcujie Lha I: Ai -v an d rlow zn-0I d woy-I hr t* rxjfn. t: lQio
1. il'li vsI I, 1--1 VtT: 1acn Ir Ft IOimr
AslIa-Vai f r.: cru'ioi IJ . Ii' Ailsi~ tr-a iut 111( ri it ' 11-1. inriI
for thel fi iat ti mp t: u i dI.' fr'ima w-ayn ofC 0. i-' iliuii tu~ ilhl,-um
oceuotti c rnwthi tinlI iw rha ric t: 9r-I sen t-ia Ij aciiYp'
Rlapid girrowth-A atiri a trt'Ini cliain1u Iii ths-' A. I Pa II
1 ngltopi haus been acro" l naiiiod 1. ly iti'! rnsi nq e Irt
J i~ ycoeiec. Sty. nwe v ruI u lIis lisvo-hi-iou fnit 1111
thAromcigi e mii t-myi I sn, ainid Ii raiIt~ otii-
I ows.
It, Is. 1.11hothl or olur irIL( T7iS that thiS riofe s mot
lyntiani--amid Imnr0. aa. % q reo( fu I1ntroprroilonriii iit
it: calli Provide ml gni camit oppos timr1ties for baoth olT.
economies to buml d up ' It Ole Aicosdefflici ericy we0 fnviac-
hJi ovped thlrougith CEll -nd ouly. p ogaims o-f ml 7i( lnjliritIC
yes ~ t-ruc~ tur Iz g arid t. -rt umtc a te t JItioi lii nin a: t% l
prodcitivp: 1y tradp, Inv -s ~ tit and( 0171161-17 It iiiS.

:' l-opc-rnhl oii ad
c(' lilp'e t~ e as v~ s n w blnr pt r. pool' 1: 1in nia~~ ~ nir. J 14ponri Ic
lfq aro f7( 1 ItheI wilor i. rcin nd t~ he world.
Ile al so ha~ a arell , iferest anld It t an Fl. utel y
v : 1 11 Ierv'ot Intirwrirti: iqn cll1 0 lrrgt'nIn oppen
11u. 1 ti Ia tera~ I. trn li Inq systlt, gi ' seft tht-31; thl s has bpe. one of
the kepy fuctindlati ' nos o-f: prowlih tnot uni y it) the Asin-Paci fic
lrni o hitm i ej 1 ry Tur7. ke I: a round the world I1n wh ichi we
( pt t. Throulgh 1: hnP Cal ma roup of far ttllng tiat:. i una,
we! have heeli pilt I I vir mon iths whev~ o ouir moiia-y -s in
a posi . Uvt 01.1cc ir? 11ti 1ur1gUAV Rfo,. nd~ Of world trAde
Ii) tPWays, C*
I Ihe cCir is ( 1ouj' I? A'a IaIf-i c~ 101to-wuo0 r rt t: t,
1-,: aj 11u i tow pto. 1 .1
11iii: til~ rcl Isr I. 1) hroledr qfil) I III
lI, Stil. 1 I 0 l I( o i ll)
woa T t r jac1ln cj
t. radeo Itetisi. our3 t*
stich a p,-rofouiid flit~ lc nIIaS( J) i 1( 1) OFImIlh J1: 1 " son
r'c,-4a1 1I 1iat. the? adrvaW: Iaq,-of ' oa~
9a are c. 1 1-0 1. u5, we CallI t ( 1ver ~ oah 1he
atL d30 " lIft . tehr and t-hat" are poal. nuL
h renlT 1: t( j IloqJloib tradi-ng rnq 11119 WilJ d-il
l~ ~ Iir l1( lfl C ~ p l l rIl-y itlc7 e v. I d Plar1
tile coinmnllseri, : l aF0 g we aqr ( ii ' splaly 1114All
it-aliagi 11 our owti ? 0coiilnl ro'l. itlonshI p Is 0111 y a l1Ci00l for
a wi Ior vorl-. d au' ld Ry opnbi p pQor. -11 .1 byv
orcaL. LgTrust:, I Yr rEnMOv. rlgbrres by adop ting1(
1-3 eo( CI .1ty gs 0I " 1 w Itchwi d, bly c~ i1( i
mm trO~ t-cJ~ lar~ ly ose! benlefIcIaci. erollonli-: eJ atI onlshi p
tlu-of1 i: Jim Cdilism', lp,) r'. 1 ci pr' 11 illthI -iI workI % li! areP 01) 1WW1( 4
Ill,-.; ay forwardn 1 IwJruid .
Ill tlii yar oi( 1 11'~~ sr Int we-e* lIIs f b0iy 1. frLgto
0110 fIlrl ler, and ; evv m. igiJli-fi~ canl event: wbon'e airdi1versary we
,: eebrteJ. 11 .1.99(
FIY at I1 our prid' . Ti1 thle .1 ceitteilary anld the ' Treaty of
Wal tall( 4, some p( lpl. e arguf that neither New Zealtand nor
A.. s~ ra~ a ittaiInf I fiti J. 1le perndeInco at l~ east In the Payesq
of iliti worl. d) and, ; iertapq, eVenl 1. F1 Our OWliCIIC OITIS
.131vnty five yeay a fter the-Treaty of Waittingl, and
753 yFeaiis ago), Aufr rmallJn and New % PaJlatid qolfdi-rs forgadl l.-iRl
imilllot I egfrid IAtfIZAC On the IioillljIItaim 510rom of
( Ga I ipo 1.1 1

S,, rv ll ofC 1.11; c(.' 1irthl ii nrn niow fit li-I' 00~) s, ami. 1
Aijilvpers3r. o,' f Aiiza(' tIny I qn~ 3 I y Imit inIiij' 01y
tle ; J -j rnlii~ mi vnurz~ ary a~ t: whi. rh wp nxpict toc
eoluJ L: rim cnhipli of tiiiliy oif them. Some-: 9i1 r vi ' or wi 11. b
iet miiii ui to Gal I. J1p4 0 ii ' z Ati7z3c Day Vo jo1 i l i i theijr
nl. i t comriatief ' l iii 1: 11i ' Ilirni cleI erri -whi 1.1 p Coos it) a
spcila onpinieiini it i ( 11ji * Jot Ariz, 7. Cove.
I ,111 1 looling fo) ' 11 par t:. i ; nJT( it fltl thia I: vc, ao d I
bcklieve it-will. f: e ai Occasioni to emrl iolh: jtust thAe
bravev. y aiiij the Cieof the ANZACS linemsio Jvps hill; a h. o,
.1ii a Ji rger wny, tno r~ couil . s ; 390J. t) t~ heiJr rolte, Ihtnniy
-s tint~ tor) hi'ld s. t
1.0( 11 s arid getit.) mni
Rb tli otlir lue h: 1ont
wi~ th two greatt
alld rrnhiewq our I
self-geuiera t~ ng
possible founclat -Irz' rrim-iI ~ x of AwIim h,. I11. i, I: More
, I Cr idjrn ihor 1ei e 111 yoi r
iaclhi-vmeiit-.-of theR pARI 1.5f) years;.
are bi i-iserl withi grfeat: resourcos, iioh: I east
' OpJ es. Th'le C. Onsta3, tt: people-to-peoplehit
1 nd fNnw ZePa aiin cease 1 esa Iy roinleti] hies
' hi~ o iihi nc iq If: W: a tCiIn~ leP
'(' hli a provides Its W1. t. h1 the f ruls
on for mt eveni bette. r and rIglhe, i
' 18 8