PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00007779.pdf 4 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

1, A U SRAMI,,
JOURNALIST: Mr Malcolm Fraser went through last night
on his way to Kuala Lumpur exuding confidence about
winning the election for Secretary General. Is he
being a bit too optimistic
PM: No, I believe that, as I've said, that Mr Fraser
is slightly in front. I thought that before I came.
The discussions that I've been able to have since I've
been here have confirmed that impression.
JOURNALIST: Do you think the vote will wait for the
Langkawi retreat, or do you think that
PM: That's a matter that needs to be discussed when we
get there. Expressing my own view, let me say I think
it would be better from the Commonwealth's point of
view and I'm not just saying in terms of our
interests but I think it would be better from the
Commonwealth's point of view if the matter were decided
from the outset, because otherwise it seems to me that
it would just permeate the conference right through;
there'd be lobbying going on and I think even the
contributions of some people on particular issues may
be coloured by their perceptions of how it may affect
the vote and so on. I wouldn't think anyone's
interests are served by delaying it.
JOURNALIST: Is your feeling that as a whole the
African countries would show a general leaning towards
General Anyaoku?
PM: You would assume that, if you look at it in
regional terms, there would be a tendency for the
Africans to want an African, and that's understandable
I believe,. generally speaking. But the facts are that
there isn't a solid block of African support for the
Chief, and we know that we have some African support.
I think that has two elements of significance. First,

( PM Cont) just in a straight numbers sense, that there
are some votes in Africa. Secondly, I think that that
fact of itself will have an influence on some others.
There would be some I believe who would take the view
that if there was a total African consensus, that that
is something that would have to be taken into account,
but the fact that some Africans would be supporting Mr
Fraser would make them feel that they are free to cast
their vote for the one they think in all the
circumstances is the better candidate, that is Mr
Fraser. JOURNALIST: Do you believe a secret ballot would in
fact help those Africans who want to support him, to
vote for Mr Fraser
PM: Let me make this point; I think there is
absolutely no question that it must be a secret ballot.
I think any alternative is absolutely unacceptable
because in the end it is only in a secret ballot that
people can be absolutely confident in expressing the
real view that they hold. Secondly, that we all want
and if this sounds something of a paradox I know but
in the end we want something which, if not being a full
consensus, is close to a consensus in that if there is
a secret ballot and one or the other wins, then we all
want to be able to say, " Well that's it, and we are all
behind the outcome". I've made it quite clear, and I
repeat from Australia's point of view, that if there's
a ballot and the chief wins then he has Australia's
unqualified support, and we will say so and we will
mean it. Now it's much easier for every Head of
Government to take that position after a secret ballot.
It's somewhat more difficult if you've actually got a
show of hands, and that person shows his hand up for
the other bloke, and that person had his hand up for
the person who wins, it's much more difficult in those
circumstances for you know, the reality of a consensus
position to be taken.
JOUNRALIST: As to financial sanctions against South
Africa, do you believe the British will support you in
PM: I haven't had the opportunity yet of talking to
Margaret Thatcher, and I'll obviously be talking to her
up there before the matter comes on. I just want to
repeat the broad position. I think it would be
churlish not to recognise that some change has occurred
with the new President. It just would be churlish not
to recognise that fact. But on the other hand the
fundamentals have not changed, and what I would hope we
could do would be to recognise that the changes that
have occurred which ought to be recognised, have not

( PM Cont) emerged by accident. In my judgement, they
have emerged because there has been pressure, pressure
from the Commonwealth basically but from others as
well. I think what the Commonwealth has to do is to
try and convey to the regime in South Africa that what
has happened is but a beginning and that there has to
be a commitment to fundamental change to the move
towards a democratic, non-racial South Africa. That's
the objective, that's what has to be achieved, and our
very grave responsibility as a meeting of Commonwealth
Heads of Government is to take account of all the facts
and to so formulate our decisions that we maximise the
earliest possibility of a move towards such a
democratic, non-racial South Africa.
JOURNALIST: Has your suggestion of an early resolution
of the Secretary General's issue, has that fallen on
fertile ground with the talks you've had in
PM: Of the people to whom I've spoken the logic of
that has recommended itself.
JOURNALIST: Well, if that takes place Mr Hawke, when
would you expect the ballot to go ahead?
PM: Well, I don't wish to pre-empt what the decision
will be. What I'm doing in response to your proper
questions is indicate what the most logical'position
is. Neither Chief Anyaoku or Malcolm Fraser are
advantaged or disadvantaged it seems to me by having
the decision taken at the outset by a secret ballot.
The Commonwealth on the other side is advantaged by
being able then to go ahead and consider all its other
important items without this matter overhanging. I
just hope that the logic of that would would recommend
itself to my colleagues. But I want to listen to what
they have to say, if there is some argument that they
may have that hasn't occurred to me against that, well
I'll be open to hearing that argument.
JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, if I could change the tack
slightly. Are you concerned of John Kerin's criticism
of the Kakadu decision?
PM: London Convention, comrade. London Convention,
JOURNALIST: London Convention if I asked you if you
have a'comment on Dr Hewson's attack on the press for
the coverage of the tax policy.
PM: I hope I won't sound sexist in this, but I find
your attempt to break the London Convention somewhat
more appealing and compelling than old Peter Harvey up

( PM Cont) the background, but I am non-sexist, I
haven't got one rule for an ugly old fellow and another
one for a beautiful young lady. The London Convention
still applies.
JOURNALIST: How did your talks go this morning, Mr
Hawke PM: The talks I've had now I've been here less than
twenty four hours they've been very, very productive.
I've found them very useful.
JOURNALIST: How much attention will this Cole
Ovenden Report get here, at CHOGM?
PM: It will obviously get a very considerable degree
of report, it deserves to because it is the product of
a very great deal of hard, intelligent work and it's
recommended itself to a wide range of people and it
will obviously receive a great deal of attention.
JOURNALIST: much support for the Antarctic
initiative at the CHOGM meeting?
PM: Well, it's not of itself going to be a major
issue. The environment in general will be, and
obviously within our consideration the environment,
we'll make a reference to that, but it won't as I say
of itself be a major issue I think. Thank you.
JOURNALIST: Thank you Sir.