PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00007874.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

mmI~ lxrl ow = ml 00muez.~ a muaaatm k, mmbrim. n
J& MVtRY 1990
8 G0 I a11qO1aY
JOU& NALISTi Prie ) inister, what's the situation on
Bougainv lle and what steps is the Government taking?
PIIt Well the situation is obviously tens. there. We
haven't waited for these latest dvelojsmnts. I insisted
some several weaks ago that we should ha-e discussions with
the Government of Papua Ne Guinea so that in the event it's
judged neceesary to mount an operation to proteot and rescue
astralimn oltieara, we vould nave the prior understanding
of the Goverment of Papua Wv Guinea that we'd do that. so
those arranqexents have been made and we are in a situation
where it the Judgement is vade that it's necessary to nova
to provide that protection and evacuation it can be done.
So obviously our people are constantly monitoring the
JO EIALIS? Are there any moves to get Harcules airrat up
there? KIN All I can say is that ye won't go into details about
wht arrangeent, will be adse, Our Defence forces have
been orderd to be in a position to do whatever is judged
necsary to protect Australian lives.
JOUR2IASTt Are you angry by yesterday's murder?
PWt You must alvays be arxy when an innocent person is
killed. JOURNALIST: Mr HakL, will the ACTU be getting their
dand. e for a 71 vaq increase?

PN: It doesn't operate in tors of the ACTV sakiri demanda
and their demands being acceded to. What happens * Fan
hAS happned nofor the beat part of7 * are -is thatvwe
hay. a cons~ gtativo approach where we ta not onl y with the
A M! but with employers as well, they put their point of
view as to what is a basis for a reasonable and Ordited
agg,; tenational wages outcome. They'll be puii-that
cilf to uS, We'll Consider it. We wili come to A
Iibn which will enable the coutry to know for the next
12 zoatho what the wages outcome vill be. That is a
capacity that ws have an a Government which no alternative
poliicalgrouping has.
JOVMMLISTi Could the economy sustain wag" s tied to Cdl
increases? M~ Now we've sade it quite clear that we're not going to
bul the cocpt of automtic vages indexation To have the
objecive of maintaining real wages is a
aspiration anid we will be talking with teraeunion
UQ~ met and with employers about the ways in which their
legitimate aspirations can be met. What in ipozrtant in
running the Australian econczy is that you do have control
of wa so that you are able to say whbat the wages outcome
is Qozz to be for the ensuing period. We Ive been able to
do that aom for the last 7 yeaws and that** vtat's been a
Critically Important factor in the creation of the 1.* 6
million mew lobe. It you can't run wages as we cazi run
vau then you ean't run the economy and that to the
tundmsintal difference betwuen the Govrnnt and the
Opposition,, who of course would have* onsather in the
a of wages and ropAt the wages explosicm of 81/ 82 which
1hr~ igt tiscountry to its worst recession in so years.
J~ eNALs? Will the forthcoming election pmt you at a
disdvtge o you think in negotiating with the AM~ in
the frho in Woge talks?
in: not at all.
JOURIWST: I& Restinq in the Financial Review this morning
suwested a $ 6 to $ 7 a week tax reduction for the ACTU.
PK: To say he sugg~ ested it, he said that the question of a
tax cut would be on the table and the question of wage
increases, tax cutes, superannuation all ths elements will1
be an the table and the decisions viii. be taken which will
be in the best interests of the Australian economy, as we've
done before.
JOUNIST: Can the average worker expect their wages to be
maintained or would they be looking at ervoian of their

FM The vorker can look to a position whre the objeotive
of maintaining a gradual i. m. rov-nt of standards, not only
ta. kough the wage packet but through the social waqe and
isuss 1iXe superannuation, vi I be achieved.
JOGRI8USTs Priea Kinister, x, rating also said that ha
favourod May to an election date. Any caeflt on that?
wi: You saw my comme yesterday. 2 said it's a fair
chance of being right. You ought to go off and lay your
bets, I man as much as I love Brisbane ar Quenwland I'm
not going to announce the date.
JOURNtaST: The Gos oovernment has today aniwuncud the
mortgage relief scheme. is that a show of no confidence in
your M
JOURMAUlST: No Of course it isn't. With ract it's a
nth" strazgquestion. You krQV that that was a
th cmitm tat was uds during the election W4igan4
the camitsntx that UQr Goss makes ar comi% t
Goae will keep.