JOURNALIST: Is your Job made more difficult at the moment
with a senior Minister uayjflg that the Labor Party hasn't
got more than a 50/ 50 chance of getting back in?
PM: No, not at all. Next question.
JOURNALIST: ( inaudible)
PM: I've expressed It. Haven't you caught up with today's
news. r have expressed my disagreement, yes. We're
going to win. And if you can get onto even money it's
the best even money bet in Australia.
JOURNALIST: Mr Button also says that
PH: Senator Button.
JOURNALIST: that you have a big ego. Do you have a
big ego?
PH: He didn't say that at all. Show me the transcript.
I've read the transcript, have you?
JOURNALIST; He says you've got a big ego.
PM: Get me the transcript. C'mton, show the lady. Get
me the transcript. Now, don't manufacture things. Do
you want to see it? Just have a look at it. There you
are. Next question.
J'OURNALIST: feeling in the Party that something should
be done about interest rates early. Obviously that warn
not part of yotw agenda. Do you think that there's a
nd to change the plan?
PH: I've made it quite clear that it's open for people
to make their suggestions. That's the sort of democratic
country we have, the democratic party we've got. Now
we'll1 be starting on Monday in the detai 1 ad processes
of Budget formulation. We'll make the decisions am we
have over-the last six years in the best interests of
this country. Policies which have vroduced one and a
half million new jobs, which have brought inflation down
fro eleven per cent to seven per cent, which have produced
universal medical coverage for Australians. which have
seen levels of social welfare payments, targetted welfare
payments the like of which have never been seon before.
We've created a more efficient and more Just society.
We'll continue to make the decisions that will keep that
going. JOURNALIST: Have your backbenchers lost their nerve?
PM': It may be said that some of then are getting a little
nervous. Look at this bloke ( George Gear), he hasn't.
never has.
JOURNALIST: In the business Review Weekly Mr K~ eating
said that he has not been getting the recognition he deserves
and that if he was in another country he might get a medal
or some sort for what he's done for the economy. Do you
think that's a very good thing to say
PM': I think he might have had his tongue in his cheek
when he said it.
JOURNALIST: l On Bastille Day do you have a message for
the Frenoh?
PM: Yes. The French are our good friends now and we
have had recently the opportunity of talking together.
I've met with President Mitterand, Prime Minister Rocard.
and Foreign Minister Dumas and we are on the same wavelength.
I say to them now on Bastille Day, congratulations on
what they have given to the world. our history of
Australia au the country in the period of European settlement
is almost identical in time with the period of the French
Revolution. Much of the concepts that were developed
in that period, concepts of equality, liberty, fraternity,
are principles which have been important in the development
of Australia as a great democracy. They wera very, very
generous the French in 1988 In participating in the Australian
Bicentennary. Very, very generous indeed. We have made
some contributions to their year. I wish them well.