PM Transcripts

Transcripts from the Prime Ministers of Australia

Hawke, Robert

Period of Service: 11/03/1983 - 20/12/1991
Release Date:
Release Type:
Press Conference
Transcript ID:
00007543.pdf 3 Page(s)
Released by:
  • Hawke, Robert James Lee

23 MARCH 1989
JOURNALIST: Mr Hawke, what do you think of the allegations
by people like Sandra Nor that you're just a little bit
too closely involved with Sir Peter Abeles and that's influenced
Your decision on the airport?
PM: Just let me suggest you be very careful about that
because I've spoken to my solicitors this morning and a
writ will be issued against the Sydney Morning Herald.
It's completely false, totally defamatory and will be proceeded
against. JOURNALIST: Will you be taking any action against Sandra
Norio. PM: I've told you, I've instructed my solicitors to issue
proceedings against the Sydney Morning Herald.
JOURNALIST: What's Gary Punch's future?
PM: I've spoken to Gary and he has as a matter of fact
conveyed to me that he thinks that it is appropriate that
he should have a change of ministry. I can understand that
so I'll just consider that. I think what he says is understandable
and I'll consider what change is appropriate.
JOURNALIST: What other portfolio
PM: I'm not discussing that now. I said I've received from
him an indication that held like a change. I'm not going
to discuss here on the media Just what's in my mind about
that. I'll deal with it quite quickly and when I've made
my decision I'll announce it.
JOURNALIST: What sort of solidarity do you expect from
the Cabinet in terms of numbers and gathering numbers for
Caucus meetings-
PM: The Cabinet principle is quite simple. Everyone in
Cabinet is bound by the decisions.

JOURNALIST: Would Senator Richardson be able to gather.
numbers on that issue in Caucus?
PM: I don't think he'll be doing that. He'll be supporting
the Cabinet decision.
JOURNALIST: Will the backbench revolt have any chance of
getting ahead?
PM: It's your phrase ' revolt', I don't accept the accuracy
of the phrase. Obviously some people are not happy with
the decision, they'll raise it in Caucus. But the Cabinet
decision will be upheld.
JOUR~ NALIST: Mr Howard is talking about a July election.
PM: Thank you for raising that. Let's just deal with this
fellow Howard. He's been caught, as I say, with his political
and fiscal pants around his ankles. He promised at the
beginning of 1988 that he would have his tax policies ready
by when August of 1988. They're not out yet, six months
later. I've promised right through last year, beginning
of this year, I said we will be making an announoeme t about
tax cuts to operate from July 1989. I've been s inF , rom
last year. We've gone ahead on the basis that we ye got
policies in place, we'll deliver what we promised. He hasn't
got a policy. He promised the people of Australia he'd
have it by August of ' 88. hmrn't got it. In the absence
of a policy what's he got to do? As we're delivering on
time as promised, he's got to say, ' oh, it's an election'.
He's wrong, he's got no policies, he's got no basis of Policy
to have any answer to the Government's position so he calls
early election. I'm very good at numbers, I'm very good
at counting, but I'm not that good that I can keep count
of the number of lies and mis-statements that Mr Howard
keeps pushing out to the Australian people. There will
be no July election. All this reveals is the stark contrast
of the Australian political scene. A Government which steadfastly
through 1988 has promised tax cuts from July 1989, a Government
which will be delivering honest promises. Against that
an Opposition leader who promised from early ' 88 the delivery
to the Australian public of his tax policies by August of
' 88 non delivery. That is delivery by the Government,
non delivery by Howard, result Howard calling..,
He's wrong.
JOURNALIST: When you stop all the guesswork then and come
out with a date? 0%
PM: Let me be charitable you're playing games aren't
you saying we'll come out with a date, that I'll annotince
a date in March of 1989 as to the next election. Don't
let's play games. I've been saying all the way along consistently
that the period for an election will be roughly from W* e..
end of this year to the middle of 1990. I've been saying

that consistently, I'm saying I'm not in an election mode,
I don't see that we're preparing for an election in 1989.
It's possible at the end of the year, more lik~ ely into next
year. Now no Prime Minister in those circumstances has
ever announced an election date, you know that, it's a good
funny question.
JOURNALIST: So definitely no July election?
PM: I have said that, I repeat it. No July election. Mr
Howard as usual is wrong and he's wrong not Just because
he's silly which he is but he's wrong for much more
fundamental reasons, which I've said. He's been revealed
as unable to develop a policy, unable to . deliver on his
unequivocal promise made at the beginninq-o f 1988 that he'd
hve his tax policies ready and . revealed'by August of 1988.
oa~ n the other'khand'consistently have said through last
year. tax cuts on the basis of our policies from July ' 89.
That will be delivered.
JOURNALIST: Mr Carr's comments that migrants might have
to out of Sydney in the future because of the population
pressures there and things lik~ e the problems of-
PM: The only thing I have to say about that is that in
the latest review that we made at the end of last year of
our migration policy, we have given additional points under
the point system to those who are nominated for areas ou+
of the major cites, and particularly out of Sydney. So
those who are being nominated to go to other areas will
have a greater chance of getting in under the point system.